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New Titan sighted!

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#121 uscx



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Posted 03 May 2012 - 15:58

Defeat not showing in Titan log or on home page. Please update. Thanks.

#122 Maehdros



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Posted 03 May 2012 - 16:11

Defeat not showing in Titan log or on home page. Please update. Thanks.

You mean the new 1200 titan?

Titan Defeated!
Posted: 23:45 02 May 2012
The 'Epidemicus (Titan)' titan has been defeated!

The guild 'For Fracks Sake' was determined the overall victor as they inflicted over 50% of the required kills in the struggle against the titan. They received the item 'Roach Rune of Epidemicus'

~ The Fallen Sword Team

It wouldnt show in the TK logs since there's been many titans killed after it. ;)

#123 BigGrim


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Posted 03 May 2012 - 16:49

Defeat not showing in Titan log or on home page. Please update. Thanks.

He won't appear on the Front page as he was force spawned. It's why I let everyone know in the news post and in the forum that he was out.

#124 RebornJedi



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Posted 04 May 2012 - 07:30

I really don't see how the addition of a new titan (or any other content, for that matter) is revelant to any bugs, glitching, or coding problems. Yes, I've had my fair share of map problems when I was titan hunting, but how does that have anything to do with new content? This new titan doesn't improve things, no, but it doesn't make things worse either. It is completely separate, on virtually all aspects, from the map system and any problems that occur there. There are tons of separate topics regarding these bugs; nobody likes destructive criticism, but at least do it there, not in this thread. And don't use it as an excuse to complain more.

/use quote to complain more

it's the fact that 'most' of us are having bugs and or issues with the new map movement and refresh rate and they throw out a new titan so the small amount of players, who aren't having issues that fully destroy the fun from titan hunting, are able to take advantage of the new epics.

when a bug/issue interferes with a game aspect, i find it highly relevant.

hcs should really focus on building the game out, not just up.

/log out


#125 BigGrim


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Posted 04 May 2012 - 08:19

hcs should really focus on building the game out, not just up.

What, you mean like the work that's been done in the arena and PvP lader? That spreads new sets across the game? Like the various GRP epics that have been released?

#126 Mister Doom

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Posted 04 May 2012 - 10:36

Grim, please build yourself a set using 1200+ items to hunt down the new titan. (a set to hunt it properly, just just kill it once)


#127 Splash



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Posted 04 May 2012 - 10:49

hcs should really focus on building the game out, not just up.

What, you mean like the work that's been done in the arena and PvP lader? That spreads new sets across the game? Like the various GRP epics that have been released?

Ladder is still a joke.
GvG's are still a joke.
How much whining was done before the arena was updated/'fixed'?

BG, have you tried going after a favored titan? ogalith/skald/fuv etc Not just sitting there refreshing the map, actually going after it?

#128 boeffie



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Posted 04 May 2012 - 10:53

not gone through the whole thread as cba but its a titan its suppose to be hard to kill or costs a lot of stam etc stop moaning at least it makes a change from a player being able to go out and solo a lower level titan with 2.5k kills in 2 hours like i have seen done many a time

Did you see me moan about the cost of killing anything????

It took 5k stam, to get 500 kills in, with normal LF, this is about the same as it cost me for the Guardian, when it came out, with high LF went down to 5stam/hit. Take into account a lot more walking there because of it being a dark realm.

What I do mind is that it took me 4 hours to do these kills, with the bugging of the system.

When some players are able to secure titans, with no bugs, and thus minimal waste on stam, and then expect 4000 fsp for the item they easily secure, while others can't get around the map, it is a good reason to complain.
I feel bringing out new things that a large part of the playerbase can't properly compete for, only contributes to the general feeling of giving up on the game.

There are changes, so the PvP ladder?? New items, but not the new system?? Why not first the system change, when it is known people sit hitting people overnight every hour.

GvG change? It's great coming to the players to talk, but it has been months now, and nothing has happened there, even though it would bring more activity.

Arena, yes that has been done, I don't know how many people it affects, but thumbs up for that.

#129 fattiejake



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Posted 04 May 2012 - 17:38

not gone through the whole thread as cba but its a titan its suppose to be hard to kill or costs a lot of stam etc stop moaning at least it makes a change from a player being able to go out and solo a lower level titan with 2.5k kills in 2 hours like i have seen done many a time

Did you see me moan about the cost of killing anything????

