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Arena Update v2.48

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#81 ericdagger


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 00:56

What would probably be best though is to keep the token system but randomize the levels like they were before this update.

#82 yodamus



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:17

what happned hoof ?


As I said before, the arena's are going to be paused until the issue is resolved and the prices for the arena rewards will be revised in the morning.


Apologies about this, however we'll do our best to resolve it as quickly as possible in the morning.


- Hoof


you said in the other arena updates threads (that you locked up), that arena was closing until you sorted things out in the morning...i still see it going...i still see where levels are the same..so i still see where it is a major advantage to higher level players than ever before...more tokens to play for, and a lots less for medium levels players to enter..what is a level 200-400 players supposed to do.?  you said no more arena for the night...yet somehow this did not happened..and the probelm is now worse than it was earlier today as more tokens are being won and the gap between the rich and poor grows bigger..why allow arena to continue when it has so many issues ? i am confused...you said no more arena till next day..but yet it continues..

Edited by yodamus, 26 June 2014 - 01:37.

#83 j3k


Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:36

with the new update tomorrow for items 



please RANDOMIZE levels for the arena 



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#84 Pardoux



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:38

what happned hoof ? you said in the other arena updates threads (that you locked up), that arena was closing until you sorted things out in the morning...i still see it going...i still see where levels are the same..so i still see where it is a major advantage to higher level players than ever before...more tokens to play for, and a lots less for medium levels players to enter..what is a level 200-400 players supposed to do.?  you said no more arena for the night...yet somehow this did not happened..and the probelm is now worse than it was earlier today as more tokens are being won and the gap between the rich and poor grows bigger..why allow arena to continue when it has so many issues ? i am confused...you said no more arena till next day..but yet it continues..


From what I can glean from the forum, the arena continues because Zorg has fixed the problem with the moves being able to be used more than 3 times.

Should the arena have been stopped until the whole process was fixed ? - I'd have to say yes, it should ...

The whole implementation of the "upgrade" was, IMO (and it seems a LOT of others) poorly implemented - not only in all prizes being tagged at a ridiculously low rate (and thus allowing multiple items / arena win) - but by the random level ranges for the arenas either being broken or changed.


I really, REALLY, wish that HCS would get a test server and implement things only after bugs / fubars have been eliminated.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#85 Belaric



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:58

Hey - at least they did the update on Wednesday and are responding to feedback - not a Friday afternoon special!!! How many of those have we been unhappy with in the past??/ LOLOLOL!


Maybe Zorg didn't get that memo (about Friday updates)! So yeah - it is an update with issues - almost every major one has those, but at least it is not a weekend long FUBAR.


Arena had no love for 2-3 YEARS. Its finally got some love - some clumsy doesn't know how to slow dance without stomping on your feet love, but love all the same. Maybe they'll learns some better steps tomorrow!


I do hope they introduce more level ranges as they had before - it is a crying shame to see so many set ups rendered obsolete and so many folk potentially denied a chance at being competitive.


For the rest - I have lurked and read, some folk took advantage. Has happened before. Will sadly happen again if the game lasts. Given the recent negativity and pessimism on these forums (which I have shared to the extent of just not bothering to post at all, as what was the point??) I am pleased to see so many people got woken up and stirred into action by this - maybe there is a community left after all! Just have to rile it up some! LOL!


I shall wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#86 Filletminion



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 01:59

Really just going to allow people who happen to be online during the same timezone as the coders reap massive profits? damn I would have loved some brewers art or well read or light foot potions for 10 arena tokens but unlike those who got them a poorly tested update was released and carnage ensued while I sleep...


Edited by katatonic, 26 June 2014 - 02:00.

#87 Pardoux



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 02:03

Hey - at least they did the update on Wednesday and are responding to feedback - not a Friday afternoon special!!! How many of those have we been unhappy with in the past??/ LOLOLOL!


Maybe Zorg didn't get that memo (about Friday updates)! So yeah - it is an update with issues - almost every major one has those, but at least it is not a weekend long FUBAR.



There is that :)


Over a weekend, all of those items would have been selling for 1-3 fsp each I suspect LOL. As it is, they dropped rapidly (well, BM and LIB 300's) from 40-50 fsp each to 6-8 each before the shop was closed. I bought some ...


As for it not being a weekend long FUBAR, that's true - but it's still a pretty major FUBAR - I'd personally say one of the games biggest :(

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#88 BraveKath



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 03:39

Dear Hoof, Grim, Zorg and HCS team...

