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Game Concept : Shattering, Mutation and Alchemy!

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#81 vetlet


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 19:52

In short: like crafting weapons, as you can do in many RPGs I've played. I think it does depend on cost, as long as it's not prohibitive to the poorer folk, then I'd be for it. GReat way to dispose of all those random 'useless' items you gain during hunts, as opposed to wastefully dropping them into the ether.

The shattering and re-crafting reminds me of what I did in Two Worlds II.

#82 laptribe



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 19:52

before starting on any new Game Concepts finish what you have going *hint* map *hint* 5 months on and getting it fully implemented into the live Fs seems no closer

#83 livingsin



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:00

before starting on any new Game Concepts finish what you have going *hint* map *hint* 5 months on and getting it fully implemented into the live Fs seems no closer

+1 please fix GvG,PvP and by extension of pvp the BB will be repaired.

#84 etrigan778



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:01

personally i dont like it...seems far to complicated and unnecessary. there is already plenty of gear...id much rather see improvements to the other aspects of the game that have been crying for attention

#85 fs_korsall

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:07

I find this rather interesting. Now, instead of just trying to sell my drops in the auction house hoping to sell them I can actually have a use for them. I can't stand to simply destroy an item, my OCD compels me to give it some sort of use. So now I wont have the issue of items not selling in the auction house while i'm still gathering drops in the meantime. I also love the idea of the offline protection and the kinda touched on possibility (at least it seems that way to me) for the gems to grant different bonuses than what we have seen to date.

However, as you mentioned, one of the downsides is what to do with the bound items when you no longer have a use for them. Couldn't you make it to where you can remove the bonuses and unbind the item?

#86 SaveMeGrim



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:08

Thanks for trying to think of new elements to add to the game.

However, I think at this point in time, trying to add this concept to the game detracts from the game. FS would be much better served with 3 elements that work well, rather than 6 elements that are buggy/broken.

I know that this is only in the conceptual stage right now, and no development work is ongoing on this element. At this point in time, I feel that even discussing this takes valuable time and energy from vital other parts of the game that desperately need fixing.

As far as I can see, none of the community (ie, your customers) have been asking for anything like this proposal. There are pages upon pages of discussion about current game elements that need fixing, yet these appear to be ignored by HCS staff (ie - no staff comments on them).

Once these other things are sorted, or we even have a roadmap for sorting them, then the community will actively discuss this new concept with you, and will work hard to get a good system.

Until then, please focus your efforts on what is already on the table.

#87 fs_jr624

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:10

I use Augilts set (level 173) I am level 405...thats well over 200 levels i have been using these boots. I have already designed sets around them up to 500 (how powerful they are exactly, not sure will find out for sure when i hit 500). We really don't need to make gear even more over powered than it already is. If your trying to appeal to levelers, make it so if they die they lose less gold and less exp :P

It's true - the LAST thing this game needs is more buffs, empowerments, or gear. There are SO MANY overpowered potions for sale already, I really do not see the point AT ALL, except to make the game less accessible to new players and more elitist.

I see this update as destroying interest for new players in FS, as the mutation system is very complicated, will require what will likely be very expensive component space, and a ton of gear to burn up. It is going to be awful to be a low level PvPer/Bounty Hunter and try to compete with established and even FURTHER overpowered junk in this game. I see a trend in the direction of the last few additions to the game. It really has nothing to do with what anyone is asking for =/

the higher the lvl the more it cost you to hunt when first started it cost me 50k to hunt now its gone to 5 fsp to hunt were you can 1 hit

#88 Egami



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:19

INTRO: I like the idea. On a first take, it has the concept of not only a gold sink, but also of item FSP cost control written all over it. (o0

That said... before anything else... apologies out to the FS Community. Sometimes I can't help myself.

Responses in no particular random order and avoiding using names so people don't think they're being flamed:


TOPIC 1: Egami activates reflection and whines about the whiners. (Again, if you are interested in something you don't know and have constructive input for HCS, you should skip directly to Topic 2). Also, if somebody has a good reference to gold sink definition, could you pm me it in game. I've written it out so many times and am really tired of doing so... It won't be done again... but a nice copy/paste would be better than my own whining and irritation ,oP. Thanks. (o0

"By binding your good items you're not getting any return back on your good gear by getting to sell it later."

