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MUGGER'S MEDAL POLL/PVP check Gold Stealing medal thread

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Poll: Should there be Mugger's medal? (132 member(s) have cast votes)

Should there be Mugger's medal?

  1. Voted Yes (89 votes [67.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 67.42%

  2. Voted No (43 votes [32.58%])

    Percentage of vote: 32.58%

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#101 fs_evilix

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 15:54

That's very kind of you, although I was more referring to the moment when a player is busy enjoying the part of the game they enjoy, be it arena, scavenging, potion selling or regular hunting. Unaware that they are secretly being stalked by some stealthy pvp player. There really isn't anything players can do in most of those situations, except perhaps get themselves deflect. Although even that can be somewhat mitigated these days.

Buying some bank depos would help in this situation.You can deposit gold while your hunting in case anyone forgot.You can also buy bank depos with gold now.

There absolutely,positively should be a medal for gold stealing..Bounty hunters get bounty medals..Titan hunters get titan medals..Arena players get arena medals..Smashers get smashing medals..SE hunters get SE medals..Adventurers get adventure medals..Ladder players get dominance medals..Chest hunters get chest medals..The rest of the medals are kinda dumb..GOLD THIEVES GET NO MEDALS!?!?!?!?

Oh and if anyone forgot,let me remind you..

There is PvP in Fallen Sword :twisted:

Take away the PvP and you take away lots of customers. :shock:

#102 Mister Doom

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 16:02

Inventors don't get a medal, traders don't get a medal, guild leaders/inventory managers don't get a medal and none of these things are any less a valid way of spending your fs time. Also none of there have a visible negative impact on how players feel while playing, in a game with dwindling numbers like fs unfortunately this also has to be taken into account. (as can be seen with the tweak to the smashes medal)


#103 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 16:09

I tell you what. If those medals are so important to you, you can have all of mine. With or without the medal, my gameplay doesn't change. Propose a change to steal medals. I don't need it.

#104 fs_evilix

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 16:12

Have a medal for how many times you sneeze in a day,I could care less.

Have a medal for saying medal 1000 times,whatever twinkles your toes.

I just play the game they give me man.

But Gold thieving has been around since the start and should be acknowledge as a craft just like any other..Gold Thieving was around before most of the other aspects of the game (Arena,Ladder,Titans,Smasher}..Which all have a medal attached

And if some players get scared or hurt feelings then maybe FS isn't for them :cry:

#105 Mister Doom

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 16:20

Have a medal for how many times you sneeze in a day,I couldn't care less.

I just play the game they give me man.

But Gold thieving has been around since the start and should be acknowledged as a craft just like any other...

I just don't see it as a prudent move to bring in a medal for possibly making someone wish they hadn't played at that particular moment. They tried it once with the smasher medal and it was a colossal failure, aggravating many people who got randomly smashed and then annoying the proponents of the medal when its parameters was changed. Seemed like a complete failure all around, this medal would just be a repetition of that failure.


#106 fs_evilix

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 16:30

It seems like everything fails in this game to alot of players..Things don't always go there way? Boo Hoo the games broken..

Theres always room for improvement,but you never know whats going to happen unless it's tried.
Hey,the smasher medal is what it is now..Maybe it was supposed to be something differen't when first thought of.

but like I said before,I just play the game they give me man.

#107 Mister Doom

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 16:37

This debate is becoming cyclical. I remember from some of your outbursts regarding what your opinions on what people should wear back in Ravenous that you have pretty strong views about pvp/gvg in fs, so I realise we are not likely to see eye to eye on this subject. I only really wanted to put forward my opinions and then move on. (stupid compulsion to reply)


#108 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 17:06

Have a medal for how many times you sneeze in a day,I could care less.

Have a medal for saying medal 1000 times,whatever twinkles your toes.

I just play the game they give me man.

But Gold thieving has been around since the start and should be acknowledge as a craft just like any other..Gold Thieving was around before most of the other aspects of the game (Arena,Ladder,Titans,Smasher}..Which all have a medal attached

And if some players get scared or hurt feelings then maybe FS isn't for them :cry:

I'm confused... (not hard to do with my limited cranial function)... You don't care about the medal. You just want to play the game. but you want the medal for gold thieving? Your also laughing at those players who "get scared or hurt feelings" but if this medal doesn't get done, there have been those who are getting their panties in a bunch because they are getting no response to this suggestion.

