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Increasing BB activity :)

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#121 yotekiller



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Posted 11 May 2016 - 23:59

After giving this topic more thought and reading through this thread I have come to a couple of conclusions. First, the OP has always been among the most vocal anti pvp'ers on the forum. Now that he has reached EOC and level 60 composing he is suddenly wanting to increase pvp? Pretty obvious his current role as savior merc is nothing more than trolling those he so despises. Otherwise, why would he have waited until he felt virtually invincible and with little to lose before jumping into the fray?
Second, the BB is supposed to punish those who participate in pvp and we can all agree there is very little BB activity. Less activity must mean all those pvp'ers are being greatly discouraged from practicing their craft. I would imagine the anti pvp crowd would be thrilled with this. Obviously, the BB is working as intended so no changes are needed.

Screenshot everything!

#122 yotwehc



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Posted 12 May 2016 - 00:48

After giving this topic more thought and reading through this thread I have come to a couple of conclusions. First, the OP has always been among the most vocal anti pvp'ers on the forum. Now that he has reached EOC and level 60 composing he is suddenly wanting to increase pvp? Pretty obvious his current role as savior merc is nothing more than trolling those he so despises. Otherwise, why would he have waited until he felt virtually invincible and with little to lose before jumping into the fray?
Second, the BB is supposed to punish those who participate in pvp and we can all agree there is very little BB activity. Less activity must mean all those pvp'ers are being greatly discouraged from practicing their craft. I would imagine the anti pvp crowd would be thrilled with this. Obviously, the BB is working as intended so no changes are needed.

Au contraire.


I always told you of my intent at EOC although somehow, I don't think you believed me. Not sudden at all. :)

I'm not asking for more pvp. I'm asking for a tweak to BB for more BB activity. As I mentioned in the OP, I was being showered with gifts. I returned all... some of said gifts were then turned into huge bounties that didn't have exactly the desired effect for poster hence the suggestion.


Second point could go either way... perhaps now that there are mercs, maybe there are less bounties to go around as folks avoid getting on the BB ;-p


As some in the thread have said, they and their friends are having a blast so at the very least, this would encourage more fun. It's a win-win. Most of the BB activity I spawned, (207 bounties including myself to be exact) is directly related to my suggestion. Having even just one person joining in would double that.


Hope your intent is not to stop this type of activity. it's all good fun and brings team work back into play :) I hope you enjoyed beating me up :) I enjoyed getting beat up. lol. so again, a win-win

#123 Egami



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Posted 12 May 2016 - 19:22

Less activity must mean all those pvp'ers are being greatly discouraged from practicing their craft. I would imagine the anti pvp crowd would be thrilled with this. Obviously, the BB is working as intended so no changes are needed.


First, in my personal opinion, there is a lot of confusion thinking that PvP, PvP Ladder, GvG and BB are all the same. The only thing that seems to escape the general confusion is PvP Arena. 


Being a PvPer and being a BH have little to do with each other aside from the fact that they share game aspect of hitting other players. 


That's just to set the bases.


The reason why I believe that the part I quoted is wrong is because you're assuming that the BB was created to lessen PvP activity.


That is not the case. It was created as a punishment system for PvP. There's a huge difference.


Even further, a lack of bounties does not at all mean that PvP activity has decreased. There is zero correlation there.


I have offered my theory, right or wrong but based on experience, that the lack of bounties is mostly due to the lack of perceived value.


I hope, with my suggestion, that BB activity increases without changing the effect for most parties involved. Ie, punishment was what it was designed for. Bounty a PvPer or counter-bounty a killer who thought there was no risk to killing. It makes sense to me. 

#124 Davros81



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Posted 12 May 2016 - 20:43

I think this topic has run it's course, only negativity can follow on. Please close. Ta

#125 Egami



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Posted 12 May 2016 - 22:06

I think this topic has run it's course, only negativity can follow on. Please close. Ta


I get the point but haven't seen any input from HCS other than mod functions. 


Do you think it needs to be subjected to a vote? 


I'm clueless about how HCS works. If they do close it, I'd hope they'd add the suggestion to the list for proper handling and let all of us who have taken the time to discuss the topic know that was their decision or that it wouldn't be considered.