Constructive suggestion:

Test it Out First - if you don't want to do a test server, then in major changes of this nature - then make it free to enter and maybe no rewards, just virtual -- so people see what they could have done with the rewards. Folks would still earn tic towards medals and give you feedback. It might also have encouraged non-arena players to just test out the waters and maybe you would have had them hooked.

By not evaluating value of items in the pre-new arena market a lot of distrust and anger was set in motion - unnecessarily. Doing tests with valuable game commodities and throwing players into rages against each other and frustration with the you, as developers, could have potentially been avoided.  


There are suppose to be Ladder-PvP Changes ahead, consider a testing system for that as well, so that people can provide you with feedback. Again, no rewards - have to depends upon players to voluntarily jump in and provide you with feedback over a period of a few days. Then once you have that, cross check it against our own avarice, and then roll it out.

Instead of proceeding trying to do bandaides, should the arena be put back the way it was temporarily?  Everything re-evaluated with what input you've received and then rolled out.  We'd rather have it right than just a broken system proceeding.

Today's Results:
Aside from those that are happy they won and got valuable items from the arena cheaply and those that are not happy with that, there are other longer term affects of the current structure:

1) With limit arena levels and all even, one needs very little arena gear or backspace, as there are limited combinations required.
a) Does HCS really want players to not want FSP to buy more gear and more backspace?  This seems a negative to the bottomline?

2) If the current few arena levels remain and we no longer see the wide variety of random levels, then estimating that 90% of current arena gear has become Frag worthy: losing pretty much all value.  Also this will leave a lot of players with a lot of empty bps that they've invested a lot in -- this doesn't make for happy customers.

3) With so few levels of arena and all be even,  it becomes quite boring and stacked against new players.  You're just going to have the same old tired players rolling out the same gear with a move change here and there.  Boredom does not keep players engaged.

Respectfully, Kath


Edited by BraveKath, 26 June 2014 - 03:42.

#89 Lellarell



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 04:23

I didn't like this change. I'd rather Tokens would be just ADDED, not shift Gold, Items and Moves.

I wonder who had such idea.



#90 BraveKath



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 04:44

The tokens based on the arena development thread that players were working on for quite some time were intended to be awarded for winning rounds, not the whole arena.

Also they were suppose to be of small value comparative to the things they could buy.  

* Thus today's "cheap" buys shouldn't have happened.

* Thus the old rewards were suppose to remain, and you could buy them in the Arena Shop after you had amassed a large number of tokens.  Folks will need to look at that thread to determine the ratio the Arena players were proposing.

The arena players did a lot of work on the infrastructure of the changes and seems it could have been a fairly smooth transition if read carefully.  ... I'm not an arena player, but had to respect the work going on.

Edited by BraveKath, 26 June 2014 - 04:45.

#91 ericdagger


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 04:53

OK, now I think I've figured it out.. it's so simple. GO BACK TO THE WAY THE ARENA WAS BEFORE IT WAS UPDATED... PLEASE.....and if that's not possible, then make the items more expensive or the rewards less, because the items are being put up way too cheap AND the number of tokens earned per arena are way too big... if you don't go back to the way it was before the update, then at least do this and also PLEASE RANDOMIZE THE LEVELS... it's not giving people equal opportunity to compete in the arena system! It's ridiculous!

#92 BadPenny



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:38

I can't compete....Nothing between 100 and 1000... This is broked, I think. :(

Just one old lady's opinion




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#93 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:59

I can't compete....Nothing between 100 and 1000... This is broked, I think. :(

Every 20mins or so ll100 and lvl500 arna will popup

#94 Brinmoth



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 10:31

Items are now available, the gear you can buy via tokens is uncrafted. Is this a bug or intentional?

#95 Hoofmaster


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 11:35

Items are now available, the gear you can buy via tokens is uncrafted. Is this a bug or intentional?


