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PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

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#81 spyders



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 22:36

While I respect that the majority weren't in favour of the new system, I have to say that I am really disappointed that this whole new system is just going to be thrown out the window.


I understand that it will be used for these so called 'PvP Global Events', which sound fun, but the problem that people don't realize is that the reason the PvP system was changed was because the old PvP Ladder and Bounty Board were dead. Only 1-3 people in each ladder, usually taking turns on who won the ladder. Same old PvP tokens used for the same old gear, that usually cost more to invent than it did to buy in the auction house.


What I'm suspecting is that the usually people who complain about being hit, even though they have the option to OPT OUT of PvP (which in my opinion is lousy) were the ones who said they didn't like it. After all, we don't have 2,000 people participating in the leagues, so obviously people who aren't even PvPing said that they didn't like the new system.


I know I can't go against the majority, but for god's sake, you ask for a new system, you get one and then you vote to go back to the old system that you were complaining about. I'm not even a full-time PvPer and I know that this is just going to let PvP go back to the same few players who did it before.

sadly  , yes ....we need something new for PVP...and BB was perfect , 10 times more active than before, and fair for all



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 22:39

Leagues are ok, but why not divide them by lvls?, is just a shame when you hit a lvl 100 and the next one is a 2600, and I think Top 5 should get a medal after a titan season, only top one in the huge lvl range is not  ok or smart. and Other thing in the beginning of this titan league it was for only the top 25 to go In , you guys blew it when you left in 75 more players that were not supposed to be there and didnt put effort, xp and buffs. I spent 35k stam, and others just spent 5k and got medals and potions you guys totally blew it. Thank You. 

#83 spyders



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 22:40

Lets see what happens at the end of this season , but i am really sure what will be.This change was the only thing keep me in game, i am bored of all the rest, is old and same thing every day. No more fun.

#84 spyders



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 22:41

Leagues are ok, but why not divide them by lvls?, is just a shame when you hit a lvl 100 and the next one is a 2600, and I think Top 5 should get a medal after a titan season, only top one in the huge lvl range is not  ok or smart. and Other thing in the beginning of this titan league it was for only the top 25 to go In , you guys blew it when you left in 75 more players that were not supposed to be there and didnt put effort, xp and buffs. I spent 35k stam, and others just spent 5k and got medals and potions you guys totally blew it. Thank You. 

you are not the only one.....

#85 TSDaedalus



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 22:48

Reflections on the poll:

- I get the impression from the comments I saw that at least a few 'no' votes were based on impulsive knee-jerk reactions to the change in routine and it wouldn't have made any difference in what the change was. Big + intimidating = NO.

- I think a lot of negativity spawned from how the roll out happened. There were non-PvP players logging in after long periods of inactivity. I'd say it's highly possible that they saw massive XP loss and immediately voted 'no' without a second thought.

- There were people voting in the poll that had absolutely zero experience with the new system. I know that's unavoidable, but maybe just putting the poll in the forum with a link to it in the news feed would make people vote with a little more thought rather than emotion. I'd assume that those who would be willing to seek out the poll and vote would be those who are more active in the game and are more core to HCS's customer base. Do you think that the poll would have turned out differently if it were just people who participated in Seasons? My hunch is that it would have.

- It's hard to tell who voted based on their reaction to the BB changes and who voted based on their reaction to Ladder vs. Seasons reactions. Voting on comprehensive change doesn't give as much usable feedback as does voting on specific parts of the change. Hoof/Grim/etc., the poll was flawed. I think HCS is making decisions without getting enough information about why people voted 'no' and without knowing enough about what the community wants. I'm not sure there's much to be done about it at this point without looking incompetent, but keeping Seasons as an event I think is a good call. More below.


Reflections on Seasons (making lemonade from the lemons):

- The best parts of this Seasons experiment are the rewards, the ease of entry into PvP for all levels, the forum for hitting between a wide variety of levels in addition to a structure with level bands, and the inhibition of bullying due to structural design. Keep these and we'll be good.

