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Game Update v2.39

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#101 RebornJedi



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 16:37

If the player requesting a Buff Package already has a buff of equal or higher level active when the seller accepts the request, the buff will be skipped and the rest of the package will be applied. (Note the onus is on the requester to ensure the relevant buffs in package can be cast on them.)

is this here to stay? 


also, is there any consideration of reducing the 10 minute wait for a request?


#102 Belaric



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 16:39

I will say I'm bummed by the time and energy being put into an aspect of the game that, as far as I was aware, was not broken or in terribly much need of attention. This is being feverishly implemented and upgraded and adjusted day on day. Which means other stuff is being delayed as this system is worked on. A system I don't think we needed.


Why not port in the FSH functions and be done? Make it easier to find buffers, and still have people interacting with each other in game.


Why make buff selling a semi/automatic function? The solutions do seem to head that way - be it via X amount of stam/day for automatic sales or number of buff sale slots/day a la the marketplace, where you can say "I'm selling SH at 175K" and log out, and when someone wants to buy SH at 175K they click on it and you have the stam deducted. Which is not a bad idea, (and the idea of upgrades to increase 'buff sale slots' may be attractive to HCS) but is very fire and forget, and the seller runs the risk of not getting a buff master bonus, and the buyer no extend or reinforcement. Unless buff selling becomes like composing - you log in every hour and a bit to re-up your BfM, Ex, Rf, buffs, reset your market place offerings, deal with any gold gained and disappear again. Very interactive. And you need to be able to advertise buffs at 175, this 150 and hope fury caster is maxed is just silly. Puts me off using the system from the get go. I want to see what I am buying, not hope I am getting what I want.


The current buff packs system is ungainly, though it seems you can make individual buff 'packs' now, thankfully. The hit request and wait 10 minutes is bizarre - why not simply look for buffers the old fashioned way? It will almost certainly be faster, and when you find one online, you'll get a response within 10 minutes, if he or she is there - which if autorefresh were disabled in game, would be pretty obvious. Has all this happened because people were too lazy to find buffers, and wanted the buffs they wanted when they wanted them? Should we have a buff central depot where buffs can be bought from the FS automated wizard's guild and take player interaction out altogether and have buff sales as an HCS gold sink? We can then have a thread arguing over pricing. WTH??? That would make finding buffs easier!


(Yes I know it sucks to be in certain time zones. ugh...)



I do not see much value added to the game by this marketplace as a whole. I do not recall a huge groundswell of opinion that buff sales were problematic and needed fixed. (Did I miss that? Were there threads where people were saying they could NEVER find buffs, or that there were windows in the day that they could never find a buffer due to their timezone? I don't recall seeing it. But maybe I did not pay attention.) I do see it being useful in a game that is less active, where buff sales become harder to find. Sadface. But realisticface also.


I liked the idea of doing away with autorefresh, that way benefits old way and new in terms of buff sales.


Rant done. All this energy expended over something that was not fundamentally broken is frustrating. Change ladder hits already. Add new levels to the arena. Too late now, but you get my point.


I hope we get a workable system at the end of this that is not susceptible to any form of abuse. Once it is installed, I'll probably use it...



P.S. I have no idea of any unintended bad consequences that would occur as a result of removing autorefresh from the game. I'm sure a few exist.

Edited by Belaric, 16 January 2014 - 16:46.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#103 yotwehc



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:07

Please don't make this worse by automating further. Never understood those complaining about robots but now I finally do. As a buyer, I am loving these low prices but as a player who loves the social aspect, this makes me sad. I think overall, it will be detrimental, but who knows, it could be wildly successful. To me, the more selfish are the ones that want the automation. (I missed a sale!!! So, someone else got it. Like the auction house, you snooze, you lose)

#104 Grimwald



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:25

Please don't make this worse by automating further. Never understood those complaining about robots but now I finally do. As a buyer, I am loving these low prices but as a player who loves the social aspect, this makes me sad. I think overall, it will be detrimental, but who knows, it could be wildly successful. To me, the more selfish are the ones that want the automation. (I missed a sale!!! So, someone else got it. Like the auction house, you snooze, you lose)

Buffing is an important part of the game. But as the number of players is getting lower, its also getting harder to be buffed. I have had situation that it took me about three or four attempts to get buffed with the few buffs I wanted. Even with the FSH tool available it sometimes take a long time to find an active buffer. Too many players who seems to be active who in reality are not at their keyboard. :(


About interaction, well, most of the time it doesn't go further then "thank you for the buffs" and "have a good hunt". So, I don't see much of an issue. And ofcourse after buying my hunting buffs I don't have time to chat and at the time I am ready the seller is mostly offline anyway.

Edited by Grimwald, 16 January 2014 - 17:31.

#105 cyrus7



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:35

Players should not be buff vending machines.

#106 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:47

And about a simple 'Cancel Request' button?