Bug. It's being fixed at the moment. We'll be posting news with everything else we've changed later today :)

#96 yodamus



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 11:51

i have heard from other players that i sent this message to when discussing the arena update yesterday - that this is a nice way to put how i feel about the horrible arena update and why it is so bad..this is feedback..please read hoof- another point that is missed in all this messis that the fun of arena is gone with this new system..fun was paying 20k and sometimes (tho rarely) winning a prize like brewers artpot or twinkles toes pot or some other high valued prize...and sell it for 25-50 fsps to do an upgrade on my character..i would literally be jumping up and down with joy..that is how i got addicted to arena....winning tokens to eventually buy something is not even close to the same fun...and now i will have to win many token tourneys just to buy one of those pots ( i am guessing they will make them a few hundred tokens when they come to thier senses), therefore having to spend much much more in tourneys fees to get the same pot i used to be able to win for 20k..that is where the epic failure comes to mind- took the fun right out of arena..


i am sure page 1 post 1 of shindrak's arena token thread did not envision this would be how it is done, tokens were to supplement the prizes, not be the prizes, and they were to be given to those that would win a round or 2, but not the finals, to help encourage more players to try arena..i see none of that with this new system..hopefully i will wake up and realize this is just a bad dream... cows please read page 1 post 1 of shindraks arena token thread..thx for listening

Edited by yodamus, 26 June 2014 - 11:52.

#97 bilops



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 12:01

@hoofmaster: do you seriously not see the chaos you guys have caused?


1) we suggested you introduce cooldowns to prevent this few arena pros to dominate the prices, you did not listen to us and now they are sitting with 10k+ arena tokens - EPIC FAIL


2) you said you would PAUSE the arena until morning and for some strange reason you did not, you even flooded the arena with 3 times more tournaments, doing exactly the opposite thing of what you said sad.png


3) read the log messages I got from many players regarding you guys ignoring all our "warnings" and everything we said happened


currently the arena is more broken than ever and you guys have rewarded the few with THOUSANDS of FREE FSPs instead of thinking of the WHOLE COMMUNITY !!!


if your aim was to reward these few arena pros and destroy arena prices then you have successfully succeded sad.png

#98 ozziepete



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 12:29

Been playing since 2008 and have 317 arena wins. Over the years I have not ever seen any one player dominate to the point that would discourage others from trying. I have gear for a very small window covering say 5 lvls. Those lvls came up only once or twice a week but I entered when I could. Now I do not have a lvl 100 set or lvl 500 or lvl 1000 or lvl 1500 or lvl 2000 so I won't be entering any arenas at all.  Those that have a setup for any of those lvls are going to become very rich.  I was a regular arena player but without some random lvls I will just call it a day. Very disappionted with changes currently

#99 Brinmoth



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 12:31

Bug. It's being fixed at the moment. We'll be posting news with everything else we've changed later today :)

I hope that list includes a wider array of levels for arenas as there currently a grand total of 6 levels that matter which are hundreds of levels apart, this really stifles any creativity in arena and will only lead to widespread complacency.


Also small "thanks for coming" prize for the runner up as the tokens were originally intended to serve that purpose to attract and retain players...


Keeping the the "winner takes all" system does nothing to address the real problems that are present with the arena.

Edited by Brinmoth, 26 June 2014 - 12:34.

#100 DeadParrot



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 12:36


Maybe Zorg didn't get that memo (about Friday updates)! So yeah - it is an update with issues - almost every major one has those, but at least it is not a weekend long FUBAR.


Hooey! Belaric, complete hooey.  In every other game I play, major updates are tested on mirror servers or test servers FIRST.  We should NOT expect updates to be poorly implemented and bugged.  We pay for this game, and should EXPECT more...or yes, take our business elsewhere, which is becoming realized.


Arena had no love for 2-3 YEARS. Its finally got some love - some clumsy doesn't know how to slow dance without stomping on your feet love, but love all the same. Maybe they'll learns some better steps tomorrow!


Again, change for the sake of change is not positive.  Concerted change for the sake of improvement, however, is positive.


I do hope they introduce more level ranges as they had before - it is a crying shame to see so many set ups rendered obsolete and so many folk potentially denied a chance at being competitive.


Nope, I'm at the top of 1000 with FF gear, I'm good.  ;) (Actually I CANNOT believe this has happened)


For the rest - I have lurked and read, some folk took advantage. Has happened before. Will sadly happen again if the game lasts. Given the recent negativity and pessimism on these forums (which I have shared to the extent of just not bothering to post at all, as what was the point??) I am pleased to see so many people got woken up and stirred into action by this - maybe there is a community left after all! Just have to rile it up some! LOL!




I shall wait and see what happens tomorrow.


However....many won't.  :(

Swearing, even starred out, is not acceptable on the forums. Cheers!

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