Exactly, that's a good thing. When you buy a Porsche are you banking on getting your investment back? This is called "price stability". So obviously, you won't bother.

"Whine, whine... rich people have an unfair advantage"

Uh, yeah... welcome to the real world... no matter what you do in life, that will always be the case. HCS does not run this game for free. I suggest you go play solitaire. At least then, others won't be paying for you and, more importantly, you won't be shooting down suggestions meant to help precisely those people that don't have the real life cash to spend on this game. Your constant "me, me" attitude makes me sick. A gold sink like this makes them game more affordable to play without donations. (uh... didn't I tell you guys to pass my whining over and skip down to Topic 2? lol)

On a lighter note, do you understand how a gold sink works? Yeah, didn't think so... Could someone nicer than me please explain the concept behind a gold sink? Thanks.

"This would only make overpowered gear, more overpowered".

Then why would you care?

Probably when you go fight the school bully or the rich boy with the two really big bodyguards, you quickly stop doing something that is impossible for you to accomplish... until you get your black belt or whatever. That is something you "work" for. Do you understand the concept of "work"?

Again, when you come back with the "whine, whine, rich people are so cool.. err.. have an unfair advantage.. but I really want to be one" statement... I'll ask, do you understand how a "free" game works? Also, do you understand the concept of a gold sink?

(Btw, maybe I should create the "whine, whine... everybody only thinks of themselves" quote for myself, lol. Apologies folks, I'm just irritated...)

TOPIC 2: Some more serious responses to comments I felt were well thought out... read that as interesting for improving FS:

"However, duration by stamina use has its own problems. Does it count buffing? Either way, I could sit somewhere for 2 weeks (or longer) playing arena using enhanced items and never spending a single stamina."

I agree to that and have seen that Rad admitted not having considered it. However... a precedent has already been set with the Arena, ie, Crystalline doesn't get broken. Hence as far as Arena is concerned, I still see no problem with this. Regarding everything else... maybe I'm wrong but... doesn't practically every single other aspect of the game require stam usage?

Obviously, simple defense doesn't... that's the one thing I'm not sure about. My question is: is that relevant? Honestly not sure, but don't "think" it matters.

"Other uses for gems such as pots, enhancements, etc.... "

I'm skeptical... always am...

Potions seem an interesting idea... but there is the problem that there are lots of complaints already about things being too "easy"... I like the thought as it would increase gold sink... At least that's my first impression.

Enhancements, I'm a a bit "more" skeptical on as I don't see how it would expire. Maybe a time frame like a buff.

In any case, I'd say: how about we go one step at a time? (o0

"Overpowering gear: The game is currently flush with gear, buffs, and potions that make one-hitting as feasible as it's ever been. I don't think the game is in need of more gear options for players. And with the increased pace of leveling, there will be more players moving closer and faster to EOC."

I know I dealt with this topic in the Egami whining section, but I respected this comment, so thought I'd respond in a thoughtful way here.

The time may indeed be coming for a steal stam enhancement for creatures. The person who made this comment is "right". But I also feel the one-hit option is an essential part of this game. It makes the challenge necessary or the passing on of knowledge (PS... I don't level much, rotfl... and am practically the classic low-cost 2 hit wonder when I do hunt), etc.

In any case, I think that if we take the above comment at face value, then there really is no argument against the introduction of this idea. In fact, there might even be a reason to implement it. Here's my thought process:

Making these items is a gold sink. Period. According to the above comment, there is no current level you can't one-hit at. Therefore, the issue isn't one-hitting at this point, but HOW YOU DO IT. From what little I know... I think replacing the other possibilities with a gold sink might be worthwhile... I know some of those replacements are bound... but just a thought. Not a well-informed one, I openly admit (o0

TOPIC 3: RANDOM EGAMI THOUGHTS.... hey, we're in the first stage, right?

