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New Skills / Enhancements

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#981 murabane



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Posted 04 September 2018 - 02:03

Also I should say we need a buff for HP. At least Visible HP like Smashing hammer, KE , Shield Wall and Armor Boost.

A boost to HP based on number of sets. But the buff shouldn't be so strong since it ll add to armor and weaken defense setups in comparison.

Green Regeneration Buff : 0.025 per point per set fully equipped boost to HP Stats.

I know in these upper levels you can easily get 100k+ armor and 100k+ HP with SC and Ageless kicking in with no skill points in HP, so imagine that buff with what you can attain and putting skill points into it and then using say Fortitude, Great Vigor, Aura or Protection and if you had HP items Using Epic Forge/Craft, Cursed Ring/Rune, and Enchant Buffs. You would be praying for wither to kick in, and even then you still have a good chunk or HP and armor to bypass

#982 atta222



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Posted 04 September 2018 - 16:34

think of some buff to counter the Full offense + Epic hit back buffs with me then @murbane. LOL

#983 goolsby7



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Posted 04 September 2018 - 17:02

 Gools you must be crazy with this one  :lol: do you want us to end up having only 20% of our actual attack?


eh, it was just an idea lol, like i said before, was simply trying to think of something attack related for enhancements .3.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#984 murabane



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Posted 04 September 2018 - 17:09

think of some buff to counter the Full offense + Epic hit back buffs with me then @murbane. LOL

:) what buffs are you having trouble with?

#985 atta222



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Posted 05 September 2018 - 09:28

:) what buffs are you having trouble with?

its a game play strategy.. kind of suicidal, used for defending but due to the availability of high leveled hit back buffs , its now used for aggression too. it relays on wearing gear that boosts Atk and damage only while using epic buffs to swing back if you miss.

Epic last ditch, Force Shield along with Side Step, High guard, Shock wave ...

I would rather have a buff that works while defending only that give a chance of messing up that strategy.

ans yes i agree its chances in the end but with high level of those buffs it becomes a 100% chance of swinging back several times. while loading all in offense. its kinda hard to counter.

#986 atta222



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Posted 05 September 2018 - 11:40

Divergent (Buff) : 0.025% per point boost to all Stats per Set equipped if both your defense and Armor gained by equipped gear are higher than the Average of all your Stats gained by equipped gear.

Note 1: The Buff is Visible a d have same characteristics as SH SW AB KE
Note 2: The buff is aimed to boost the hybrid setups and give new possibilities of formulating more and better sets.
Note 3: Please dont criticise the numbers. it can be fixed, just tell me how do you think about the idea.
Note 4: As an explanation if you have 6K Armor and 6K defense while the Average of all (Damage:Attack:Armor:Defense:HP) is 5K then you gain the boost.

#987 atta222



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Posted 05 September 2018 - 11:50

i am interested in chance buffs that work as a double edged sword. Specialy the sort of trading Stats according to the percentage of stats.

That way having way too high stats to fight a very little Stat by overpowering it will be dangerous. it will work great for Gvg defense.

HCS never wanted players to have a complete nice and sweet 100 successful hits anyways. they wanted score and skill to play the game between guilds.

for instance.

Unfair Trade (Buff) (Pvp Only) :- 0.1% Chance per point that 0.1% of attackers Stats is added to each stat below the average of his stats if you were offline for more than 30 min.

and once again. numbers can be fixed. just tell me what you think about it.

#988 Feldshan


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Posted 09 October 2018 - 23:21

It would be nice to have partner buffs or something to bring player buffs to be competitive with composing and potions. Right now from what I can see a lot of the older buffs are far outclassed by composing and auction house potions that are generated by the game itself. It comes down to why bother getting any player buffs if its better to spend the time looking for potions in the auction house of raising your composing level. Also why bother as a player even wasting the time to allot skill points since you are not going to ever use the skills to buff yourself or anyone for that matter.


Since the player skill level will never go over 150 then it would be nice to have partner buffs for some of the sills like doubler or light foot that would raise them to be somewhat inline with potions.


ex. doubler partner 

when cast raises the level of doubler by 1 per skill level of doubler partner

only works on player buffs, and if doubler is not active gives the skill doubler partner with the rank of the skill, if doubler is cast after it then doubler will be affected by it and remove doubler partner from the player


With this it would allow several buffs that could be placed on the skill tree to allow doubler to "grow" such as doubler partner I,II,II. To scale with potions just another partner buff could be added and instead of one level per level it could be like 0.1 or something per skill point in it.


ex. doubler partner

When cast raises the level of doubler by 0.?% per skill level of doubler partner

only works on player buffs, and if doubler is not active gives the skill doubler partner with the rank of the skill, if doubler is cast after it then doulber witll be affected by it and remove doubler partner from the player


With this it would be just about the same, but it would be one buff that could be changed to scale with potions as higher levels came out for them.


