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New Medals!

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#161 yotwehc



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Posted 02 March 2014 - 04:29

If these medal designs had been put up for discussion in the forum by the developers, many of their flaws would not have made it to the game. I firmly believe this. Exploits and manipulations would have been shown to the devs by the players, and the medals improved so that what they are matches more closely with how they are gained. It would not be perfect, but I believe better than what we got. Unless I missed the discussion that was had on these medals.

I totally vote for this. I love finding exploits :)

Even if they don't listen to our thoughts, at least we would have a chance to make our concerns known.

#162 Belaric



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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:23

To Belaric, 


Dang, I forgot about you, pal. I forgot that you had such strong feelings about the topic.  I certainly don't wanna cause any trouble nor belittle anyone's feelings/thoughts (nor call names, nothing I said was directed at any one individual).  In truth as soon as I saw you'd responded, I scrolled down.  I got scared because you're smarter than I am. lol.   I didn't read what you said yet, in full.  I'm going to save it for a little later. lol.  But read it I will and thank you in advance for all of your explanations to me.  I appreciate them.  Everyone have a wonderful day!!  


EDIT:  a few minutes later....


I have now read your reply.  Thank you for it.   I now understand where you are coming from and why you made the points that you did, and I do see where I also validated some of them for you with my explanations.  One thing I'll correct is that I said I had thousands of group JOINS and it took people a long long time to catch up when I quit playing for a while.  My actual group creations are approximately 1/6th of my groups joined.  I just checked the advisor.  lol.  Anyway, I know when I've been out debated, and I sincerely appreciate all of your points and respect your opinions.  And I definitely now understand "what the fuss is about".  I would not have understood unless you took time to tell me, so thanks again.  Have a great day and I hope that you keep up the good work.  Thanks. DJ

Hi Dale - congrats on Daytona!

Thank you for your gracious reply - I really appreciate it. I'm not smarter - if I was I'd use fewer words!

I do hope I did not give any impression of personally attacking you - I tried to stick to the problems as I see them.

I stand corrected on the joins vs. created thing, but the underlying point remains - the help you gained, and the help you gave, is not represented by these medals. I consider that a significant lost opportunity. There could be an argument that it would be elitist and we'd see the same old people with the shiny ruby/diamond medals. I think that has been alluded to in this thread - I think if it has been earned, it should be given. There is nothing elitist in recognising years of effort. Either way I needed to say my piece, and I thank you for giving me that opportunity.

Edited by Belaric, 02 March 2014 - 05:25.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#163 BraveKath



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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:23

Belaric's :) Epic is sound and raises a lot of good points - I won't quote it here, just go back to page 8.

The one point that more and more I find should be corrected is that these medals should reflect the history of a player within their guild. The data is all there, thus easy to utilize. 

There is no reason why a player shouldn't receive credit for their past guild supportive behavior especially in light of how easy these medals can be manipulated.  There's no punitive to anyone as they bring no benefits, and I refer to Belaric's post (page 8 for more elaboration on the justification).  It's wrong, in my opinion, to not give honor to the players who over the years have faithfully supported their guild.  The data for "relic defending" is not available, and that's fine, but at least Treasurer, Groups and Buffs could be recognized and they are more significant anyway.

I don't make my statement as a negative implication towards those who have manipulated the new medals - way past that - we each play it the way we choose, and oh yeah -- it's a game :).

Someone, and pardon me for not remembering or searching for whom had the idea that Guild Loyalty and these medals would be great to carry with you as when recruiting players we would perhaps see a glimpse more about the player (excellent idea!!).  I've been thinking about this ever since I read it and wondering how it could be implemented and keep the spirit of its original design. I don't know if this is possible, but I wonder if when you leave a guild in which you earn Guild related medals that they could be faded out and until you earn the level, for example, Silver in the next guild it will remain faded, and then you proceed from there.  Now the "faded" recognition for our past medals in past guilds can't (I'm sure) be back dated and having everyone just start with what we have now and forward doesn't seem unfair.  The one pitfall would be if you return to a past guild and how that would be handled, if that bumped a medal I expect it would be a time nightmare for HCS, so I would propose that this not be an option and would be disruptive to their other priorities that we all support.


