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PVP Seasons as a Global

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#101 yotwehc



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 01:54

Oooh, the umbrage!


Have I hit a nerve? GOOD.


At the end of the day if a player is always, constantly, never-endingly berating a certain aspect of the game then they have that choice as they are clearly unhappy with the game.


Ah well, it's now my turn to say that the comment has been taken out of context. As it was used to show the patheticness when using a comparison between real life and Fallen Sword..........I kinda knew it would be jumped all over ;)


And opposing a change to certain game mechanics is one thing, suggesting its annihilation is another.


What's the title of this thread? Oh yeah, PvP Seasons as a Global. Yes please. And if you do HCS I promise to improve my attitude.






If I'm not mistaken, all that Pythia is asking for is a simple opt-out... no annihilation... that type of game play doesn't suit her and she gave her reasons. Her posts are on topic as well as she is asking for a simple opt out. i think it's a fair ask... if that means annihilation, I'd like to see the connection.


there was no berating, she is not unhappy with the game (quite contrary, she enjoy all of the other aspects). Take a deep breath.

#102 wil72



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 02:16

If I'm not mistaken, all that Pythia is asking for is a simple opt-out... no annihilation... that type of game play doesn't suit her and she gave her reasons. Her posts are on topic as well as she is asking for a simple opt out. i think it's a fair ask... if that means annihilation, I'd like to see the connection.


there was no berating, she is not unhappy with the game (quite contrary, she enjoy all of the other aspects). Take a deep breath.


Aye, very good mate.


Opt out of PvP. If that suggestion is not the biggest change to be made to that aspect of the game then what is? Therefore the description of annihilation is apt in my opinion.


And I disagree completely with regard to the berating. It's continual and constant. Almost guaranteed in a PvP thread.


Anyways, PvP Seasons as a Global. Bring it on. As I have taken a deep breath.





#103 Pythia



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 03:35

I have no objection to that type of a global, never said I did.


My objection comes from talk of having the admin remove the ability of protection for everyone and making it a free for all. 


Not just from the ladder which should not have protection in the first place because you have to opt in to play there, but to remove protection for the time of the global from what I've read.


That is so disingenuous of those asking for it,  because it's forcing everyone to take part whether they want or not and I doubt there would be a reset of lost experience.


I also did not say to obliterate PvP.  I stated what PvP protection was available to those that do not want to take part in it but only half PvP protection not FULL PvP protection.

#104 BadPenny



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 09:18

You enjoy the aspects of the game you like Will, I must always be looking over my shoulder for a mugger.

I came here to play a simple game while other things were going on in my life, I don't need an edge in the game, I need an edge in the freaking real world, and that's what I'm fighting for.

PvP in a game holds no interest for someone like me who has feet on the ground and a head tilted to the stars. There is so much more to hold my interest in my real fight.

For years the "levelers" screamed for an opt out for PvP.... They finally got one.... It's called PvP protection and you have to buy it.... You may not like this option, but it was something denied for years and years. Be thankful you have it.

Being able to role play the Highway Bandit was a fun aspect for me in the olden days. I have been robbed a few times, and have robbed several. Funny, some of those "victims" have become my staunchest friends.

All this bickering about this makes me nauseous. Hoof already said he would look into doing something like this on a test basis. Let's wait and see how that works out before we start battling it out, hmm?

I don't know how to get this message across, but I will try again. It's a game, folks. The PvP in it is nothing personal to you. It just is.... Get over yourselves, please.

Edited by BadPenny, 04 December 2016 - 09:21.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#105 yotwehc



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 11:00

For years the "levelers" screamed for an opt out for PvP.... They finally got one.... It's called PvP protection and you have to buy it.... You may not like this option, but it was something denied for years and years. Be thankful you have it.

Being able to role play the Highway Bandit was a fun aspect for me in the olden days. I have been robbed a few times, and have robbed several. Funny, some of those "victims" have become my staunchest friends.

All this bickering about this makes me nauseous. Hoof already said he would look into doing something like this on a test basis. Let's wait and see how that works out before we start battling it out, hmm?

I don't know how to get this message across, but I will try again. It's a game, folks. The PvP in it is nothing personal to you. It just is.... Get over yourselves, please.

I disagree completely. If an idea is thrown out, counters or reminding of the negative aspect of the idea should be discussed. Isn't that what the forums are for?

