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OhNoes' Firefox (Fx) Extension for SigmaStorm2.

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#81 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 31 December 2008 - 20:34

Weird. I had the same problem, and I changed preferences to fix it, and now it works great. Only problem is that like Cileron I can't open the area map. D=

Then you had updated before the map link fix... reinstall v0.3.1415926535897932384626433832795 and you will see I fixed that issue ;)

Cheers :D

#82 ss_conquerer7

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Posted 31 December 2008 - 21:16

Great! Thanks a ton for the add-on!

#83 arwarrior7


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 02:49

great add-on!

another problem. it is stopping the FS (not SS2) world map from showing up.

#84 ss_conquerer7

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Posted 01 January 2009 - 03:09

Holy crud, he's right! Now my SS2 map works fine, but I can't open the FallenSword one either! How can a SS2 add-on affect a completely different game?

#85 arwarrior7


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 04:44

The arrow keys are effected in FS too.

#86 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 01 January 2009 - 07:35

That is fixed already in version 0.4.* I'm just working on getting the 2 new features I am adding with this release working as well, that is before I am ready to release it ;)

#87 killa06



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Posted 01 January 2009 - 11:53

Looks great thanks for the plugin.. But when I tried installing it, it said it wasnt a valid installer... Do you know what thats all about?

#88 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 01 January 2009 - 17:12

Looks great thanks for the plugin.. But when I tried installing it, it said it wasnt a valid installer... Do you know what thats all about?

Are you trying to update the version you have though the addon console? or installing from my site?

#89 ss_eve

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Posted 01 January 2009 - 17:47

Would you consider adding a "Permanently hide SS2 stats thingy" option to the preferences? :D

So this doesn't interest you? I find it a pain because of having to scroll down the page to be able to click SW/S/SE..

#90 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 05:20

Would you consider adding a "Permanently hide SS2 stats thingy" option to the preferences? :D

So this doesn't interest you? I find it a pain because of having to scroll down the page to be able to click SW/S/SE..

Well assuming you are using the keyboard, you have keys for them being respectively, z, x, and c.

Also you could use [end] [down] and [page down] respectively... you'll notice if you turn off the num lock, that there are d arrows on that area, next to the 4 directions are buttons which you can use for the diagonal, then you can use the numbers on top of the keys for killing as well.

I don't see much of an issue with a toolbar that takes up as minor area as this does (being a single line of text). :\
So therefore, I'd rather spend my time to get more worthwhile features added in...

#91 ss_badjoe99

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 08:26

OhNoes your my GOD :D !! Finally a shortcut for us to use !!

#92 ss_eve

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 10:23

Would you consider adding a "Permanently hide SS2 stats thingy" option to the preferences? :D

So this doesn't interest you? I find it a pain because of having to scroll down the page to be able to click SW/S/SE..

Well assuming you are using the keyboard, you have keys for them being respectively, z, x, and c.

Also you could use [end] [down] and [page down] respectively... you'll notice if you turn off the num lock, that there are d arrows on that area, next to the 4 directions are buttons which you can use for the diagonal, then you can use the numbers on top of the keys for killing as well.

I don't see much of an issue with a toolbar that takes up as minor area as this does (being a single line of text). :\
So therefore, I'd rather spend my time to get more worthwhile features added in...

Yeah well it's not urgent or anything, I just personally prefer using the arrows. :) Not that I'm ungrateful, but there seems to be some issue with the attack # keys, when used with the double click creature shortcut back to world "trick".. it leaves 1 creature always, seemingly. But yeah, thanks again! :D

#93 ss_mule

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 21:22

2 words - Love It.

#94 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 03 January 2009 - 08:41

Version 0.4.9

*Includes all the features of v 0.3.1415926535897932384626433832795, with the following adjustments:
**Adds a "Trade" and "Secure Trade" option to the end of the actions listed in log messages.
**Adds a "[ Buff player ]" link to the end of all chat messages.
**Adds advisor sorting to the advisor area in the faction section.
**This version and versions after this will be able to be updated automatically via Tools > Addons > Find updates.

NOTE: I also fixed any glitches people seemed to have with SS2 scripts activating in FS.
Also, as said above this update can fully be installed though the Tools > Add-ons area, by clicking on the 'Find updates' button.

Cheers all and Happy New Year! ^_^

#95 ss_walker11

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Posted 03 January 2009 - 21:46

how do u make this stuff?

#96 ss_aranka

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 03:00

Version 0.4.9

I love the new features

a few bugs:
[*:3korep0b]if I click on a player in the faction adviser I am redirected to FS...it would be nice if this went to their data sheet instead[*:3korep0b]I still can't close the 'preferences' menu...unless I quit Fx completely (I use a mac)[*:3korep0b]when I get the "INFORMATION ALERT: Target did not exist at that location..." all of the movement keys are disabled (arrows and letters)
also...why do we have 'b' AND '0' to return to the world view?
I like 'b' as a backpack shortcut...is there a reason for having TWO keys that do the same thing?

#97 ss_jimdigrizz

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 03:38

Great add-on!!! But I'm getting a problem with the "Hide SS2 Stats" button. Anytime I click on a link in SS2 the stats unhide themselves. Is there something I'm doing wrong maybe?

#98 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 04:55

Version 0.4.10

*Includes all the features of v 0.4.9, with the following adjustments:
**Adds links to players profile pages in the faction report page.
**Improves advisor modifications to include a link to a players profile page before any row is chosen to be sorted.
**(Bug fix) Links to profile pages in the advisor now work correctly.

NOTE: Tested the features of this update to make sure they work, as well as auto-updating checking to this version, as well as installing. I found no glitches/errors.

This should be a bug free update ;)

@JimDiGrizz: Since the default was set to hidden UNTIL a sigmastorm2 window pops up, then display, that is how it currently works. Therefore, when you are not playing, you'd be able to hide it out of the way if you want. Once I release a few more higher priority updates with new features, I may look at adding some preference updates.

#99 ss_ohnoes

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 05:10

Missed 1 bug, which I found right after I uploaded the last version, updated the page on the site, and made the post above mine, thus...

Version 0.4.11

**(Bug fix) Does not mess with the links of equipped items in the faction report page.

#100 ss_rulen

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 06:10

The New update ROCKS!!

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