Don't worry if the rain cant be done it's not that big of a deal for me.

MosesChen's GFX Shop
Posted 21 August 2013 - 17:01
Posted 24 August 2013 - 23:15
On Hold
Hey guys, so recently I formatted my computer and reinstalled Windows. I basically have nothing on it at the moment. Don't worry, I backed everything up so I still have everything I was working on and all the files from before.
On another note, I leave for college on Tuesday the 27th so I'm going to be busy preparing for that. I still need to pack and I'll take some time to get settled.
I hope to resume making graphics and playing Fallen Sword soon! Sorry for the inconvenience.
Edited by MosesChen, 21 July 2023 - 07:52.
Visit my GFX shop!
Posted 21 July 2023 - 07:51
I'm back? Wow what a throwback. I miss FS, the charm of an old browser MMORPG. Forums with sigs, avis, "of the week" competitions.
Well I've graduated from college since and been working for years now. Somehow I've found my way back here.
I'll start off slow, 3 slots open. I might be a little rusty but excited to make some stuff again!
1 freebie, first to respond gets it!
2 queue slots open.
1. Free
Please check the main thread for all info (order form, prices, past work).
Edited by MosesChen, 21 July 2023 - 07:58.
Visit my GFX shop!
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