- I learned a lot about PvP.

- I jumped in with both feet without knowing exactly what was going to happen. The cows recognized that faith (and willingness to beta test, essentially) and rewarded it. And I am grateful for that recognition.

- I am MUCH more active in the forums than I ever was before. That participation is likely to continue. Being ever the pragmatist, I hope I can be helpful to HCS and to other players.

- This experience led me to go out of my way to learn how to edit the Wiki. Perhaps I can use that experience to help it catch up a little over time.

- Looks like, based on recent updates (this thread included), that the cows have learned more about how to develop and progress the game. However, I don't have any experience to compare that to since I haven't paid attention to other large changes.

- I'm psyched that Seasons isn't going away entirely.

- I'm excited to see what the landscape looks like after the storm quiets down. So far it looks like new opportunities and new adventures. <That came out entirely too corny and overdramatic, but I'm too lazy to rephrase.>

- I have new medals. Nifty.

- When all settles down, FS will come out better and stronger than it was before.

- Participating in Seasons added a social aspect/opportunities to the game for a lot of people.

- Khutch, Petos, darknin12, and bloody18 are now more wealthy than before my hunt last night. You're welcome. ;)



- Does this mean PvP prestige is coming back? I did like that part. Everybody progresses faster when we work together.

Edited by TSDaedalus, 10 August 2015 - 23:22.



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 22:53

Ill take a 10k Stam reserve for this as settlement Hoof, its a small price for justice..... 

Ill take a 10k Stam reserve for this as settlement Hoof, its a small price for justice..... 

Ill take a 10k Stam reserve for this as settlement Hoof, its a small price for justice..... 

#87 Leos3000



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 23:31

To me, "I don't mind" means I would be happy either way so their numbers would not be counted towards either yes or no but they are part of the whole...

2,036 Total Votes

515 - Yes = 25%

974 - No = 48%

547 - Don't Care = 27%


This does not change the outcome but these percentages are more true to form.  The majority still chose no.  In fact, there were more players who didn't care either way than those who liked the change.


Hopefully now (once we revert back to the old system) we can try to implement some of the good parts of the Seasons update that the community did like.




Don't mind means they are neither for nor against it. So purely looking at the yes / no votes it was just over 65%.


To me it looks like less than 1/2 said No...

Also as others have said I know a good amount voted No purely because of the fiasco of the 1st few days.


The system had potential, it wasn't perfect yet... but it was on track to be much better than the old boring system.


Even if you add new prizes to the ladder what am I gonna have 5-10 people to compete against in the bands (That sounds like an awesome time...NOT) at the very least make the ladder like the initial 1 where it was everyone competing in 1 or 2 bands max. 1 every 100 is terrible when there are only 400 people online at a time and an opt out option. 


I have not hit in Titan yet out of strategy partially, but also in the fact that this system was already in question before it even started so I did not want to invest a lot of time or money into it until it had a determined fate. (we still dont even know the rewards for titan) 


It was pretty obvious the old system was not working or there wouldnt have even been an attempt to overhaul it... The logic in reverting back just confuses me. Go forward with some more adjustments not TOTALLY BACKWARDS

#88 clock96



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 23:44

Can everyone just stop making anymore suggestions to make PvP better, this is coming from a full time PvPer, all we need is better rewards for the ladder and that's it


#89 duktayp



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 23:49

Can everyone just stop making anymore suggestions to make PvP better


ok  :(


#90 EpicPiety



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Posted 10 August 2015 - 23:55

They are getting nervous because the loud minority are threatening to "quit"...i Say ban hammer whoever threatens to do such. Do it to them and see how fast they appeal.

Edited by EpicPiety, 11 August 2015 - 00:18.

#91 Nappeh


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:03

lol @ Epic, you should be an admin!  :P

#92 Kbyte



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:07

I would like to know what will happen with these seasonal trophies we've got


will they still be used to invent pvp equips?


will they be grant also later on next pvp season globals? or they will disapear?