No one here is taking anything personal. I'm glad to hear that you have gotten over some drama you had way back when, when your "friends" hard slapped you. You were pretty down about it. Trust me, Pythia never gets that way in this game ;-p but thanks for the advice anyway :)

#106 BadPenny



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 13:39

I disagree completely. If an idea is thrown out, counters or reminding of the negative aspect of the idea should be discussed. Isn't that what the forums are for?
No one here is taking anything personal. I'm glad to hear that you have gotten over some drama you had way back when, when your "friends" hard slapped you. You were pretty down about it. Trust me, Pythia never gets that way in this game ;-p but thanks for the advice anyway :)

That particular incident was a matter of principle, and I have long moved on. That drama is nothing compared to what I go through in real life. I'm much more inclined to take that seriously than the game mechanics of a role playing game.

PvP and it's many flaws are taken way too seriously IMHO. It's just a game, and people make it a personal affront. That's what I mean about people taking PvP personal.

That's what irks me most, that the fun is being sapped out of it by the never ending debate that has gone on and on and on for 10 years. Topics like this one end up going round and round in circles about things that have nothing to do with what the OP has in mind.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#107 yotwehc



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 16:43

That particular incident was a matter of principle, and I have long moved on. That drama is nothing compared to what I go through in real life. I'm much more inclined to take that seriously than the game mechanics of a role playing game.

PvP and it's many flaws are taken way too seriously IMHO. It's just a game, and people make it a personal affront. That's what I mean about people taking PvP personal.

That's what irks me most, that the fun is being sapped out of it by the never ending debate that has gone on and on and on for 10 years. Topics like this one end up going round and round in circles about things that have nothing to do with what the OP has in mind.

We're sort of in agreement then. Simply put, let's not sap the fun out of the game. You want seasons. Have at it. Just don't force anyone else into it. You wanna steal gold? Go ahead, not one mention has been made to prevent you from continuing to do so.

The only time we have disagreement is when you want to have fun at the expense of others. That's where I open my trap.

Topics may go in circles but who keeps bringing up these ideas? And guess what? When there is no counter opinion, some of these bad ideas get implemented. Look at the smasher medal that I love to keep referring too. What a genius idea. Not sure who came up with it but turned out to be disastrous yet people keep wanting to bring it back.

Listen to your own advice and don't take things personal. I assure you that Pythia doesn't. At least not within this game. Once the fun is gone, she is gone. I don't want her to be gone.

#108 Pythia



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 18:24

People want ideas and boy do I have a doozie of an idea for you.   Everything you have asked for in PvP. :)




Runs 5 days.


If you want to take part you must opt-in


Once it starts you're in till it ends.


Now the fun part:


No level restrictions at all, you can go from the snow to EOC no matter what your level is.


No PvP protection at all for those taking part in the event. 


And for a little added spice: Once you pick a target you must go find that target.  That means you must travel the zones, once you land on a player that has also opted in you can attack.  HOWEVER... If that player moves before you attack, the hunt starts again.


Now that presents a REAL challange.    Think any of you would be up to it?  It's everything that PvP players have asked for in the threads that I can think of or remember.  Let's have some feedback now.


I'll pop corn and kick back to watch the show.

Edited by Pythia, 04 December 2016 - 18:27.

#109 Pythia



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 18:33

If players think the ability to travel the zones should not be wide open too, then  let it be divided up :


Level ?? to 1000


Level 1001 to EOC.


But I like the wide open zone travel, it presents more of a challenge, don't you know, and it's what has been asked for lots of times. :)



(Must proof read more )

Edited by Pythia, 04 December 2016 - 18:33.

#110 BadPenny



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 18:53

If players think the ability to travel the zones should not be wide open too, then  let it be divided up :
Level ?? to 1000
Level 1001 to EOC.
But I like the wide open zone travel, it presents more of a challenge, don't you know, and it's what has been asked for lots of times. :)
(Must proof read more )

I kind of like the idea of PvP zones. The tag aspect appeals to me.... I have some thoughts about it.

In order for something like this to work, there would have to be PvP zones open to any level, then I guess a fun game of tag could ensue. But the game would have to be less static for a truly good game of tag to be played. So there would be bugs to work out. Also, there would need to be specific guidelines in place. You need to have range limits in place, to keep an evil player I know from deciding to track me, and I'd have no hope even to hit... But with EoC so very high, I believe that new range tiers should be in place for levels 1k- 2499 and again at 2500+.... But that's another thread....

Pythia, I don't disagree with some of the things you are saying, and I hope you know that I would message you personally to hammer out any disagreement we may have. I want you to be happy in the game. There are times that I tend to overspeak my mind. But I want the PvP player to be happy too. Too many have wandered away in disappointment as PvP has gotten watered down so many times. I just don't want to see any more of that.

And Chewy, I never said I wanted seasons, or didn't want them. I never really got a chance to make my decision about it and never voted on it. But this particular idea is something hoof has shown interest in, and I'm curious about how it will pan out.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#111 Pythia



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 19:13

I have no real problems in game, Penny, it's just some of the ideas I've seen here have presented some less than stellar options for people that don't want to PvP.


