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Daily Events

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#81 GoateeFire


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 03:02

This is really nice,but keep a level band like in PvP Ladder so there can be a fairer competition and the events must be of moderate difficulty :) 

#82 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 03:13

About the GvG thing.

Would it be 'X Combat Victories' or 'X Conflict Victories'?

X Conflict Wins would be a problem to syncronize, because the Conflicts itself can last for 24 hours, I would preffer X Combat Wins.

I like everything else :)

#83 fosemin


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 03:57

I like this idea a lot but the only thing I want to see is for it to be fair so the lower levels can make it to the leaderboard and gain a price.

#84 Wattts


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 03:59

Absolutely love the idea :D

#85 RebornJedi



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 04:33

Just got back from work and off to sleep but digging what i have seen at first glance.. will come back to help brainstorm on the 'morrow!

The potential of hoofs idea is fantastic.. a leaderboard is such a great feature for it and a glimpse at the next days event is a perfect way to keep players tuned in! Daily events is highly needed and will add so much more to the game! Plus it lays the foundation to other great events , like the random Upgrade/Composing specials (stamina gain bonus hours?!)

Gonna toss a link to a similar idea that had some pages of thoughts from others.. hope they help build some ideas for this one - https://forums.hunte...om-event-ideas/


#86 KitiaraLi



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 05:08

I like the idea, a lot actually. And I do like seeing you here again, Hoof!


My main concern is the reward.

I am not sure there should be tossed more FSP into the game, when there is so many other ways to reward players; it could be auto upgrades (+100 max stam, +1 BP slot, +1 bank deposit etc etc) - it could be from the existing rewards elsewhere (ie PvP tokens, Arena tokens) - it could be simply in the shape of new medals - it could be (as Mary suggested) via guild rewards in the shape of max stam for a limited time, + stam gain for a limited time, buff packs for a limited time, the option to upgrade a structure beyond the limits etc ... many possibilities.

I get you'd like to make it simple, hence the FSP rewards... but I am not sure it would be the best for the game.


And for those who complain about the rewards being not usable, due to lets say already maxed out structures, maxed bp slots, something similar; You are free to not take part in whatever event, that gives whatever reward you do not want.

No one can deny that we changed this game and influenced it in such a way that NO ONE could compete with us.. so much so that they changed the rules. ~Abhorrence, chosen founder of Cerulean Sins

#87 olescruffy



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 05:36

please no GvG.  there's enough farming with it already.


too many new players get upset and leave. 


perhaps if we do have GvG, then allow a guild to only be attacked by one other guild at a time.  this way guilds would look for others that might fight back instead of an easy mark!!!

#88 rowbeth



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 06:23

On the "fair for all" theme, since HCS are talking about dailies, there are lots of chances to add variations.


So, some could be normalised by max stam (spend 1% of your stamina killing rats) some could be independent of max stam (kill 100 rats) and some could favour max stam (kill the most rats in the day).


One could do similar tricks with stamina gain so that some events favour those with large stamina gain while other events favour those with small stamina gains.

#89 EpicPiety



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 06:32

As long as this puts more fsps into circulation i don't care what happens.

#90 Morgwyn



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 07:01

I think you need to change the concept. Remove the competition element from dailies. Just give the community individual tasks that give a reward to all that complete it. 

Otherwise you will see that the dailies will be dominated by medal hunters, large stam banks and EOC players and then you are missing the whole point of dailies, which in my opinion is to increase general activity and give more meaning/purpose/activity to this game.


Encourage and reward activity in general is far better than another ingame competition that will be dominated by a few.



Also instead of rewarding fsp, you could also reward loyalty tokens, just make sure more useful things/upgrades/potions can be bought with them. In  a way it makes more sense, as I think loyalty and dailies have a connection. It also prevents messing up the fsp flow in the game to much.

Edited by Morgwyn, 07 July 2016 - 07:07.

#91 Morgwyn



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 07:15

There would be some cooldown to ensure the next event ends at a different time (likely an hour or two later than the previous one) :)


Sorry hoof, but you are making this far more complicated than dailies really have to be.

Please think of a good system to implement, instead of implementing 1 idea, and then implement lots more ideas to control/counter effect it.


Dailies should be for all IMO, to increase general activity and give players a reason to login every day. It won't change much with the current idea.


Keep it simple, dailies for all, and rewards (as in loyalty tokens) for all that complete them. That should be the whole concept.

#92 Belaric



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 08:07

So we've been thinking of what would be a good new feature for the game with the following aims / aspects to it:



Accessible to all player levels.

Interesting (i.e. something always happening in the game)



With that in mind, we came up with the idea of Daily Events. The idea behind this would be an event that runs in the game every day with a leaderboard and rewards. It would be possible to see the current leaderboard and also the following days upcoming event. The starting time for the events would slowly shift around by an hour or so each day to ensure that all timezones got an opportunity to be online towards the end of the events.


So what would these events actually be?


Each event would run for 24 hours and be for either players or guilds. Each event would be along the lines of the following:


Kill the most of a certain creature class (Vermin, Demon etc.)

Kill the most of a certain creature type (Champion, Elite etc.)

Cast the most buffs on other players.

Invent the most items.

Most PvP victories.

Most Guild Conflict victories.

Most items found on creatures (by type / rarity)



What would the rewards be?


