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A letter from your new Game Producer.

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#101 Melissa3



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 00:58

There's a lot of talk here about priorities and what we want as a community.  Nobody can dispute this.  A lot needs to be done, and many things that have been shoved to a back burner will have to remain there a little longer.  Everybody acts as if changes should just happen lickety split as soon as they are brought up, but things are just in a discussion stage here at best.  Let out new (old) guy here get back into the swing of things before we jump the gun and make demands.  I know we want composing fixed... I'd like to see what's next in Present Darkness, too, but neither are as important to me as seeing what changes will be made to PvP and the Bounty Board, whether the EOC players will ever get their portal (walking 50+ levels has got to be brutal, not to mention being a stam leak from Hades.) The things mentioned here so far barely scratch the surface.  


One thing I might suggest... There are current threads concerning most of the major issues we have.  Mr Mohawk/Radneto here has already said he would be reviewing such threads.  Post your views, ideas and concerns in these specific threads, rather than, here, so it's easier for him to digest....  And by all means, lets get more people back to the forum.  Tell your friends and your friends' friends to come weigh in too... This is how the cows can know what we need and what we want....  It's not rocket science, folks :)


Nope, I'm here to stay! Composing was discussed early today, however I feel we're going to aim for regular updates and have no hard date to give you on that yet, we're committed to getting game updates out more frequently and this will be independently from content updates.

Your missing my point Penny,  what I am saying is what has been promised in the past should be a priority before changes are looked at.


Composing was a "given" more than a year ago when we were told that there were 50 levels of composing where we would unlock new buffs as we progressed in levels and new composing only buffs would be available.  At that time it should have been put into place.  I am not asking for "changes" just give us what u have already promised us before you put your limited resources are put into changes.


And as far as holding off and letting him get into the swing of things my original post was not made until John's post made me feel he does not seem to see it as a priority.


What has been started in the past and not finished should be a priority before new promises are made.

#102 Woulfe



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 01:06

Welcome back to FS!  I wish you the best of luck as I know you will need it.  


I don't really have any wishes or wants anymore, just some observations.  It is said that the squeaky wheel gets the oil.  I stopped reading the forums because I saw the same people pushing their agendas and silencing others who objected.  Oddly enough I still see the same people with the same agendas.  This really doesn't instill hope that things will change.  


This isn't a reflection on you or HCS for management or mismanagement (depending on your point of view), it more of a reflection of human nature.  No matter who you are, you are taught from a young age to always want more.  Many never learn what enough is or how to identify a balance.  From what I have seen that is what happen to FS.  One group pushed their agenda to the detriment of another, and so we lost a lot of players.  Then the pendulum swung the other way and we lost more players.  The pendulum continued to swing until you have our current state in FS.


Now you can look at this as an attack on FS and the community, but this is merely a reflection of real life.  Look at politics between nations and filter that all the way down to any one of us and our personal lives.  The pendulum always swings.  Look at nature with predators and prey.  In good years both thrive and lean years starve and only the strong survive.  Species are disappearing and yet new ones are discovered filling in their niches.  Gaming is no different, in the end everyone will move on to something "new".  This may be tomorrow or 20 years from now, but someday HCS will shut down this game most likely because it is not profitable anymore.  I'm still around because I'm hoping for the 20 years, but we will see how the pendulum swings.  Here's to hoping for the long term and finding a "balance".



#103 yotwehc



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 01:17

Although I <3 composing and would greatly benefit personally, I agree it should wait. Here is my highly scientific list of how it should be prioritiEd:
1. Fix the broken stuff (not broken as in its not working the way I like it but broken as in being exploited or not working as intended.
2. Get and keep new players. Not sure what the magic formula is but a start would be to make it much easier for mentors and new players to be partnered easily.
3. Enhancements. Fulfill the long promises made but not delivered like composing
4. Get the gods to answer my darn daily prayers

#104 BadPenny



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 02:46

Although I <3 composing and would greatly benefit personally, I agree it should wait. Here is my highly scientific list of how it should be prioritiEd:
1. Fix the broken stuff (not broken as in its not working the way I like it but broken as in being exploited or not working as intended.
2. Get and keep new players. Not sure what the magic formula is but a start would be to make it much easier for mentors and new players to be partnered easily.
3. Enhancements. Fulfill the long promises made but not delivered like composing
4. Get the gods to answer my darn daily prayers

+ infinity2

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#105 hades8840



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 08:16

i would like to see the existing road map finished before it was swapped yet again that was voted on by us and is now behind on when it should of been done..we are constantly getting promises on stuff ..like dangling a carrot on a stick

#106 Filletminion



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 09:08

Might pay to get Hoof /Zorg to look into this as well game shuts down daily at 5 pm for me ..and I get this message ...

Error 522 Ray ID: 18818bb4267f0b20 Connection timed out


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#107 Mojawk


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 10:49

I see a lot of passionate views and opinions here which is a good thing, nothing is getting placed on the back burner, I'm working with the team now and we're going to strive for a much more regular pace of updates to improve all aspects of the game. 

John Stewart
Chief Operations Officer

#108 yodamus



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Posted 12 November 2014 - 12:23

the reason many of us (including myself) keep pushing for certain agendas, is part human nature, but mostly comes from the frustration of having seen certain aspects of the game being ignored, neglected and otherwise thrown into a deep hole and covered up for months or years...and now the fear is that this will happen again...that aspects of the game that need attention will not get it for many more months or years..as the fight goes on for priority..i think most of us pushing certain agendas are not asking for ours to be first..just to be done in a reasonable amount of time- NOT MONTHS OR YEARS


...all long as things are getting done, i think many of us will relax on our calling for agendas...but until we actually see action, updates and many things getting done in a reasonable amount of time (again, not months or years down the line), we will keep calling for our agendas to be looked at..believe me..i sorta trust that things will get done...but track record shows otherwise, i greatly fear some things being buried in a deep dark hole again....get things done, and done quickly will cause players to relax and feel better about the direction of the game..


and while i agree that getting new players and keeping them is a top priority..many parts of the game needs to be fix or improved first ( like how the game starts for them (tutorial area) or they will leave if they see a confusing game, and then if they stay for a little while, they need to not see a stale game in many aspects (arena, pvp, se's,and gvg), or they will leave at that point.....game needs to be revived, then the new players may stay...

Edited by yodamus, 12 November 2014 - 12:40.

#109 sweetlou



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Posted 13 November 2014 - 02:53

I see a lot of passionate views and opinions here which is a good thing, nothing is getting placed on the back burner, I'm working with the team now and we're going to strive for a much more regular pace of updates to improve all aspects of the game. 

Good to see you back at Fallen Sword at the helm emphasizing positive changes, not upside down radical ones.

[Signature removed]


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#110 WWWolf

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Posted 13 November 2014 - 15:26

i would like to see the existing road map finished before it was swapped yet again that was voted on by us and is now behind on when it should of been done..we are constantly getting promises on stuff ..like dangling a carrot on a stick

I think it would be a mistake to jump on the current roadmap as is.  You might as well use a 50-year old street map to try to navigate a large city.  Sure, many of the roads are still there but some roads have been added or moved and the place you are trying to get might not be on the map at all.


The truth is that s LOT has changed since that vote.  The items on that list DO need to be addressed but priorities have changed, ideas have been added, and problems have risen.  Of course, a good portion of the map will stay the same but change is inevetable.


It is time to get a new map!

#111 avvakum



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Posted 13 November 2014 - 20:09

I see a lot of passionate views and opinions here which is a good thing, nothing is getting placed on the back burner, I'm working with the team now and we're going to strive for a much more regular pace of updates to improve all aspects of the game. 


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