1. I'd like to see Element slots and I'd like them to cost straight up gold on a sliding scale...

2. I'm extremely skeptical about ALL items being available for shattering. I realize we're too early in the thought process to go into details on this, but I feel there does need to be a control factor beyond the brackets, in my opinion. Could be a gold cost for shattering based on item quality and/or level or simply an application control, ie, maybe common/unique/rare creates a Gem that can only be used on these items... and so on for Champion/Elite, Legendary, SE, "Titans"... did I already say it was too early in the process? lol.

3. Alchemy creation time... Would people use this? Like the idea... know there are those willing to pay for "I want it now"... which is the only reason I'm for it, lol. I know "richer" players can be crazy... I see that as a good thing for the MP, lol.

#89 drow007


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:27

Seems like were taking over powered gear, and making it more over powered...

yeah your right.......hmmmm i like this idea adim work faster now now now@.@ lol kidding but yes i like it and yes it would make power gear over kill.... but thats what lifes alabout power he who has the most power rules and slaughters every one else till that some one else gets more power than the one who gots it now.

#90 Zenth



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:31

This is not a bad idea if done right. Instead of having the gems a fixed Stat/enhancement, why not have them random. The higher the elements level the better the chance you get a Superior gem. There could even be a chance for a gem to be crafted with more then one stat/enhancement on it.

What a system like this could is almost remove the cookie cutter set ups. You can now take those Common, Elite, Rare and even those unused legendary pieces and turn them into some thing much better.
Not every one can afford to buy some of the high end items/buffs out there.

As for Binding the item I think if this happens there should be no time limit on the gems and they should be replaceable

Items with gems should be usable in all aspects of the game. Geming items would make GvG, Arena and PvP a little more interesting.

Anyways in my opinion if done right this could be great for the whole game

#91 SandisMan



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 20:41

Hmmm. First I would like to ask people to just relax. Judging by the drawings posted, not a lot of time has been spent on this idea. I think that is a great thing. How many people believe arena, pvp, BB would be better if the players were involved from the drawing stage? I have no problem on getting feedback for an idea that may not be here for a year. This idea might have come from a brainstorming meeting and is taking no time away from other aspects of the game. Just because pvp needs to be fixed now, does not mean they should still not be planning for the future.

I actually like this entire idea(depending on what happens to the item after the bonus is gone). If the item is still bound, i hate the idea, if it reverts back to original unbound form(ready to bu upgraded again), then YES!!!!!!!!!!

This idea actually breaks down into 2 groups, the haves, and the have nots.

Let's start with have nots. I think this idea is great for player retention of people below level 150. Think of a 5-7 person guild where the highest level is 72. Right now, they can do nothing with drops they do receive. I have no issue dropping the 50 common items i get on a hunt that are not worth selling. But when you are first starting out, the drops now have a use. May take a while, but after a couple hunts, they may be able to upgrade that frostbite amulet they are wearing. No relic, no high level buffers, no elite FF/perfect gear. a frostbite set that has been upgraded is a good thing. Yes, the haves can still abuse this, but this idea is awesome for the have nots.

The haves. I have to believe that all arena players should be drooling for this idea. Every complaint I have seen is "we need to get rid of the luck, and make it skill". With this idea, two people wearing the same gear can have different stats. One person upgrades damage, the other person upgrades attack. If different elements make different bonuses, this made arena gear now with infinite possibilities.

Another thing I believe HCS did not think about in the brainstorming session that came up with this idea, is it has the potential to decrease donations. If i can upgrade a common item to stats near a unique item, there is no need for me to buy that unique item. And let's be honest, depending on the storage method of said crystals, elements, etc, you may actually see people farming level 5 critters with FI 1000, not for resources but for the crap drops to shatter them.

#92 pygmypi


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:01

I may not be a big fan of large amounts of elements, but I guess that chemistry is a good subject for me to test my logic on.

#93 demon42693



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:04

I don't know if this has already been mentioned so I'll say it anyway. It seems to me like you are combining Fallen Sword and Sigma Storm. I am one of those people that thinks that the general game play of Fallen Sword is fine as is, aside from some minor issues I have with the rules of PvP, but that, I feel is a never-ending struggle between "PvP'ers" and "Levelers". As the old saying goes, "If it aint broke, don't fix it."