That's why I took every thing that PvP players have asked for at any time and tossed it into the mix with some shape but also some adjustment room.


I think everyone should be able to play what is fun for them.

#112 EpicPiety



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 19:17

I've never personally understood why those on the losing end of PvP cry. The aggressor spent 100 stamina in most situtations. Do you know how much xp can be gained with 100 stamina? Not only that you can bounty them. The amount of dmg you can do to them is way more than what they did to you.


I sit afk on ladder



05:01 04/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 05:31 03/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 01:11 02/Dec/2016 You were defeated by weah in combat. [ View Combat ] (12 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 10:03 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (5 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 08:39 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by WandKing in combat. [ View Combat ] (23 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 08:17 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (23 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 07:31 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by WandKing in combat. [ View Combat ] (23 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 07:07 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 00:27 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 10:42 29/Nov/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 11:28 28/Nov/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 04:30 28/Nov/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change) 05:01 04/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 05:31 03/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 01:11 02/Dec/2016 You were defeated by weah in combat. [ View Combat ] (12 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 10:03 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (5 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 08:39 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by WandKing in combat. [ View Combat ] (23 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 08:17 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (23 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 07:31 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by WandKing in combat. [ View Combat ] (23 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 07:07 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 00:27 01/Dec/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 10:42 29/Nov/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 11:28 28/Nov/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)   log_3.gif 04:30 28/Nov/2016 You were defeated by adienamar in combat. [ View Combat ] (44 PvP Ladder Rating Change)


Are you guys that soft that one hit triggers you that hard.

Edited by EpicPiety, 04 December 2016 - 19:19.

#113 yotwehc



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 19:41

I've never personally understood why those on the losing end of PvP cry. The aggressor spent 100 stamina in most situtations. Do you know how much xp can be gained with 100 stamina? Not only that you can bounty them. The amount of dmg you can do to them is way more than what they did to you.



That explains a lot. It makes sense why you make suggestions without considering the other side which you admit you don't understand. That's why disastrous changes are made with your blessings.

#114 Pythia



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 20:00

Penny, please toss out your ideas on level ranges and the hide and seek feature. Color me curious.


I should say this also, I'd be willing to forgo hunting for the 5 days of the event if adding some flow to the game mechanics would help with the hide and seek aspect.


Just because I don't want to play that aspect doesn't mean I'm willing to advocate  preventing others from playing it.

Edited by Pythia, 04 December 2016 - 20:07.

#115 EpicPiety



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 20:40

The aggressor spent 100 stamina in most situations. Do you know how much xp can be gained with 100 stamina? Not only that you can bounty them. The amount of dmg you can do to them is way more than what they did to you.

TL:DR how much more can be taken away from PvP before it's totally eradicated from the face of this game. I don't generally participate... Because of this i don't believe it should cease to exist nor do i believe i should be able to hide behind a door from it. It's part of the game just like anything else. If you want to pay money to hide from it be my guest... AKA pvp protection otherwise your fair game.

Edited by EpicPiety, 04 December 2016 - 20:45.

#116 Pythia



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 20:47

This is for the PvP GE..  Have any ideas, feedback or input.... Share...


It will not induce me to join but maybe others would enjoy some of it.



And EP, so is Titan hunting,  Arena, SE hunting and such, but not everyone wants to take part in them.

Edited by Pythia, 04 December 2016 - 20:49.

#117 EpicPiety



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 23:41

Talking about opt in and opt out which is definitely relevant to this topic. TH/Arena/Se and such was introduced from the beginning as opt in opt out. Pvp wasn't

#118 yotwehc



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Posted 04 December 2016 - 23:42

Talking about opt in and opt out which is definitely relevant to this topic. TH/Arena/Se and such was introduced from the beginning as opt in opt out. Pvp wasn't

Were all globals up till now opt in? I can't recall...

#119 Mister Doom

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Posted 04 December 2016 - 23:47

I understand the opposition to having the event be optional. I seriously can't imagine it will be much of a success, even with the enormously diminished numbers the game has now, there are still a majority of people who don't want to pvp.


Although it would certainly be funny to see only a couple hundred or so people 'opt-in' for a seasons event. lol


There are really only two ways that this won't cause the exact same issue as the initial smasher medal release however. It either has to be optional, or it has to be xp-loss/gear damage free.


#120 EpicPiety



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Posted 05 December 2016 - 00:47

 xp-loss/gear damage free.

Opt in/out would mean few dozen people participating... Wouldn't really be a "global" with that many people would it. Gonna have to be xp-loss/gear damage free

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