#93 bloody18



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:18

Bait and switch with the medals in the middle of an event ! SERIOUS!
Many of us have dropped major stam, FSP, frags,arena tokens in other words GAME CURRENCY,,,, and to obtain what ... A medal that may no longer exist?? 
You put a game in front of us to play and we play it. But you put a goal in front of us to reach ,then say you may strip it away .. in the middle of an event?
I have to laugh at the joke you made of me and anyone trying to be the best at anything in this game! 
I am expecting reserve stam, FSP, frags, 6+ levels,  guild mates stam who buffed me returned to them, potions and arena tokens that I feel I was duped into spending, and thus wasted, on a worthless event returned to me as well as an apology for providing us this one off effing sink!!!!!! 
Thats all this has been is one big joke of  a sink! 
Wanted to add ..
..and Im fine with reverting back to the old system .. not fine with what has transpired as what I see as a one off SINK!

Edited by BigGrim, 11 August 2015 - 10:15.
No swearing please.

#94 EpicPiety



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:19

lol @ Epic, you should be an admin!  :P

:P hehe

#95 EpicPiety



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:21

Bate and switch with the medals in the middle of an event ! SERIOUS! 
Many of us have dropped major stam, FSP, frags,arena tokens in other words GAME CURRENCY,,,, and to obtain what ... A medal that may no longer exist?? 
You put a game in front of us to play and we play it. But you put a goal in front of us to reach ,than say you may strip it away .. in the middle of an event?
I have to laugh at the joke you made of me and anyone trying to be the best at anything in this game! 
I am expecting reserve stam, FSP, frags, 6+ levels and arena tokens that I feel I was duped into spending, and thus wasted, on a worthless event returned to me as well as an apology for providing us this one off effing sink!!!!!! 
Thats all this has been is one big joke of  a sink!

Agree...They need to compensate us with ALOT...If they are going to throw away all we did.

Edited by BigGrim, 11 August 2015 - 10:16.
Swearing in quote.

#96 clock96



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:34

And for the people who were saying that the new BB was more fun, yeah right lol, let me explain it to you

OLD BB as a the one on board: you used to fight hard once you get on board trying to prevent yourself from getting knocked 5 levels down maybe get 10 stams at some point ? It had adrenaline lol and you didn't ever know how much you will lose, losing levels was fun back then!!

NEW BB as the one on board: there is nothing you can do about it, I was surprised how people got supper buffed and cloaked, like really ? You will lose the indicated levels now or the next week it doesn't matter really IMO. There was no fun at all about it, you just sit and watch yourself losing.

OLD BB bounty hunter: it was harder and more fun as you were sometimes "dancing" with your opponent, you were forced to complete the whole bounty as fast as you can before anyone else to get the reward also you risked being counter bountied.

NEW BB bounty hunter: you come at any time get a hit or two and get thier rewards without trying to complete it or spending anytime on it or being fast enough or starting it fast, no fun here !!


#97 Etlebrook



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:39

Dear Cows,


Please do NOT count my Don't Mind as a no. It was the only way I was given to vote, and I voted under that option because I did not understand enough about the old and new elements of PvP to make an informed decision.


If you had given this more time, and actually ASKED the community for suggestions for improvements on the new system instead of a black and white yes or no, you may have been surprised. Most of what I have read so far seems to indicate that the majority wanted some elements retained, and other elements reverted back....



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:44


Edited by BigGrim, 11 August 2015 - 10:17.
No flaming please.

#99 clock96



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:45

I voted under that option because I did not understand enough about the old and new elements of PvP to make an informed decision

You said it yourself !! You didn't know anything about PvP so why should you ruin it for people who know it and love it ?


#100 Rocknoor



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Posted 11 August 2015 - 00:48

Thx for the update HCS, our PvP is back ;)

No, Guild V. Player is back real PvP died a long time ago.  HCS at least keep Bounty Hunter XP loss on the Bounty Board. 


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