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Update v2.07

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#161 Tastria



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 13:27

What amazes me, and maybe it shouldn't, is the amount of thought, and discussion that this update has. It gives me a certain amount of hope for the game. Well done people, well done.

#162 spons369


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 15:59

This is indeed a great update, however i wonder why the BP option don't reset? If you really want to sink gold and make it a bit easier for the lower levels to build there profile then i would suggest to reset the BP option as well as it will sink way more gold and we might get a more reasonable price to buy fsps. 240K for 1fsp like how it whas latly is way to high and will not encourage new players to keep playing this game. Just my opinion.

#163 Doginal


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Posted 25 November 2012 - 17:17

I think this is a great update!!!

I love being able to be cheep. Get the most value out of everything I do. Probably why i love this game because i get to try to be efficient not just with gold/fsp but with stam as well. Nice way to put in a gold sink where people feel like they are getting value for sinking their gold.

In response to reserve stam
No. Unless it is very expensive and very limited on the amount they can get.

In response to increasing amount per day
I think they are pretty good, maybe could be increased slightly but to much would devalue fsp upgrades. The way the numbers are right now I think it is great for long term getting value however for somebody looking to upgrade, this is not the way to do it, they still need to spend fsp.

My own idea
If it is decided that the limits how how much max stam or current stam should go up. Make it an upgrade to increase your rates per day but make it grossly expensive. But need to put a reasonable cap on it. Like no more than 250 current stam per day and 15-20 max stam.
i.e. increase max current stam gold upgrades per day by +1 for 1 mill
increase Maximum max stam gold upgrade per day by +1 for 10 mill

Edit: Extra idea, can the reset times be switched to reset with depo's or a set time not 24h after the upgrade. Would still limit it to 1 per day however makes it easier to keep track of when you have to upgrade. I guess you could potentially abuse max stam upgrade by trying to double it up and do your hunt when it will reset however it would not be abused in a way that would really effect the game

#164 SkyWizard



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 18:28


Bounty tickets for gold

#165 Woulfe



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 18:46


Bounty tickets for gold

This already exists.

Bounty Tickets @ 2,000 gold each.

(Note you can also get 100 Bounty Tickets for 1 Fallen Sword Point on the Upgrades page)

#166 callmeabc



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Posted 25 November 2012 - 19:27

I think this is a great update!!!
Extra idea, can the reset times be switched to reset with depo's or a set time not 24h after the upgrade. Would still limit it to 1 per day however makes it easier to keep track of when you have to upgrade. I guess you could potentially abuse max stam upgrade by trying to double it up and do your hunt when it will reset however it would not be abused in a way that would really effect the game

Say on the first day you buy the upgrade @ 1:00 ST
Second day you have something to do in the morning an are not able to buy until 8:00 ST
Third day you have to wait until 8:00 ST, but you got to talking and did not buy until 8:30 ST
Each day you buy a lil bit later until you are either setting an alarm to wake up in the middle of the night or skipping a day. Either way is cool in my books though seeing as HSC have told us for years this would never happen.

Avatar upgrade - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55576

GvG tracking ideas -

In the advisor - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55250

In a building - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=53004


#167 hawkbomber


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 04:11

this is a very good idea and i like this

#168 rowbeth



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Posted 26 November 2012 - 11:59

Again I have never seen the market place this low without a cave event, but I can go with it.

Actually, the MP price was at 180-190k for about 3-4 months at the start of this year. It coincided with the first couple of global events, for which the potions included sacrifice 400+ (when used with zombie brew), so had most people voluntarily giving up all their gold from hunting

#169 rowbeth



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Posted 26 November 2012 - 12:34

Over 192 million gold spent already - seems to be an effective gold sink ;)

This is a great update - but not because of its effect as a gold sink. As some others have pointed out in this thread, a large amount of the initial effect will be due to the backpack slots and they will be (indeed, should be) a one-off. If you want to keep the MP/gold exchange rate down, then you'd be better off designing the global event potions with this in mind. As I pointed out in the preceding post, when you were giving sacrifice 350+ in the global events, the price of MP was around 180k for a sustained period of time. I could have pushed that point further, as the converse is also true: the conserve 500 in the more recent global events has meant that people have made twice as many kills in each hunt, and so got twice as much gold out of every hunt. So it was hardly surprising to see the price rocket up to 250k+ (I even saw 300k more than once) as soon as people started hunting with those potions.

The reason why this is a great upgrade is because it gives newbies a realistic chance to build up their max stam. I think the fact that new players either have to waste their stamina or hunt three times a day is a major discouragement to them getting hooked on this game. Without having access to the data to prove it, I think it likely that you will find a strong correlation between those players that quickly accumulate at least 1 day's max stam, and those players that stay with the game for a significant period of time. I thought it was a shame when the epic quests you put into the first 30 levels provided as much stamina gain as they did max stam (so players still only had 10 hours max stamina at the end of them); you could have used those quests to help new players get quickly within sight of that 1-day's-stamina "barrier". (Although, as an established player, I personally appreciated it the stam gain.) With this update you have started to address that problem.

As for all the suggestions in the thread to give more gold upgrades: I think you've got the balance just right. At its current level, it won't stop people buying FSPs to upgrade quickly, but it will give those who can't (or won't) buy FSPs something more to work with. But given some of the comments about uncertainty in the MP, I think it would be helpful if you were to post some idea of the planned timescale before further development of the gold upgrades would emerge.

#170 lawyergod



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Posted 02 December 2012 - 23:38

I like the upgrades, pretty much as is. Selfishly, I'd like more pack slots, but I think it's fair to lock them, at least for a time, as opposed to stamina upgrades resetting daily.

One thing I might suggest, as an additional gold sink that I don't think would be too objectionable to anyone, would be XP Gain. It can never hurt to have it, but it won't give too extreme of an advantage to higher-level players to have it -- and possibly even to have it reset daily. The only counter-point I can see is that that there are a number of players at EoC already, and I'm not sure if having additional XP Gain would be counter-productive to that end.

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