That makes a lot more sense to me, if you found another buffer before the first one buff you, you just need to cancel the first request.

Manage Requests:
Outgoing requests: xxxx
Incoming requests: xxxx

That's easy O.o

Edited by yghorbeviahn, 16 January 2014 - 17:48.

#107 joecaveman


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:48

I don't see why there is opposition to auto-buffing through the market place. I am losing gold on missed transactions because I can't be refreshing my browser every couple of seconds to see if I have a new request. Additionally the buyer does not have to wait until a request is accepted if an auto function is incorporated.


Suppose you had to "accept" every bid on sales in the Auction House or "accept" every purchase at the FSP Market? Nothing would ever get sold.


Also, why is it an issue how much stam you use? Filters to limit stam use would be useful but If I want to let my stam go to 0 just granting buffs on auto-pilot that is my business. If I don't want to I can just turn off the function.


Auto buffing opens up markets to the buffer that otherwise would be impractical to source. I am in Pacific time zone but if the requestor is in Zulu I am asleep when they are active or visa versa.


Without the auto buff function in the Marketplace you might as well just use FSH, however this is also a time waster. If I want to get buffed and hunt I don't want to spend an hour looking for a buffer and waiting for a response, I just want to hunt.

#108 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 17:54

I don't see why there is opposition to auto-buffing through the market place. I am losing gold on missed transactions because I can't be refreshing my browser every couple of seconds to see if I have a new request. Additionally the buyer does not have to wait until a request is accepted if an auto function is incorporated.

Let's imagine a situation.

I saw a player I don't like selling buffs/packages for gold.
I use 50FSPs to buy that a LOT of times when the player is offline, he get a LOT of gold on hand, I do a 100 Stamin hit on him and ask for my guildmates do the same, I get my gold back, erase his stamina and still get buffed. All that with the player offline.

The only way to Auto-buff work is if the gold go diretcly to the player bank, and that should not be allowed.

#109 morderme



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:01

Kind of nice to get buffs that can be especially hard to get.  That is, Level 1200 and above.  I'm still trying to figure out how a player can get their availability to buff listed under the Buff Market!


I think that if we had 1000s of players online, this issue would be a moot point.  Having a time limit after going inactive is good; max stam expended (if I understand that as well, seems like a good idea).


Certainly we also enjoy the player interaction, but being able to navigate the game when online -- especially if a player's time is limited -- may not be a bad idea to have this option available for that reason as well.

#110 yotwehc



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:05

I don't see why there is opposition to auto-buffing through the market place. I am losing gold on missed transactions because I can't be refreshing my browser every couple of seconds to see if I have a new request. Additionally the buyer does not have to wait until a request is accepted if an auto function is incorporated.

Your not "losing" gold, someone else is getting it... why do you have to get ALL the sales? someone else who is more active got the gold. Nothing wrong with that. Also, I'm curious what your price is? There are some really low cost buffers and I have never seen your name show up for those. Someone was selling 5 buffs including SSI for 5k gold... is yours less? with auto-buffing, that person would get almost all the sales and you would be "losing" even more gold.


If your prices are great, you wouldn't lose the sale within minutes, the buyer would wait a couple minutes... if your price is the same or close to others, then the buyer would try another seller...

#111 yotwehc



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:15

About interaction, well, most of the time it doesn't go further then "thank you for the buffs" and "have a good hunt". So, I don't see much of an issue. And ofcourse after buying my hunting buffs I don't have time to chat and at the time I am ready the seller is mostly offline anyway.

I keep a list of the generous and low cost buffers. I know their names. I search them out and ask them if they will be online to PM me within the next hour. If we make buff sales like the auction house, do you remember who you bought your potions from? I don't... lowest price gets it. No thank you's are sent either.


In the back and forth with the sellers, I have met some pretty cool folk... I guess you haven't... Not everyone does.


I don't like selling buffs so this change doesn't effect me negatively... I'm just taking a big picture view and am seeing this taking the game 1 step backward as I see the strength is the community.

#112 spartani


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:21

The future is to have the buffs automaticaly casted. Theres no other way you can talk about a buff market without implementing such thing.


The dailly limit is a valid option to limit abuses, altough will also sacrifice players who are really active.


Consider making a better search tool for buffs and that will surely benefit online players, who will be able to adjust their offers to the market demand.


#113 joecaveman


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:23

Your not "losing" gold, someone else is getting it... why do you have to get ALL the sales? someone else who is more active got the gold. Nothing wrong with that. Also, I'm curious what your price is? There are some really low cost buffers and I have never seen your name show up for those. Someone was selling 5 buffs including SSI for 5k gold... is yours less? with auto-buffing, that person would get almost all the sales and you would be "losing" even more gold.


If your prices are great, you wouldn't lose the sale within minutes, the buyer would wait a couple minutes... if your price is the same or close to others, then the buyer would try another seller...