It took 5k stam, to get 500 kills in, with normal LF, this is about the same as it cost me for the Guardian, when it came out, with high LF went down to 5stam/hit. Take into account a lot more walking there because of it being a dark realm.

What I do mind is that it took me 4 hours to do these kills, with the bugging of the system.

When some players are able to secure titans, with no bugs, and thus minimal waste on stam, and then expect 4000 fsp for the item they easily secure, while others can't get around the map, it is a good reason to complain.
I feel bringing out new things that a large part of the playerbase can't properly compete for, only contributes to the general feeling of giving up on the game.

There are changes, so the PvP ladder?? New items, but not the new system?? Why not first the system change, when it is known people sit hitting people overnight every hour.

GvG change? It's great coming to the players to talk, but it has been months now, and nothing has happened there, even though it would bring more activity.

Arena, yes that has been done, I don't know how many people it affects, but thumbs up for that.

I wasn't quoting you was I??? It was a General comment as i did see some comments about cost in stam and how hard it is to kill. I have the same problems as you I can manage about 600 kills per hunt where as i see some that get 2k plus per hunt and according to the coews they cant see a problem?? :S

#130 RebornJedi



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Posted 04 May 2012 - 20:58

hcs should really focus on building the game out, not just up.

What, you mean like the work that's been done in the arena and PvP lader? That spreads new sets across the game? Like the various GRP epics that have been released?

i don't mean adding new stuff...i mean fixing and improving whats already here. make this game play right.

*i don't mean to go off topic but this titan update felt like a spit in the face.


#131 Belaric



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Posted 05 May 2012 - 00:04

I am with rebornjedi here, and boeffi, and kitiara-li, and so many others.

Grim, nothing is wrong with introducing new things, with making the arena live again, with providing uses for ladder points, nothing at all. I am happy, as a member of the game community, that you have done these things.


Left hand and Right hand must act in concert. If the Left hand (You - content and set creation, arena and ladder control) promises what the Right hand (Zorg, Hoof, the programmers who make the fundamentals of the game work, and hopefully work consistently) cannot deliver - what happens?

Unhappy players.

This is not your fault. But you must see that players cannot be happy with titans they cannot hunt because the map does not work. Because refresh is a epileptic seizure that makes your processor pee its pants and pass out for an undefined time. That is what is happening - that is why people are cobbling together old and new map screens and hunting through both using different windows - I admire those people their dedication! A titan you can only see in the right light as it changes colours is not the issue (though it may be one) - it is the Oggy/Fuvayu, and other long standing titans suddenly not working FOR THE MAJORITY of players hunting them that is a big problem. You have not answered their questions, have not solved those problems. These people are seasoned titan hunters. Your response that on your connection it all looked all right is supposed to satisfy who exactly?

You tried your work connection. You tried your home connection. The commonality there is you. You get the direct line to the game as Big Grim. Players do not. Do you have a buddy in Aberdeen with a 400+ level player? Head over there and see what he is experiencing with no special favours. If you do not have such a dedicated pal, - TRUST what these players who spend time to come online to tell you that something is wrong is happening! Cross reference them if you must - I see no commonality between them, not in guild, not in time zone. It is not a conspiracy - it is players saying something is not working. Because it isn't.

The usual fixes, browser/cache/cookies has not fixed this. Both this thread and the Titan Hunting thread are full of responses pointing out that something is wrong with Titan actualisation on the map, and player ability to see/follow/hit the titan.

Rebornjedi felt a new titan release in the middle of such a crisis in player involvement was a spit in the face. I can see why - because it makes you look oblivious to the problem confronting players who just want to play the game. They just want to hunt titans, and something within the game is stopping them from doing it as they used to.
I know you are not oblivious - but do more than talk to the coders. Explain to the coders that the game is on virtual ice until the map can work, for everyone. Make it a priority. (I know - you have many priorities in the game. But basic playability must be one? No?)

This is not an assault - this is a search for reason. The programmers are looking is no longer enough. They have not yet found anything, or the complaints would have stopped. Have they tried sangdiablo's suggestion on the Titan Hunting thread? I am sure they have, but you cannot keep on releasing new gear, creatures, features, if something that supports them is broken.

The map is broken. Something went wrong when you did an update. An unintended interaction. Time to go back, line by line, if needed. If in your office it works perfectly, with no lag, no notching and periodic stops in movement, then that does not reflect average player experience, as mentioned many times here. If it works well in home base - where in transmission/or in community usage is the failure? You know the programming map.