Partner buffs would allow the easy balancing of player skills to near levels of current potions or composing found in the game and it would mean that people would be looking for buffs from players more often the just going with composing or auction house potions. It would also allow raising levels of player buffs that it was felt they didn't do as much as they should as player levels grew more.

It would even allow for there to be ones that would affect potions or potions with them that could be made to affect the skills or other potions as they were used to bring potions on the auction house and produced ones to compete with some of the composing ones. Just wouldn't be able to use them in line with the FSP potions that are sold with the FSP purchases, and would have to make sure those potions stay the best.


#989 goolsby7



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Posted 13 October 2018 - 08:44

( A )It would be nice to have partner buffs or something to bring player buffs to be competitive with composing and potions. Right now from what I can see a lot of the older buffs are far outclassed by composing and auction house potions that are generated by the game itself.

( B )Also why bother as a player even wasting the time to allot skill points since you are not going to ever use the skills to buff yourself or anyone for that matter.

( C )Since the player skill level will never go over 150 then it would be nice to have partner buffs for some of the sills like doubler or light foot that would raise them to be somewhat inline with potions.

( D )Partner buffs would allow the easy balancing of player skills to near levels of current potions or composing found in the game and it would mean that people would be looking for buffs from players more often the just going with composing or auction house potions.

( E )It would even allow for there to be ones that would affect potions or potions with them that could be made to affect the skills or other potions as they were used to bring potions on the auction house and produced ones to compete with some of the composing ones.

While the idea of partner buffs is interesting, I don't think this would work well. I'll explain in sections linked to those I marked above.

( A )
Again, I think the partner buff idea is interesting, but not for this reason. The reason we have potions at all is so we can have higher level buffs than 'normal'. Yes there are some buffs that are outclassed by the special potions in the auction house, but these are just an option and not a necessity. As for composing pots, not only are they limited to you or your guildmates, but they take a lot of time, gold, and resources to get to the high level mini-god pots lol. Not to mention the frag costs and gold costs of actually making the pots. Giving standard buffs even a small chance of being on par with these is basically spitting in the faces of people who've spent the time and resources to actually reach those points.

( B )
This section in particular, I find somewhat amusing. And that's because of how [redacted] it sounds. If people didn't use buffs at all, we wouldn't have the buff market. Sometimes you need a specific buff for your strategy or playstyle, and you invest skill points in it so you have it on demand. (Quest hunter I'm looking at you lol.) Tons of people use there skills, and saying otherwise is just nieve.

( C )
This section basically was covered when I spoke on section ( A ).

( D )
See sections ( A ) and ( B ).

( E )
We already have two things that do this:
Distill potions, to increase our potion levels.
And the composing potion that raises the level of skills you cast. (Which at Max lvl pot of 300 and a zombie brew, gives lv 192 buffs)

The latter requires high composing, yes, but that's a benefit of putting all the time and resources into that aspect of the game.

All in all I like the concept, just not it's current aim.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#990 gapukas



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Posted 06 November 2018 - 16:23

So... i went over my huge list of when to buffs and i found out that one thing for sure we should have is a HP reducing buff, we only got Blood thirst at the moment that has a chance to trigger(so its more like a defensive chance buff).

It would def. need to be only PVP cuz it will ruin wither then for PVE.(there are solid buffs that reduce att, def and damage, armor isnt needed cuz of the shatter armor and piercing strike enchantment already).


Mark of Blood - (+0.2% reduction of opponents HP per point, 35% at lvl 175).


Then another issue would be an offline member defending against attacks, i already introduced the shroud of protection buff but i feel like something is still needed for an extra.


Shroud of protection - Boosts all enhancements up to +35% (lvl 175 is 35%) if the player has been offline more than 3 hours(loses effect after player is online), enhancements cant reach above 100% if the buff is active.


 * i think this buff should be made composable too and the max enchantment % should be 200% - This would balance out a lot on defending against guild attacks when your buffed and offline and the 3 hour trigger would still remain. So i think the main use of it would be big guild gvg's that are near impossible at the moment given the fact that everyone wont be equipping gear accordingly or dont have it, and ladder offline defending - duration should be the same as on deflect.


Cursed Helmet (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped helmet. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)

Cursed Gloves (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped gloves. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)

Cursed Boots (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped boots. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)

Cursed Armor (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped armor. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)

Cursed Shield (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped shield. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)

Cursed Weapon (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped weapon. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)

Cursed Necklace (0.2% per point stat bonus to your equipped weapon. Double chance of durability loss. Prevents Unbreakable from working while active.)