#94 maduce


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:13

How about getting the new game map going first that was supposed to have happened a few months ago. That might & i use that word lightly make the game more interesting.....i highly doubt this update would.

#95 Neomaxiums



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:24

If done right I think this could be good for the game as every drop in the game would have value whether its going to be equipped or not it could also help the arena as stated people could have the same setup yet differ in stats which would require actual thought also this would prevent arena setups from being shared so everyone would have to work to get their own :shock: (and upgrade it accordingly)

Yes this system could and most likely would be abused unless their is a limit to how much you can increase an item much like hell forging yes there are those that will jump ahead of the pack (always is) but with everything now having value anyone could acquire these upgrades all it will take is effort :wink:

just my thoughts on this topic :D

#96 fs_ladymm

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:27

I like the idea of giving use to all those currently useless items dropped by creatures during a hunt.

But for me... the fact that the items are bound kills it.

My guess is that this is strictly oriented for pvpers or gvgers, because I think they are the only ones that could benefit form having bound items they could never sell. Most people in this game only use gear for some time, then they advance in level and sell their old gear and get new one. Only pvpers stay in the same level for long periods of time.

My second case would be that they want what we consider useless items to be more competitive. If this is the case, I would propose 2 ideas:

1. This only works for common, rare, unique and elite items; NOT for super elite, crystalline and epic.

2. Drop the bound idea. Make the market more dynamic with this items.

It's just a thought...

#97 Mormon8r



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:28

I think this idea if Fantastic...(with a few improvements) but I am sure it will be great if added to the game!

#98 PsychoPathe


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:40

Ok I have to ask/point out. How is this much different than:



We don't need more powerful gear. As has been said over and over(I read the first 6 pages of this thread) gear is already more than powerful enough. Especially with the introduction of the levle 1200 buffs. Leveling has gotten so much more easy that I went into the Alpha server and was in SHOCK to remember how much harder it was in the beginning (and I started after LE gear had been implemented).

Thank you for putting effort into improving the game and thinking of ways to add content outside of leveling extensions.

Please work on the updates you have already suggested! I would love to see the GvG system you had proposed months ago. I'm looking forward to a completed version of the Map system (when the bugs are worked out I'm sure everyone will thank you for it).

#99 fs_maniaceh

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:43

not sure If i like this idea, I'm having many conflicting ideas about the alchemy's stamina durations vs a durabilty duration idea similar to crystaline and another gold penalty when it reaches 0 durability because you will have to repair it and ub does not work on these items. And for the arena, you could simply have a "modded" checkbox like epic or hellforge.

And.... hcs should really limit it to 3 posts/player per topic. this would make players think about what they want to say a bit more carefully.

That's called reverse quoting and it's one way to reuse a post ;)

#100 watagashi



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 21:47

I like it,,well I dont totally hate it so let me explain what I dont like but first,,,

Obligatory complaint that other game aspects needed done first including things that were promised would be done.

I like the different levels of elements, this opens up possabilitys for gear farmers like plant farmers for pot makers

Shattering,,still great idea especially when we get something for all the common gear we usually toss.

Mutation,,not a big fan in my perfect world take out the mutation step and just allow gems to be placed in unbound equipment to become more a way to add additional buffs rather than the first step "increasing its potency" at the cost of binding the item.

Alchemy,,,thats the route to take, using unwanted gear to make the gems to enhance unbound gear for a time equal to stam use. Please keep in mind some players will sit around and use it in arenas so make sure the stam clock ticks even if the gear isnt on.

Why I feel this way,,
I gave up about page 4 but it seems everyone is against the binding and a lot of the normal complaints about cost. Making only one way to increase gear at the cost of binding it will only encourage more greed including the sad drawback that nobody will be tagging items ever again because they will all be bound. The nondonating player is the one who takes the shaft the most having no gear to use and wont see any new gear again.

A good idea, a bad concept and yes I have seen it a few other places too, they dont bind the gear and it works just fine. I dont know if its needed here since the one major place im thinking of you need a fire gem to hit a snow monster and stuff like that,,,not really needed here. A small enhancement or buff that can be added to any gear and not making that gear bound would work so much better and be a great update!

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