*sigh* I went on longer than I planned, forgive me  

Edited by BraveKath, 02 March 2014 - 05:25.

#164 Undjuvion



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Posted 02 March 2014 - 14:09

Belaric, that post was the post my post wishes it could be :P


more than ever i feel cheated by what we recieved :o

#165 Undjuvion



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Posted 02 March 2014 - 14:45

What HCS provide us is entertainment(for the unsavvy :P ), entertainment without knowing the technical meaning is getting enjoyment/pleasure from something you are doing, in a sense.


While most will think nice, something to do for a lil, some have gotten displeasure so effectively NOT entertainment,


We could have had most with nice, something to do for a lil and some with awesome i am so on that, this is my mission, pleasure, entertainment to the max.


If the populace is entertained then there is positivity, a positive atmosphere encourages new growth if you know what i mean, all these little stepping stones matter in a variation of what Belaric established.


Another thing Belaric is right on which i lost sight of is that a developer hasnt said NO! , so if we can have these medals adjusted awesome, the depositer medal not much can save that but nothing in life is perfect :)



EDIT : In effect they actually do harm the game :P

Edited by Undjuvion, 02 March 2014 - 14:49.

#166 wil72



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Posted 03 March 2014 - 00:07


#167 wil72



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Posted 03 March 2014 - 00:33

New medals should be retrocative. What, all of them? Nah, don't like that thought. Maybe Relic Defence medal but none of the rest in my opinion. Why? New players, new Guilds that's why. These medals are NEW, the requirements to gain them should be NEW. I only make the exception of the Relic Defence medal as most new player and Guilds may, sadly, have little chance of gaining this medal.


If I were a new player in a new Guild and saw players getting Ruby and Diamond in these medals just after introduction I'd be like " geez, new medals, aye right, in introduction only ". " They're not new at all, they were just invisible before and now they're not ".


Just another kick in the teeth to the new guy if the " new " medals were made retroactive in my opinion. And I wouldn't blame them for saying " bugger this " and leave FS land.


Oh, by the way, trying to compare the manipulation of these medals with the Smasher is a non starter. Yes, both can be manipulated by in game mechanics but the manner in which the Smasher is/was abused is quite different. The free hit ads, again, in my opinion, were skirting very close to rule infringement. Not to mention the super quick Guild XP gained when bashing away on a VL realm champion when relevelling. Quite a different situation to these particular medals as there is a definite gain through manipulation. Where's the gain through manipulation with these new ones? Oh yeah, a medal gained quicker. Great.


Just putting forth an alternative point of view.





Edited by wil72, 03 March 2014 - 00:43.

#168 Belaric



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Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:12

New medals should be retrocative. What, all of them? Nah, don't like that thought. Maybe Relic Defence medal but none of the rest in my opinion. Why? New players, new Guilds that's why. These medals are NEW, the requirements to gain them should be NEW. I only make the exception of the Relic Defence medal as most new player and Guilds may, sadly, have little chance of gaining this medal.


If I were a new player in a new Guild and saw players getting Ruby and Diamond in these medals just after introduction I'd be like " geez, new medals, aye right, in introduction only ". " They're not new at all, they were just invisible before and now they're not ".


Just another kick in the teeth to the new guy if the " new " medals were made retroactive in my opinion. And I wouldn't blame them for saying " bugger this " and leave FS land.


Oh, by the way, trying to compare the manipulation of these medals with the Smasher is a non starter. Yes, both can be manipulated by in game mechanics but the manner in which the Smasher is/was abused is quite different. The free hit ads, again, in my opinion, were skirting very close to rule infringement. Not to mention the super quick Guild XP gained when bashing away on a VL realm champion when relevelling. Quite a different situation to these particular medals as there is a definite gain through manipulation. Where's the gain through manipulation with these new ones? Oh yeah, a medal gained quicker. Great.