#126 kitobas



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 19:23

Why with the assumptions? You and the other person both... tsk tsk... I assure you the majority of my smashes were using lvl 175 buffs. You will laugh if you know the reason why but I would say 90%+ are with lvl 175 buffs.


I shall await your apology.

you wanting apology because you lying and can not saying truth?

they not assumptions, I sawing you over level 2800 with composing potions smashing player calling zahidd who was level 600, there was 4 bounties on BB, 2 from zahidd level 600, 1 bounty from high level player in FFS and 1 bounty from level 900, bounties from players 900 and high level player was not losing xp, only zahidd level 600 was losing xp and zahidd was in epics offline, I going to your profile and seeing you using composing potions, every attack you doing you losing 100 stamina and you getting 1 prestige (you can only getting 1 prestige from BB every attack), you over level 2800 was using composing potion like coward to smashing level 600 player calling zahidd who was in epics and he was offline too

if you over 2800 smashing with composing potions like coward player level 600 in epics offline then I sure you was using composing potions against everyone who you smashing


players here posting that you lying and was always using composing potions and I getting many messages everyone saying same thing about you


I and others who reading pvp forums for years was knowing that you always trolling in pvp forums and you anti pvper showing over years in forum but now you showing you are liar too


Oh also, have to add, not sure if you missed the part about where folks were sending me tons of gifts? If this was for profit, I would just keep my mouth shut and let the love flow in ;-p

no not true, you keep writhing here many times you getting gifts, this you doing because you wanting attention and making advertisiment for yourself as merc to getting profit, you have showing for many years how you really feeling about pvp for always trolling and was reason for starting fights with pvpers to getting pvp forums locked

Edited by kitobas, 13 May 2016 - 19:25.

#127 yotwehc



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 19:41

you wanting apology because you lying and can not saying truth?
they not assumptions, I sawing you over level 2800 with composing potions smashing player calling zahidd who was level 600, there was 4 bounties on BB, 2 from zahidd level 600, 1 bounty from high level player in FFS and 1 bounty from level 900, bounties from players 900 and high level player was not losing xp, only zahidd level 600 was losing xp and zahidd was in epics offline, I going to your profile and seeing you using composing potions, every attack you doing you losing 100 stamina and you getting 1 prestige (you can only getting 1 prestige from BB every attack), you over level 2800 was using composing potion like coward to smashing level 600 player calling zahidd who was in epics and he was offline too
if you over 2800 smashing with composing potions like coward player level 600 in epics offline then I sure you was using composing potions against everyone who you smashing

players here posting that you lying and was always using composing potions and I getting many messages everyone saying same thing about you

I and others who reading pvp forums for years was knowing that you always trolling in pvp forums and you anti pvper showing over years in forum but now you showing you are liar too

no not true, you keep writhing here many times you getting gifts, this you doing because you wanting attention and making advertisiment for yourself as merc to getting profit, you have showing for many years how you really feeling about pvp for always trolling and was reason for starting fights with pvpers to getting pvp forums locked

I readily admit I'm a coward, a village idiot, a noob, a greedy player, etc... I'm not a liar though. The best one was from the guy accusing me of hitting him when I never did. Lol. But hey, what does any of that matter? I'm a coward so what? What if I am lying? I'm the one wasting the zb's and compose pots hitting an offline lvl600 player. My loss. Lol. Don't have to believe me but what I say is true whether you like it or not. I don't care if I look like an idiot. I post all of the dumb things I do. Lol.