(I would happily trade flickering avatars for the map working properly if flickering avatars was the issue - sadly I do not think it is - but why strain the system with that anyway? Shardoom - I am looking at you.)

So - Titans. Some people cannot move for toffee. Others are flying. There does not seem to be a uniform game experience. I do not care why there is a difference. I just care that there is. All players should be playing the same game, at the same time. That is demonstrably not the case. That is what I care about.

And I know you do too Grim. My skin is not in the titan game - and won't be until I know I can play competitively. But this is way more than just titans. This is way more than just fixing the map, which needs it urgently. This is about stopping disillusionment and restoring faith.

Right Hand. Left Hand. If one has a great idea, and the other cannot support it - do not do it. If one hand does not know why something is not working, and the other hand cannot see a problem. Stop, come together.

I would rather slower release of new items and toys if I could rely on the fundamentals of the game working well - moving, hunting, buff and enhancement activation. The titan issue highlights problems with mapping, and did for some time, you did not fix the issues raised, and then, into the mess of titan hunting problems, you released a new titan. That was tone deaf. And it indicates general tone deafness, which is why so many are losing faith in your ability to respond to reasonable player feedback.



#132 Denyza



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Posted 05 May 2012 - 00:32

It was a General comment as i did see some comments about cost in stam and how hard it is to kill.

Tbh, most people complain about the buggy/glitchy map, not the titan itself. I personally think overpowered titans are good for the game. They provides a way to sink stamina and the value of their gears should last longer.



#133 DragonLord



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Posted 05 May 2012 - 01:53

This is about stopping disillusionment and restoring faith.

Right Hand. Left Hand. If one has a great idea, and the other cannot support it - do not do it. If one hand does not know why something is not working, and the other hand cannot see a problem. Stop, come together.

I would rather slower release of new items and toys if I could rely on the fundamentals of the game working well - moving, hunting, buff and enhancement activation. The titan issue highlights problems with mapping, and did for some time, you did not fix the issues raised, and then, into the mess of titan hunting problems, you released a new titan. That was tone deaf. And it indicates general tone deafness, which is why so many are losing faith in your ability to respond to reasonable player feedback.



Rather than quote the whole item, I'll just quote this bit and say BRAVO ... That's put so much better (and more tactfully) than most of us could manage ...

Needless to say, +1

#134 Belaric



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Posted 05 May 2012 - 03:15

Thank you Pardoux. You flatter me.

Please, designers and players, realise that the difficulties you face were not deliberately placed in front of you.

Designers - the cries of players are not always because they are not getting Grim's win button, sometimes it is because something is wrong, and the game is not working as it has previously..... for years (sometimes). Are you too prideful to even look at their complaints?

Players - the designers do not want to alienate you - you pay for them, but that does not make them your slaves. You would have no-one to make demands upon if they had not first made this thing you love. The designers want to make a successful game. The success is dependent upon their making money, not your meeting a Princess of Barsoom. For free.

Both of you want to make an environment in which you both thrive. But there is only one boss - for the players, that is the creators. For the creators, that is the players. You are co-dependent. No creators, no game, no players, no income.

Live with it. Rather than fighting each other why not find ways to make your shared love of what you have both now made, more successful?

#135 akewlname


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Posted 05 May 2012 - 23:43

YAYYYY oh wait I'm still in the level 200s :( But how does is this titan different from others? I don't see TKP

#136 akewlname


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Posted 05 May 2012 - 23:48

I am with rebornjedi here, and boeffi, and kitiara-li, and so many others.

Grim, nothing is wrong with introducing new things, with making the arena live again, with providing uses for ladder points, nothing at all. I am happy, as a member of the game community, that you have done these things.


Left hand and Right hand must act in concert. If the Left hand (You - content and set creation, arena and ladder control) promises what the Right hand (Zorg, Hoof, the programmers who make the fundamentals of the game work, and hopefully work consistently) cannot deliver - what happens?

Unhappy players.

