Corrupted Aura:
0.2% chance per point to "flip" 1 opponents combat-specific buff during combat (PvP only, excludes relic combat)
In the sense of KE instead of offering a 35% increase to attack would instead, for the duration of the combat, reduce your original attack my 35%.
I don't like the idea. There is already too many chance buffs that drastically alter combat, ie High Guard, Golden Shield, Invert, Sealed, etc. At some point I don't know if there is any skill left in putting together set-ups or trying to figure out if you can win a battle or not. If you did add it, I would make it 0.02% chance per point.
I'd like to see some higher level loyalty potions that are about as powerful as composing potions. Could we get together say 4-5 ideas and run a poll. When is the last time anyone has seen an in-game poll? Why did that stop being a thing? I think that would engage the community and spark a fire again.
Edited by Windbattle, 07 June 2020 - 19:23.