You call my posts trolling. I do have trolling tendencies especially early in my forum posting carreer. Unlike you, I like hearing what the opposing viewpoints are. I like to disagree with topics to vet the opinions and ideas. I also speak for many as they fear reprisals for posting here. Some nice folks we have here in the forums ya know ;-p

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying teaching me a lesson. I sense lessons will be needed soon so you can take your frustration out on me in game ;p

#128 kitobas



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 19:55

After giving this topic more thought and reading through this thread I have come to a couple of conclusions. First, the OP has always been among the most vocal anti pvp'ers on the forum. Now that he has reached EOC and level 60 composing he is suddenly wanting to increase pvp? Pretty obvious his current role as savior merc is nothing more than trolling those he so despises. Otherwise, why would he have waited until he felt virtually invincible and with little to lose before jumping into the fray?

bro, that what you saying everyone knowing about him, he is knowing for anti pvper and trolling pvp forums and after pvpers saying months ago about coward way of pvp using composing he suddenly starting pvp, he was having many years time doing pvp but he choosing when he can doing pvp like coward with composing, I sure he will have excuse or start trolling because truth about him


I get the point but haven't seen any input from HCS other than mod functions. 


Do you think it needs to be subjected to a vote? 


I'm clueless about how HCS works. If they do close it, I'd hope they'd add the suggestion to the list for proper handling and let all of us who have taken the time to discuss the topic know that was their decision or that it wouldn't be considered.

I seeing your name in many pvp forums over the years and I sure you sawing yotwehc who is anti pvp doing trolling there, suddently (after learning coward way of doing pvp with composing against buffs 175) he wanting increasing activity? he not caring about pvp, he caring about profit he can doing as merc

I already saying if he really caring about increasing pvp activity he would saying increase attack range from 10 to higher but he not saying it because he afraid players will attacking him when he not using composing potions

one of best ways to increasing pvp activity is to increasing attack range, more players can getting attacking and more bounties can be placing on BB, every idiot can seeing this, even yotwehc who like trolling but he will not saying it because it not giving him profit


egami, you having intelligent posts and I liking reading them, but what I can not understanding is how you can not seeing that composing is not good for pvp and gvg?

buff SH 175 against composing SH 552 is not normal, advantage is with player who using composing like coward against player with buffs 175


I am pvper but I am not composer but when I am against pvper or gvger who using crazy high composing potions I having no chance, I am forcing using composing potions or epic potions if I wanting winning against them in pvp or gvg, this not normal, why need composing forcing me, composing is 1 game style like arena or titan hunting or pvp ladder, I never hearing player is forcing using titan, ladder or arena rewards for having chance in pvp, why is composing different? I never having problem doing pvp and gvg for many years but after composing it changing pvp and gvg


admin saying many times composing is choice but that not true, composing is forcing if you wanting having chance in pvp or gvg


egami, what you saying about increasing BB activity with idea you having can maybe working but not as long as we having composing working in pvp, this will giving high level players and 60 composers big advantage and making them too powerfull

I not knowing if you remembering mercs years ago who doing many trouble and levelers leaving because of them but these mercs was getting stopping by pvpers, not one pvp group but many pvp groups who hating mercs who smashing everyone for price, profit (go asking players who playing that long, they will telling you this too)

now it will be worse because if mercs high level players and 60 composing they will hiding like cowards behind composing and they doing more damage than before when levelers leaving


first need getting removing composing from pvp (only from pvp, not from leveling, hunting, ....) then can adding egami idea but not before that

#129 kitobas



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 20:06

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying teaching me a lesson. I sense lessons will be needed soon so you can take your frustration out on me in game ;p

1) if you meaning I smashing you then I not doing this because I having no reason for smashing you, you not smashing me or my guild and I not merc


2) I sure if we doing at moment pvp you will hiding behind composing, you not only having 1000 levels more than me but I with buffs 175 having no chance against you who will hinding behind crazy high composing potions like coward


3) when hcs removing coward way of pvp using crazy high composing against buffs 175, and you wanting to do fair pvp buffs 175 against buffs 175 then I will even if you are 1000 levels over me because I will having better chance beating your stats and difference in our stats will not be big when we using buffs 175

Edited by kitobas, 13 May 2016 - 20:06.