If that person selling 5 buffs for 5k gold was on auto-buff they would run out of stam quickly and then you get your turn. Or you can compete with them.

#114 Belaric



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:25

Pessimism : ON.


So... is this about the future of the game more than about it is about buffs?


Is it about anticipated nightmare scenarios where people cannot find buffs when they need them because we enter the sigma storm lifecycle?


What happened to planning?


What happened to lining up as many potion based skills as possible?


What happened to being as self sufficient in buffs as possible?


Making do with what was available? Sarcasm on: For hunting that shouldn't be too bad - everyone says how easy it is anyway - it might become a challenge again - and stamina is free after all! Sarcasm off.


What about talking to a buffer and arranging to be online at an agreeable time?


What happened to talking to guildies about these issues?


Are we going to ask for farming and gathering of resources to be made easier once nobody bothers to scavenge for parts to make some potions and/ or get other pots like EW1500 from the caves? Because it will be 'too hard' to get those things? Or will there be a push to make the composing pots widely available as they cover many of the highly desired buffs at high levels of composing?



Or will those of us who remain adapt?


Seems to me we are being pessimistic about the game. Making buffers more available will not stave off the inevitable, if it is. And 5K imps is more depressing to me than inability to find buffers. That says the barrel is already being scraped in order to get buff sales.


Maybe we are closer to the sigma life cycle than I thought.


Pessimism: OFF.


*waves cane and goes to sit on naughty step*

Edited by Belaric, 16 January 2014 - 18:40.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#115 Rational


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:32

I don't see why people are against automating this.  It would be so much easier.  One of the reasons I stopped playing a few years ago was because of the effort required to find buffs, it's a pain in the arse.  Anything that makes this part of the game easier is a good thing.


As for people "abusing" it.  I just don't see how.  If people want to use their stam to constantly buff on auto-refresh, then let them, it's their stam.


Do it!...do it do it do it!

#116 yotwehc



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 18:42

I don't see why people are against automating this.  It would be so much easier.  One of the reasons I stopped playing a few years ago was because of the effort required to find buffs, it's a pain in the arse.  Anything that makes this part of the game easier is a good thing.

Yes! Easy is good... we need more change! Make titans don't move at all! Frags need to be x10 their current rate! Need 5 times XP event every other week! Need stronger Global Pots as lvl 500 is not enough!

I'm with you!

Let's do it do it do it!

If that person selling 5 buffs for 5k gold was on auto-buff they would run out of stam quickly and then you get your turn. Or you can compete with them.

If that person selling 5 buffs for 5k gold was on auto-buff they would run out of stam quickly and then you get your turn. Or you can compete with them.

If that person selling 5 buffs for 5k gold was on auto-buff they would run out of stam quickly and then you get your turn. Or you can compete with them.

So what is your price? I will find 10 buffers cheaper then you :)

#117 Rational


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Posted 16 January 2014 - 19:06

Yes! Easy is good... we need more change! Make titans don't move at all! Frags need to be x10 their current rate! Need 5 times XP event every other week! Need stronger Global Pots as lvl 500 is not enough!

I'm with you!

Let's do it do it do it!

So what is your price? I will find 10 buffers cheaper then you :)


Clever, you used sarcasm, you'll have to teach me one day.


Seriously, certain things should be easy, stop being so elitist.  Finding buffs is not fun, it shouldn't be a challenge.

#118 cyrus7



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 19:22

I remember back when few players had Doubler, due to only like the Top 10 players being above level 200. None of the buffs above level 200 existed on the skill tree either.  It wasn't that bad. Seriously.


I'm with Belaric. Players should plan ahead, make connections with other players, and learn how to do more things on their own.


Players should not be buff vending machines.


*grabs Belaric's cane and waves it* Now get off my lawn! :P

#119 WWWolf

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 19:29

Personally, I have mixed feelings about this.  One of the great things about buffs from day 1 was the player interaction.  I made a lot of good friends through the years through buffing.  The new Buff market kinda kills that.  It is so impersonal.  I have one of the cheapest rates in the Buff Market but if you actually look at my profile and request buffs the old fashioned way, they are FREE


On the other hand, I know how frustrating it can be to have to sit and wait for a response to be buffed when you are otherwise ready to hunt.


IMHO: The current setup of the Buff Market with the proposed automation leaves a lot of room to be exploited.  I much prefer the idea others have had to make it more like the Auction House where sellers can put up X number of buffs for sale for a set time and buyers can choose whether to buy them in which case they would immediately be buffed.


However, in the interest of implementing this quickly so you can move on to more important things, I like your idea but 10 minutes might be a little long of an idle time to allow auto-buffs.  Plus, I would definitely allow a way for sellers to turn this off.

#120 Davros81



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Posted 16 January 2014 - 19:34

the buff marketplace is a vending machine essentially... :unsure:

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