This is not your fault. But you must see that players cannot be happy with titans they cannot hunt because the map does not work. Because refresh is a epileptic seizure that makes your processor pee its pants and pass out for an undefined time. That is what is happening - that is why people are cobbling together old and new map screens and hunting through both using different windows - I admire those people their dedication! A titan you can only see in the right light as it changes colours is not the issue (though it may be one) - it is the Oggy/Fuvayu, and other long standing titans suddenly not working FOR THE MAJORITY of players hunting them that is a big problem. You have not answered their questions, have not solved those problems. These people are seasoned titan hunters. Your response that on your connection it all looked all right is supposed to satisfy who exactly?

You tried your work connection. You tried your home connection. The commonality there is you. You get the direct line to the game as Big Grim. Players do not. Do you have a buddy in Aberdeen with a 400+ level player? Head over there and see what he is experiencing with no special favours. If you do not have such a dedicated pal, - TRUST what these players who spend time to come online to tell you that something is wrong is happening! Cross reference them if you must - I see no commonality between them, not in guild, not in time zone. It is not a conspiracy - it is players saying something is not working. Because it isn't.

The usual fixes, browser/cache/cookies has not fixed this. Both this thread and the Titan Hunting thread are full of responses pointing out that something is wrong with Titan actualisation on the map, and player ability to see/follow/hit the titan.

Rebornjedi felt a new titan release in the middle of such a crisis in player involvement was a spit in the face. I can see why - because it makes you look oblivious to the problem confronting players who just want to play the game. They just want to hunt titans, and something within the game is stopping them from doing it as they used to.
I know you are not oblivious - but do more than talk to the coders. Explain to the coders that the game is on virtual ice until the map can work, for everyone. Make it a priority. (I know - you have many priorities in the game. But basic playability must be one? No?)

This is not an assault - this is a search for reason. The programmers are looking is no longer enough. They have not yet found anything, or the complaints would have stopped. Have they tried sangdiablo's suggestion on the Titan Hunting thread? I am sure they have, but you cannot keep on releasing new gear, creatures, features, if something that supports them is broken.

The map is broken. Something went wrong when you did an update. An unintended interaction. Time to go back, line by line, if needed. If in your office it works perfectly, with no lag, no notching and periodic stops in movement, then that does not reflect average player experience, as mentioned many times here. If it works well in home base - where in transmission/or in community usage is the failure? You know the programming map.

(I would happily trade flickering avatars for the map working properly if flickering avatars was the issue - sadly I do not think it is - but why strain the system with that anyway? Shardoom - I am looking at you.)

So - Titans. Some people cannot move for toffee. Others are flying. There does not seem to be a uniform game experience. I do not care why there is a difference. I just care that there is. All players should be playing the same game, at the same time. That is demonstrably not the case. That is what I care about.

And I know you do too Grim. My skin is not in the titan game - and won't be until I know I can play competitively. But this is way more than just titans. This is way more than just fixing the map, which needs it urgently. This is about stopping disillusionment and restoring faith.

Right Hand. Left Hand. If one has a great idea, and the other cannot support it - do not do it. If one hand does not know why something is not working, and the other hand cannot see a problem. Stop, come together.

I would rather slower release of new items and toys if I could rely on the fundamentals of the game working well - moving, hunting, buff and enhancement activation. The titan issue highlights problems with mapping, and did for some time, you did not fix the issues raised, and then, into the mess of titan hunting problems, you released a new titan. That was tone deaf. And it indicates general tone deafness, which is why so many are losing faith in your ability to respond to reasonable player feedback.



Yup she probably said that with what 99%of the community thinks about titan hunting...it's one of the reasons I don't titan hunt because of the massive refreshes lol. Thanks for taking the time to type all that out :shock:

#137 Khanate



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Posted 06 May 2012 - 04:54

I would rather slower release of new items and toys if I could rely on the fundamentals of the game working well - moving, hunting, buff and enhancement activation. The titan issue highlights problems with mapping, and did for some time, you did not fix the issues raised, and then, into the mess of titan hunting problems, you released a new titan. That was tone deaf. And it indicates general tone deafness, which is why so many are losing faith in your ability to respond to reasonable player feedback.



Decent to immense rewards have often been implemented without looking properly at building a decent system. Then making the needed iterations to the system takes over a year and several minimal iterations leading to the system being that suggested on the first day. This was the case for PvP Ladder, relics, titan, prestige and probably a few others.

Build an iron system then add rewards. Heck, implement a system without rewards until it works.

#138 DragonLord



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Posted 06 May 2012 - 05:08

Build an iron system then add rewards. Heck, implement a system without rewards until it works.

Again, agreed 100% :)

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