If this would truly help the game, and the membership, I would be all for it however, I can tell you it's failing for me personally (and this is without the medal)... I took advantage of HCS's offer to invite back an old player... they "forgot" how this game is played and went offline with a ton of gold (yes I should have told him but we were working on getting him geared up, trying to get the right pots, etc...). When he logs back in, he will be in for a special surprise when he finds out he's been hit several times... will be hard to convnce him to stick around and do the 50 levels. but that's just my own personal experience.

#109 Maehdros



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 17:32

Have a medal for how many times you sneeze in a day,I could care less.

Have a medal for saying medal 1000 times,whatever twinkles your toes.

I just play the game they give me man.

But Gold thieving has been around since the start and should be acknowledge as a craft just like any other..Gold Thieving was around before most of the other aspects of the game (Arena,Ladder,Titans,Smasher}..Which all have a medal attached

And if some players get scared or hurt feelings then maybe FS isn't for them :cry:

I'm confused... (not hard to do with my limited cranial function)... You don't care about the medal. You just want to play the game. but you want the medal for gold thieving? Your also laughing at those players who "get scared or hurt feelings" but if this medal doesn't get done, there have been those who are getting their panties in a bunch because they are getting no response to this suggestion.

If this would truly help the game, and the membership, I would be all for it however, I can tell you it's failing for me personally (and this is without the medal)... I took advantage of HCS's offer to invite back an old player... they "forgot" how this game is played and went offline with a ton of gold (yes I should have told him but we were working on getting him geared up, trying to get the right pots, etc...). When he logs back in, he will be in for a special surprise when he finds out he's been hit several times... will be hard to convnce him to stick around and do the 50 levels. but that's just my own personal experience.

You invited someone back, who went offline with gold ( which since the beginning of fs time has been ill advisable). They have been gold hit/ pvp'd for *said* gold, and the game is failing because of that? O_o

Maybe...just maybe... they'll realize..HEY! Dee dooo! I had too much gold. Bounty the player and rip some levels to feel better get guild involved in a welcome back delevel party on the aggressor and get the *revenge rrr you tinkled me off factor*. Maybe, they'll slap the player back a bunch to let off some steam. Heck, MAYBE, they might pm the player and get into a nice long convo, and possibly become friends? ( it's happened, trust me )

Gold hits dont kill the game...

#110 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 17:34

I'm just saying. He's probably not gonna want to play anymore. My fault for not warning him. But hey, you got your gold and are happy. Just my personal experience.

#111 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 17:42

Btw. I did say it was failing for me personally. If it will gain membership, I'm all for it. Personally, it doesn't work for me but if its for the betterment of the game I am more ten willing to sacrifice my part in it

#112 avvakum



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 18:30

Should there be Mugger's medal?
Yes 73%

#113 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 19:27

Maybe...just maybe... they'll realize..HEY! Dee dooo! I had too much gold. Bounty the player and rip some levels to feel better get guild involved in a welcome back delevel party on the aggressor and get the *revenge rrr you tinkled me off factor*. Maybe, they'll slap the player back a bunch to let off some steam. Heck, MAYBE, they might pm the player and get into a nice long convo, and possibly become friends? ( it's happened, trust me )

Gold hits dont kill the game...

He left the game way back when... he's not familiar with all of the game mechanics you mention, heck, I'm not either... To him, it's not worth going to the trouble you mentioned. Easier to say not worth it and leave. He came back because I asked him too... I think the Cows did the promotion to get old players back to show them how fun it is with all the new changes, titans, etc... Figuring if they stay on for at least 20 days and gain at least 50 levels, they might find t enjoyable. Again, it's my fault for not telling him about the gold thing... but just sayin... we lost another player before he even had a chance to like the game again. I'm sure this medal will make things so much better. As I've said, you can have my medals... I will play the same way with, or without it. You guys seem to need validation on what you do.. I don't.. Also, how do you prevent manipulation? How difficult would it be to get one player pvp protection, send them all your gold, attack multiple times, send them all your gold and repeat. I'd like to here your ideas about this... you could literally get ruby (depending on the tiers) within 5 minutes... nice and challenging, no?

#114 avvakum



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 19:38

Manipulation isn't a problem. Each gold hit should be bountied or it won't count.

#115 Maehdros



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 19:49

Also, how do you prevent manipulation? How difficult would it be to get one player pvp protection, send them all your gold, attack multiple times, send them all your gold and repeat. I'd like to here your ideas about this... you could literally get ruby (depending on the tiers) within 5 minutes... nice and challenging, no?