Curse Frenzy (Ability to use more than 2 curses without a penalty - When more than 2 curses are activated without Curse Frenzy active you have a 10% chance per curse buff to reduce the durability of all your gear to 1(same effect when a defender has the buffs active), when player has been offline more than 1 hour all curse buff bonuses and penalties dont work. - These Curses should be potions or RP buffs to avoid abuse.


When Curse Frenzy  is active you have a 25% chance to lose double stamina per cursed buff(so 9 buffs have each 25% chance to trigger), while Curse Frenzy is active your stamina gain is reduced by 50 - Curse Frenzy should have a pretty low duration.

*example* you use 100 stamina to attack, have Curse Frenzy buff active, and 2 Curse Frenzy effects trigger at 25%, you lose 300 stamina*

*example* you use 100 stamina to attack and dont have Curse Frenzy activated while having 9 curse buffs active, each of 9 buffs has a 10% chance to reduce all your durability to 1.*

*Example* Your Curse Frenzy expires and you have 9 buffs active, when someone attacks you you still have stat bonuses from the buffs but you have a 10% chance per curse buff to reduce the durability of all your gear to 1.*

Edited by gapukas, 07 November 2018 - 00:58.

#991 sweetlou



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Posted 06 November 2018 - 18:05

HCS never wanted players to have a complete nice and sweet 100 successful hits anyways. they wanted score and skill to play the game between guilds.

I'm sorry I missed that game directive because Dispel Curse500, undistilled, certainly doesn't follow your description.


On a newer note, while perusing the long awaited game app I noticed new skill names in the buff market(sadly no descriptions). I won't list them all but are we going to see something new to the game after oh such a long wait?

[Signature removed]


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#992 gapukas



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Posted 06 November 2018 - 18:59

I'm sorry I missed that game directive because Dispel Curse500, undistilled, certainly doesn't follow your description.


On a newer note, while perusing the long awaited game app I noticed new skill names in the buff market(sadly no descriptions). I won't list them all but are we going to see something new to the game after oh such a long wait?

Yeah when you got the right gear for an opponent and composed pots, its easy to 100% hit in any case.

#993 activeh1



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Posted 18 February 2019 - 08:10

what about an invert 2 buff swaps dam and armour ,that would throw everyone a curve ball

Edited by activeh1, 18 February 2019 - 08:10.


#994 BadPenny



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Posted 18 February 2019 - 16:59

what about an invert 2 buff swaps dam and armour ,that would throw everyone a curve ball

but but but....  I want an




EASY button

Just one old lady's opinion




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#995 gapukas



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Posted 01 March 2019 - 15:39

Blinding Light buff lvl 175 - 43.75% chance that you wont lose any gold when someone attacks you, duration 100 min without brewing master buff.

#996 BadPenny



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Posted 01 March 2019 - 16:22

Blinding Light buff lvl 175 - 43.75% chance that you wont lose any gold when someone attacks you, duration 100 min without brewing master buff.

Isn't that what the protect gold enhancement does already?  It's irritated me on too many occasions,

Just one old lady's opinion




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#997 gapukas



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Posted 01 March 2019 - 16:39

Isn't that what the protect gold enhancement does already?  It's irritated me on too many occasions,

its only a small chance to protect all your gold - the gloat buff basically nullifies it. its duration is pretty low so you would only be partially reinforced with the buff - thats why the lower duration, never mind what i said about brewing master :D thus in addition to this buff market should be changed - you cant buy buffs from your bank gold anymore, only with gold on hand. For example its perfect to protect your gold against bounty hunters and if some day HC would decide to make gvgs steal gold from players. Wouldnt also mind if this were in a form of an epic potion or something with a lower level.

Edited by gapukas, 01 March 2019 - 16:47.

#998 Speedle


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Posted 27 March 2019 - 10:48

Potion Finder, 17,5 at lvl 175, helps you in the find of pots


doesnt it look cute aw

Edited by Speedle, 27 March 2019 - 10:53.

#999 BadPenny



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Posted 27 March 2019 - 13:09

Potion Finder, 17,5 at lvl 175, helps you in the find of pots


doesnt it look cute aw

What pots are we finding exactly? And where?  Are they hidden in the realms like Easter Eggs or those ever elusive chests?  What buffs do they contain?  

Just one old lady's opinion




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#1000 Speedle


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Posted 27 March 2019 - 13:12

What pots are we finding exactly? And where?  Are they hidden in the realms like Easter Eggs or those ever elusive chests?  What buffs do they contain?  

like the ones that cost a lot to drop in the Scavenging caves maybe (?

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