Just putting forth an alternative point of view.





Hey wil72,


I appreciate your alternate point of view. I'll admit straight up that I disagree with it.


First off - you cannot claim to imagine what will or will not make people leave FS land. I could just as equally claim that the rampant unfairness of having up to 7 years worth of guild effort in game ignored would make experienced players upset and decide to leave the game. Your claim about new players leaving, my claim about old players leaving, neither are verifiable, objective or measurable. Both are speculation. I think they should be set aside. HCS can look at the attrition rates of players and know what is happening - I doubt they'll share that data with us.


At least one medal has been backdated before. No-one complained then.


New players in the game are behind the curve on gaining all medals. I do not see why you think that some more medals being backdated to reflect the efforts and achievements of those people who have already earned them, would somehow cause newer players to down tools and give up. Do they look at SE diamond medals and think "I'll not bother with that then - someone already has that medal to a really high level, what is the point of me getting it? In fact, sod this for a game of soldiers, I think I'll stop playing the game because of that diamond medal some other bloke has got!" Do they decide not to do quests as the bronze adventurer medal just isn't worth it? Medals are an incentive to play the game, and play aspects of it well. Any new player will start off behind on ALL of them. I do not think seeing some extra medals on other players is going to depress them into inactivity, I may be wrong, but there are a lot of medals out of reach of the new player - top 100, #1, hoarder medal, for instance - anyone who wants those has to have a long term plan and stick to it. If the game in general is entertaining enough, they'll stay. If the game is not interesting or engaging enough, they'll leave. That is the bottom line I feel. I do not think medals, one way or another would be a significant determiner of whether a player chooses to keep playing. As with the players leaving argument - there is no way to verify this objectively one way or an other. I am stating my opinion, as you did yours.


A new guild be distressed by these medals? Same theory - why? The new guild has to start from the ground up anyway and gain their medals. AND - if players had been in guilds prior - if backdated they'd still get credit for their previous guild activity. Everyone wins. A new guild full of new people - same as above - it is just the way of the game to start behind the established players and guilds, I do not see why that means established players and guilds should not be rewarded for the actions they have taken over the years to benefit their guilds.


The medal can be new, the activities are old. I think the longstanding players should have their achievements recognised.


You talk about a kick in the teeth - it is a huge kick in the teeth to see 5+ years of guild effort go unrecognised by badly designed medals.


My issue is with the medals first, the backdating is secondary, its absence is the insult added to the injury of the medals themselves.


My comparison of manipulation with the smasher medals is not a non-starter. My point is not about the specific circumstances of the smasher 'abuse' my point is that these new medals are so easily abused, and so meaningless in terms of what they purport to represent that they 1) devalue other medals by their very existence and 2) the argument used to defend them can be used to defend any other form of 'abuse' including that of the smasher medal, and is that a path we want to follow?


The argument is - These medals aren't harming anyone, what does it matter how they are being gained? How the medal is gained is up to the individual, the individual can judge whether they have done it the right way or not. This is an excuse for manipulation and collusion in the gaining of some of these medals. If allowed to go unchecked it has, in my opinion, very negative effects on all other medals and possibly the entire game, as a culture of playing to get away with as much as possible, rather than pursuing excellence and clean competition is not one that is as enjoyable to me. Maybe I'm a dreamer in this regard.


I pointed out at length in my previous post that this essentially means that any abuse of any medal can be justified on this basis, that what does it matter if the smasher medal was abused - it is up to the individuals involved to care about how they have achieved the medal. If the free hit ads were against the rules, they should have been reported and the advertisers punished. But otherwise the encouragement of free 100 stam hits was fair game - after all - it was up to the individuals involved how they gained their medals - no-one else was being harmed! The mechanic of the medal was being followed!


And here is my point - these new medals have poor basic mechanics, that do not allow them to function as they should or be representative accurately of in game activities as most of the other medals still are. There are always exceptions to be thrown up, I acknowledge that, but these medals mark a new low in design, in my opinion.