We think there are actually already enough currencies in the game and due to making the events available to all player levels items wouldn't be an ideal reward. Therefore we're thinking of making the rewards for the events Fallen Sword Points. These would be tiered so that more than just the top player / guild in the event gets something. We're thinking along the following lines:


1st: 'a' FSPs

2nd to 10th: 'b' FSPs

11th to 25th: 'c' FSPs

26th to 50th: 'd' FSPs

51st to 100th: 'e' FSPs

(Where a is the most and e is the least - going to leave actual numbers out of it for the moment)


There would also be events that have increased rewards (for example some weekends). For player based events, the players would receive the FSPs, for guild based events (which would be a combined score for players contributing to the events within the same guild) the FSPs would be added to the guild so they could be used for guild upgrades. The final numbers may vary but hopefully this gives the idea of it :)


Thoughts? :D




Is this a squirrel?


There was a discussion about how to implement the PvP seasons as a Global.


You, Hoof, said you had some ideas about that.


You, Hoof, locked the thread about it.


This post has sod all (nothing) to do with that.


There is no new PvP global idea here.


I'm not saying daily events are bad.


I'm just saying they have nothing really to do with creating a PvP Global.


Do I tip my hat to you for the cunning misdirect?

Edited by Belaric, 07 July 2016 - 08:15.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#93 Blenny


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 09:56

I think you need to change the concept. Remove the competition element from dailies. Just give the community individual tasks that give a reward to all that complete it. 

Otherwise you will see that the dailies will be dominated by medal hunters, large stam banks and EOC players and then you are missing the whole point of dailies, which in my opinion is to increase general activity and give more meaning/purpose/activity to this game.


Encourage and reward activity in general is far better than another ingame competition that will be dominated by a few.



Also instead of rewarding fsp, you could also reward loyalty tokens, just make sure more useful things/upgrades/potions can be bought with them. In  a way it makes more sense, as I think loyalty and dailies have a connection. It also prevents messing up the fsp flow in the game to much.

I actually agree with this player I feel the simpler the better don't overthink it. Just make the "daily activities" kind of like how those random 24 hour discounts occur except DON'T make it competitive (since it'll just cause more drama). Make it random like "get x amount of kills on x particular creature" then when someone completes it they get an x amount of reward tokens (maybe like a loyalty 2.0 that contains new potions). Of course that's just my two cents  :P

#94 Mister Doom

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Posted 07 July 2016 - 10:46

I think you need to change the concept. Remove the competition element from dailies. Just give the community individual tasks that give a reward to all that complete it. 

Otherwise you will see that the dailies will be dominated by medal hunters, large stam banks and EOC players and then you are missing the whole point of dailies, which in my opinion is to increase general activity and give more meaning/purpose/activity to this game.


Encourage and reward activity in general is far better than another ingame competition that will be dominated by a few.



Also instead of rewarding fsp, you could also reward loyalty tokens, just make sure more useful things/upgrades/potions can be bought with them. In  a way it makes more sense, as I think loyalty and dailies have a connection. It also prevents messing up the fsp flow in the game to much.


I wholeheartedly agree with the non-competitive idea of Morgywn. One of the biggest 'turn-offs' in this game is when you want to try something but you know with 95% certainty that someone else is going to win/beat you to it. In this situation a lot of people don't even bother. (take the arena and titans for example) He's right, just make them individual and you'll have a possible winner for increasing activity.

Edited by Mister Doom, 07 July 2016 - 10:48.


#95 Pardoux



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 10:51

I'd also suggest that every daily competition has the same reward - a token scheme - and then have a "shop", where those tokens can be exchanged for a reward of the players choosing.


I don't think that FSP's should be on the table at all tbh, but other stuff - upgrades, arena tokens, ladder tokens etc etc should be available.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#96 BabyMad



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Posted 07 July 2016 - 10:58

Instead of rewarding the top, why not make it like temple? You have to qualify with x amout of something, etc. kill 50 bugs, then you enter the poll and x random people split the pot, depending on how big the pool is. It could get increased like global event, more contesters, higher price perhaps?


I agree with many others that EOC is superior if you have to do something more than others, then its just gonna be another "im EOC i got nothing to do, oh i can win this" thing.

#97 Hoofmaster


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 11:00

Yeah, I don't really agree either... just saying how I read it... note the "may be sticking my hoof in my mouth" ,oP

Personally, I thought the OP was pretty clear on the idea of switching times to include all time zones.

Really, that's what led me to believe that Thiud was suggesting something else.


Sorry I wasn't meaning there was a cooldown for players in the events, but rather there would be a delay (maybe 1 or 2 hours) before the next one started so the time the events end shifted around the clock rather than, for example, always ending at midnight UTC.

#98 Hoofmaster


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 11:13

There is no new PvP global idea here.


I actually think having PvP as one of the options for a daily event would be the best way for it to work.

#99 Hoofmaster


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 11:16

I like the idea of different rewards for the daily events too. The reward could vary as well so sometimes it's 'x' Maximum Stamina, and sometimes 'y' Reserve Stamina etc.


I do think it would be good to have Fallen Sword Points (or Fallen Sword Shards) as rewards too tho. If we went with Fallen Sword Shards we could split the rewards across more players too.

#100 Halfdemon1


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Posted 07 July 2016 - 11:34

I believe that the reward needs to have something to do with upgrading your own character or guild. We already have way to many potions given to us from either special deals or globals. I have not been able to use all of them yet.


I understand some people are worried that throwing more fsp in the game will lower the value of the fsp they already have, but I believe the token idea would counteract that. But please don't put a cap on token upgrades the way you did on gold upgrades. A good idea would be to change "fsp upgrades" to "token/fsp upgrades".

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