A single player holding gold could only be attacked ONCE on the hour. The bounty board however can be every 2 minutes. BUT consider ;) ANYONE can accept and slap a bounty. People see a mega load of gold sitting on a naked player on the board... it'd be like hitting the jackpot.

Now...lets consider... I send a player 1,000,000,000,000 gold. I have to cash in fsp, or withdraw from a bank to attain it. I can then be HIT and lose none, some, or all.

Then, I send it to a player... they can be hit ( by ANYONE in range , out width the bounty board), and lose some, none, or all.

Now. Lets say none of that happens..no ones hit...we are all sneaky sneaky hidden coffer, cloak, mega buffs.

Gold hits sink, GOLD. Now.. If I Had a mega shot and Master Thief'd the entire mother load...imagine how much gold would be lost and sunk? Roughly 25% of the total would simply disappear. 250,000,000,000 gold...gone.. poof Thats a pricy medal huh?( that's If someone wanted ruby in a few hits)

Even if someone sent 100 mil at a time... alot of that is going to be sunk with hits. It would cost a fortune for a player to get that medal.

Now, with regards to challenging medals. Players buy Chest locations, SE locations, Trade gold to get hoarder medal, Strip for smasher medal hits / Strip to get cleared on bounties.How's that challenging? Why not change everything? :roll:

#116 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 20:41

Now, with regards to challenging medals. Players buy Chest locations, SE locations, Trade gold to get hoarder medal, Strip for smasher medal hits / Strip to get cleared on bounties.How's that challenging? Why not change everything? :roll:

buying chests/SE/smasher, etc... that's 1 at a time... gold is not 1 gold at a time... hoarder being the exception.

I agree... get rid of medals... you can have mine...
btw, your the ones that want to change stuff (isn't the suggestion to add another medal?). oh wait... I guess it's called change it "back" to the way it was. double roll...

#117 Spitfire666123



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 20:51

Now, with regards to challenging medals. Players buy Chest locations, SE locations, Trade gold to get hoarder medal, Strip for smasher medal hits / Strip to get cleared on bounties.How's that challenging? Why not change everything? :roll:

buying chests/SE/smasher, etc... that's 1 at a time... gold is not 1 gold at a time... hoarder being the exception.

idk what you mean here... but when you go for Smasher, you're also going for BH and/or Dominance at the same time, with the SAME hit. You could hunt SE's at the same time you're buying Chests. Why not? You're already walking the realms as it is ;)

#118 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 20:56

Now, with regards to challenging medals. Players buy Chest locations, SE locations, Trade gold to get hoarder medal, Strip for smasher medal hits / Strip to get cleared on bounties.How's that challenging? Why not change everything? :roll:

buying chests/SE/smasher, etc... that's 1 at a time... gold is not 1 gold at a time... hoarder being the exception.

idk what you mean here... but when you go for Smasher, you're also going for BH and/or Dominance at the same time, with the SAME hit. You could hunt SE's at the same time you're buying Chests. Why not? You're already walking the realms as it is ;)

yes... but it's 1 at a time...as an example, a bounty hit gives you 1/50 to bronze. a gold hit (depending on how lucky you are) could get you bronze and part way to silver on a single hit... obviously depends on how the tiers pan out.

#119 Maehdros



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 20:59

Now, with regards to challenging medals. Players buy Chest locations, SE locations, Trade gold to get hoarder medal, Strip for smasher medal hits / Strip to get cleared on bounties.How's that challenging? Why not change everything? :roll:

buying chests/SE/smasher, etc... that's 1 at a time... gold is not 1 gold at a time... hoarder being the exception.

I agree... get rid of medals... you can have mine...
btw, your the ones that want to change stuff (isn't the suggestion to add another medal?). oh wait... I guess it's called change it "back" to the way it was. double roll...

It was sarcasm with regards to how you said the thieving medal wouldn't be challenging, so I said heck why not remove everything that isn't challenging. ;)

Also, you failed to comment on my reply to your question about the manipulation of such a medal. The high expense and risk it would take to send massive amounts of gold back and forth , while attacking one another and sinking % of that gold. Bascially throwing away fsp.

#120 yotwehc



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 21:11

Your asking the wrong guy about that as I wouldn't throw away fsp but as you stated yourself, people buy se, chest and other location so they have a shiny on their profile. I don't understand it so I can't justify it but people do spend for the medal. Are you trying to say they don't? My head is spinning

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