For example: These new medals encourage buff spamming to gain the guild bolster medal - what does that have to do with solid guild activity and helping guild mates advance or compete? Buffing someone 70 times with QF does not advance their game play - just saturates their logs. It ain't bolstering the guild, it is bolstering an individual's pursuit of a medal that calls itself a guild medal.


Or how about meaningless deposits into the bank - how does that represent longstanding commitment to the financial health of the guild? It doesn't, and encouraging multiple small deposits in order to grow ticks on a medal does not indicate you are anything like a guild treasurer, yet we have the medal to stare at. If you want a guild gold contribution medal have a tax man medal that records the amount of gold given to a guild in tax. Tax, unlike deposits, cannot be gamed. Not all guilds use tax - well there you have it, an element of choice at guild level about a guild medal. And it can be backdated easily too - LOL!


Group joins - yep, that's fair, but why ignore years of group joins past? When the data is there use it. Now of course groups are being made just to be joined - guild wide circle jerks of group formations, not to kill SE, or kill Elites, but just for the sake of ticks on the medal count. Contribution to guild well being represented there? Other than a willingness to burn stam for each other to gain medals faster, I don't see it. Many many groups were formed in order to kill monsters and gain guild gear in the past. That classic guild contribution is ignored due to no backdating. I think that is wrong.


The relic medal is just bogus and encourages attack fail swapping.


In short these medals are not well designed.


I feel that if we must put up with them, backdating the buffs and joins at the very least minimises the damage from manipulation as those people who have done their guilds proud over many years through selfless help of their fellows through meaningful buffs and meaningful group joins get their reward in the form of higher level medals that reflect the work they have already done - the people joining groups that go nowhere, or get used to fail to take a relic can catch up. The buff spammers can catch up. Being kicked in the teeth is seeing your years of effort ignored, and then seeing the medals that are supposed to represent that effort being gamed and manipulated mercilessly, and to then, as a cherry on top, be told to just keep doing what you were doing before, as though that is a magic wand, and does not ignore the fact that the years of opportunity to do all these things has been lost. That is being kicked in the teeth, in my opinion. Again - the group join - in the past group joins were often needed for SE and elite kills - now often with new gear, buffs, and relics, groups just aren't needed as often. The mobs can be killed solo. So the environment which encouraged group joins no longer exists - so saying "keep doing what you are doing" will not fix that. Backdating does.


My point is not just the medal is gained quicker - it is that it means the medal represents nothing. Or at best represents a willingness to gain the medal in a way not reflective of the intended spirit of the medal. If a medal represents nothing then why have it? If the medals were better designed they would not be gameable, and would represent guild buffing, gold given, relic defence etc. as it stands, they clearly do not represent those things, in my opinion. At best they 'kind of' represent those activities. Do you want a 'kind of' SE medal? A 'sort of' bounty hunter medal? Because that is what you'll get if you allow this to slide, sooner or later, and by then it will be too late.


I guess I'm talking about old fashioned standards - and these medals don't have high enough standards to match their activities. Close the loopholes, make them earned by doing the jobs properly - cool. If they cannot be designed to prevent abuse - don't bother introducing them!


These medals could have been great, I think their introduction is damaging. I think the attitude that they do no harm is damaging, and if you want to let these medals be abused then you lose the right to cry when other medals get manipulated or adversely effected by changes in game circumstance in the future. As I have said.


If the medals are designed to minimise abuse - they work well. Look at the recent frag and artisan medals. These are new medals for a new activity and are a clear baseline for all players to start from, as you wished in your post. Other than buying items to break down, it is pretty hard to abuse the frag medal , and it helped to foster a new internal game market. the new artisan medal - the only way to gain it is by making the potions -  can't be gamed. Unless you have access to unlimited amounts of gold and can auto finish to infinity. Those medals are fine. A new medal covering some very old activities is very different from those new medals covering new activities, I would hope you'd agree.