#130 yotwehc



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 20:17

1) if you meaning I smashing you then I not doing this because I having no reason for smashing you, you not smashing me or my guild and I not merc


2) I sure if we doing at moment pvp you will hiding behind composing, you not only having 1000 levels more than me but I with buffs 175 having no chance against you who will hinding behind crazy high composing potions like coward


3) when hcs removing coward way of pvp using crazy high composing against buffs 175, and you wanting to do fair pvp buffs 175 against buffs 175 then I will even if you are 1000 levels over me because I will having better chance beating your stats and difference in our stats will not be big when we using buffs 175

My apologies. For some reason I thought you beat me up a few times. Just checked my handy-dandy spreadsheet and you are not listed as hitter or hittee. Hope that changes :)


Dont' let levels hold you back. Even fully buffed with all the crazy composed pots, some of your guildmates beat me up good and they are 1k+ levels below me as well.


I'm guessing you don't believe anything I say so I won't argue your points you accuse me of.


This thread is not about pots, etc but about what Egami and my OP is about. I don't blame you for going off the rails however.


I do wish you could take a deep breath and take a few steps back... I'm embracing your game yet so much anger. Enjoy it man. And I assure you, you will catch me offline in stam gear. Beat me up good and start having fun again.

#131 kitobas



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 20:47

I readily admit I'm a coward, a village idiot, a noob, a greedy player, etc

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying teaching me a lesson. I sense lessons will be needed soon so you can take your frustration out on me in game ;p


I do wish you could take a deep breath and take a few steps back... I'm embracing your game yet so much anger. Enjoy it man. And I assure you, you will catch me offline in stam gear. Beat me up good and start having fun again.

keep trolling, this topic is finished, nothing good can coming out of it

like davros81 saying, better closing it



My apologies. For some reason I thought you beat me up a few times. Just checked my handy-dandy spreadsheet and you are not listed as hitter or hittee.

I already telling you:


1) if you meaning I smashing you then I not doing this because I having no reason for smashing you, you not smashing me or my guild and I not merc



Hope that changes :)

I already telling you:

2) I sure if we doing at moment pvp you will hiding behind composing, you not only having 1000 levels more than me but I with buffs 175 having no chance against you who will hinding behind crazy high composing potions like coward


3) when hcs removing coward way of pvp using crazy high composing against buffs 175, and you wanting to do fair pvp buffs 175 against buffs 175 then I will even if you are 1000 levels over me because I will having better chance beating your stats and difference in our stats will not be big when we using buffs 175



This thread is not about pots, etc but about what Egami and my OP is about. I don't blame you for going off the rails however.

there difference about your motives and egamis motive for pvp


egami really caring for pvp and he showing good intentions in many years but you not caring about pvp and you showing you are anti pvp in forums in many years with bad intentions


I am not posting in your topic anymore, nothing good will coming from it and is waste of time, keep trolling and hiding behind crazy high composing and then lying saying you not using it when many players sawing you, when hcs removing crazy high composing from pvp for making skill level fair (buffs 175 against buffs 175) you will returning to posting anti pvp because you will not having coward way anymore


I am not posting in your topic anymore, you can keeping trolling as many as you wanting here in your topic you creating, very sad seeing this

Edited by kitobas, 13 May 2016 - 20:53.

#132 yotwehc



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 21:08

I am not posting in your topic anymore, nothing good will coming from it and is waste of time, keep trolling and hiding behind crazy high composing and then lying saying you not using it when many players sawing you, when hcs removing crazy high composing from pvp for making skill level fair (buffs 175 against buffs 175) you will returning to posting anti pvp because you will not having coward way anymore

Never said I don't use composed pot... Here's my quote:

I assure you the majority of my smashes were using lvl 175 buffs. 


Anyway, thanks for posting and bye-bye :)

#133 Kbyte



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Posted 13 May 2016 - 22:38

There is over #100 posts on this thread, I made an fast look on the first ones and the last ones to have an idea about what is being discussed here [not gonna read all].


It looks like it was intended to look on the perspective of reward to "try" ["try"] to increase bb activity but if players think well how it could be possible if the mecanism places the burden of the reward on the player that posted the bount for the reward perspective "motivation" to work? [I'm only saying about the "cash" come from those players I'm against autobounty system which is PvS [please no Player versus System]]

you can't simply say "hey, pay more"


while on the perspective of the player there are two different views: the online player view and the offline player view


The online player view was greatly improved after composing allowing they the advantage against the offline player that even if getting buffed offline in an good setup won't make an stratch on the online player fully buffed with strong pots/chests on.


if the online player is the one attacking he/she has all the advantages of being able to change gear if needed, drinking every drop of pot available with the char -> no restrictions to this player.