These new medals are too abusable/exploitable, if abuse is too strong a word. I think backdating the achievements at least rewards the good efforts of players through the years, and lessens the bitter taste of seeing medals gained cheaply. It does not solve the problem of their exploit or gameability. Had these things been put up on the forum for discussion I think we'd have seen stronger, better medals as a result.


Medals represent game activity, and the activities a player enjoys or is good at. These new 4 medals cannot clearly represent what they are supposed to, as I have said here and on page 8.


If I had my way they'd be withdrawn, reworked and reintroduced. That will not happen, as I'm sure that would cause more upset than it would solve. I do not want to chase people out of the game by objecting to these medals and their implementation, but i would like to see efforts to recognise long standing guild activity, and if nothing else perhaps the introduction of other medals that do reflect guild activity better and cannot be gamed. Like a tax medal and a relic sitting medal.


It may well be that HCS and the devs will be unmoved by my arguments for backdating, and the medals will stay as they are. I will be very disappointed in that, but will have to accept it.


Another long screed.


Cheers wil.


Yours in Lunacy,



Edited by Belaric, 03 March 2014 - 08:44.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#169 Belaric



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Posted 06 March 2014 - 18:18

So this topic is being quietly ignored. Sweet.


I'm going to ignore the backdating issue this post. I still strongly believe in it, but the basic problem here is more severe to my mind than any argument over backdating.


I have outlined at length in posts on p8 and 9 my opinion on why these medals do not work and have bad repercussions for the game as a whole.


Here is another. If you read nothing else - read the bold paragraphs below.


Medals are a reason people keep playing - they are targets and goals of achievement. They are one of the things that draws us back and motivates us to play, in my opinion. I know I am motivated to hang on for my diamond top 100 medal, I know I want my ruby titan and to improve my SE silver to gold and beyond. Medals are part of the addiction factor that keep people playing. Do we want that factor diminished or broken?


If medals were not important people would not post in their bio's that they were the first to get crystal titan (leos3000) or diamond titan (nagoyaka) as an example.


They can mark genuine achievements by players involving hard work in the game.


These new medals simply do not do that. They are broken and do not reflect accurately what they are supposed to.


The Defender of the Realm represents friendly fails to attack your guild's relic. Few of those failed attacks will be genuine, since the medal was introduced. It is a collusion medal.


The Treasurer medal is a counter of deposits, nothing else, and so is meaningless in terms of really measuring how much a player has contributed in gold to their guild. It is a deposit counting medal.


The Guild Bolster medal is a counter of buffs, and ignores multiple rebuffing of worthless/irrelevant buffs on a guildmate - it is a stam spend medal.


The Group Join is a counter of the joined groups, not what those groups are used for, or if they are used at all. So it too is a stam spend medal.


Maybe if we just changed the names of the medals to reflect what is really being done to earn them people would take notice. Do you want a collusion medal? Or stam spend 1 or stam spend 2 medals?


Many people have said - "So what? What does it matter how these medals are gained, all that counts is in-game activity"


I respond - If you want worthless medals, if you want to dilute what medals mean and the achievements of past and present players to be cheapened, then go for it. If you think eroding players' motivation to keep playing is a worthy possible side effect of having medals that do not reflect the activity pursued in order to get that medal, then you are more bold than I.


These medals have adversely affected my motivation for this game. I can only speak for myself.


How are these medals worthless?


These medals are the equivalent of an SE medal that you get ticks for by killing plain Elites. How would you feel about an SE medal that was gained by not killing SE, but by killing something easier to find, and much easier to kill? Do you think that would be right? Do you think it would make the SE medal a joke? That is what these medals are, to me. They are failures to represent the actual task required to attain them, and fail therefore to meaningfully represent any in game achievement accurately. They are the equivalent of killing an Elite, and getting credit for killing a SE. They are too easy to exploit, and the exploit of them by anyone in game renders them meaningless. If these medals are meaningless, AND TOLERATED, why should I still care about any others? And if I stop caring about the other medals, my motivation to play this game at all is undermined, as medals are a big reason for me to keep playing.