If the online player is the one defending has the same privileges as above but the pots and buffs will expire and the player attacking maybe can wait to keep hiting when the buffs expire.



The offline player view had its "power" lightly increased a little after exp loss being added on bounty board which made few player to avoid taking an bounty because of the exp loss => this was sth that helped a little to allow more bounties available at the same time for other bounty hunters to take it if they wish. [but still the player can't change setup that way which is an great weakness]


*exp loss on bb made defending an bounty sth which could have an purpose*


But the offline player still has no chance against sb with huge pots on ... since the huge pots is something that came to PvP [now it is more like Pot versus Player] ... it would make sense if at least players on BB could save the pvp castable buffs [175~192] before going offline [if the player there wish to do so _the player could choose not to save if the player prefer_, but if he/she log again it will update to the current active buffs on] => it would make bounty hunting a little more challenging and would lead to bounty board to have  bounties available there for more time[on average] making the bounty board more active than ever because player would stay there for longer than it generaly does most times these days.


[Bounty hunting would no longer be Player versus Picture, when the target is an offline player].


Also player placing the bount would do really increase the reward if they know it will be toughter to players to beat that player. [win-win for the bounty hunter and also the player on the board]


But still pots would not be allowed to be saved on the offline player [only castable pvp buffs could be saved | deflect is excluded, it not being able to be saved].

Edited by Kbyte, 13 May 2016 - 23:27.

#134 yotwehc



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Posted 14 May 2016 - 01:24

I'm intrigued but I don't understand. I like it for being win-win but I genuinely don't get it. Sorry

#135 Egami



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Posted 16 May 2016 - 23:13

@kito... Not too sure if you'll read this, understand that you won't respond, but that's okay. 


You are right that people using composing pots have an advantage. That's obvious based on the buff levels.


However, they are "obtainable".


Really, my point is that it's no different than anything else. Not everybody has the 175 buffs. Not everybody has the best equipment. 




Pay more idea: No one has to pay to place a bounty... in fact, I think why players don't even pay the minimum is because it costs and they feel the damage isn't worthwhile. However, I am 100% against auto-bounties. 


That said, creating the option to pay more to an equivalent effort seems a good idea to me. Getting some people more "apt" to place bounties and getting more players willing to take said bounties. 


Offline weakness: Obviously. I'm not concerned about that. I've seen players offline defend in numerous ways. Regardless, BB is for "supposed punishment". In my personal opinion, there's nothing more delightful than coming in mid-bounty and dancing. Again, personal. (o0

#136 Egami



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Posted 18 May 2016 - 18:18

I kinda like that. Get a bit of thought into the defence idea, right?


With the medal update today, I came back to this idea and thought without thinking too much:


How about a medal for successful defense on a bounty? Maybe a large amount (to be discussed/thought about). 


This might increase activity on the defensive side without dissuading players from posting. 


Of course, it can be manipulated, but there are a lot of medals that can. And hey, at least the attacker loses some XP, lmao.


I won't be offended by those saying it's a terrible idea. 

#137 yotwehc



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Posted 18 May 2016 - 18:46

With the medal update today, I came back to this idea and thought without thinking too much:

How about a medal for successful defense on a bounty? Maybe a large amount (to be discussed/thought about).

This might increase activity on the defensive side without dissuading players from posting.

Of course, it can be manipulated, but there are a lot of medals that can. And hey, at least the attacker loses some XP, lmao.

I won't be offended by those saying it's a terrible idea.

I don't like it ;p

Mainly for the scenarios where lower level soldiers will fight despite having almost no chance to win. They are content with removing buffs. They would be less likely to use this strategy if they know it goes to reward the defender with a medal.

#138 Egami



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Posted 18 May 2016 - 21:26

As I wrote, I thought it was not a good idea, lmao. 


I don't really think people on the BB need rewards. They already exacted them. 


Dang my trying to be complacent, lol.

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