Does that make no sense to anyone? Are you happy playing in a game where the measurement of achievement is so flawed? Medals so easily exploited?


These medals need to be fixed. How they are gained should more accurately reflect what they are supposed to celebrate in game.


To my mind this means relic defender is switched to time spent on relic. Anyone with the medal already can keep what they have and this is true of all 4 medals, but it should be a relic sitting medal - that is much harder to exploit.


The treasurer medal should be tied to gold given to guild via tax. Guilds have a choice to impose tax, but the tax deposits cannot be gamed (or at least it will be a bit harder to I think). Any deposit based medal can be gamed - if we want a gold contributed to guild medal, the way to best protect it from abuse is to have it tied to tax. If your guild has no tax, then it is great for you to have more gold, but you do not qualify for this medal. If it is deemed unfair to base it on tax as not all guilds can afford to have it (a poor argument to me.... but whatever) then simply do not have this type of medal. If a medal cannot be created to reflect a game activity without it being hopelessly exploitable, then do not bother creating that medal in the first place.


The bolsterer medal... I do not know how this can be fixed without it taking a lot of work. No repetition of the same buff on a player within X hours? GvG and PvP players would not like that as they get legitimately rebuffed with the same thing frequently when in conflicts. Don't count doubler and QF as they only take 5 stam? That might be a way to reduce some of the worst abuse. Don't have it count when Guild buffer activates to reduce stam? LOL! That is just mean to suggest! (I of course would vote to backdate this medal, and let the stam burners have their fun, and those who have buffed for years get their recognition - but I said I'd leave that alone)


The group join medal - perhaps have it more like the better together achievement - have it tied only to group joins that kill creatures, or successfully take relics. That would not eliminate, but reduce current abuse.


Response from the developers on this would be much appreciated. Can you really not see how these medals are harmful to the game? The frag and artisan medals work just fine. These four need some help to be less exploitable and more meaningful to those who might still care about how they gain their medals.


Yes I have gold treasurer - I bought the deposits, might as well use them - the medal is being gained in a useless fashion to reflect the real work I have done over the years for my guild. It is a great example of why these medals do not work - the actual achievement - 587 million gold into my guild over 5 years, is not represented at all, 275 million from deposits, 312 million from tax. None of that is represented, I get my medal for 100+ 1gp deposits. There is a total disconnect between what that medal is supposed to represent, and how it has been obtained. That is wrong. I did it anyway. I am not proud of that at all.


These medals need to be fixed.


Your in Continued Lunacy,



Edited by Belaric, 14 March 2014 - 22:56.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#170 Gutie



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 13:25

Can anyone state how the relic medal has done any tangible guild for the game aside from sheer frustration on some as Belaric, and irritation from the detractors? Everyone save for a few with a silver (and EVERYONE with gold) or above has farmed it. We ALL know that. The relic medal is a joke, has no meaning and devalues the meaning of the other ones. That the fact I laugh (or smirk depending on the stage of said "defender" level) when I see the medal if it's above the bronze level, and likely for a long time any similar looking symbol only speaks volumes I will leave unsaid.


As to the treasurer medal from discussion with people in other fairly active guilds I can say for a FACT has caused tension in guilds due to people openly calling out 1 gold deposits as people whom are only doing so to pad medals and NOT out of desire to help the guild. If anyone wishes for me to elaborate on what I recommend, feel free to say so. Aside from a select few medals I genuinely think medals are a total joke and a waste of time. I only have the ones I do completely from playing the game as I normally would and from occasional urges to do other things to mix it up a bit.


Thanks for the cool medals. But no, seriously I mean it. This has done more to help us gain ground on guilds ahead and behind us than just about anything else I can think of. More stamina based medals please. :D


Given HCS hasn't taken any real notion to comment in a while with this thread, I figure that my comments won't be seen as over the top, I assure you I wanted to joke about these more. But really I'm waiting on if there's any interaction on this topic before even bothering to say what I propose changing to two of the new medals.




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#171 RebornJedi



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Posted 17 March 2014 - 17:44

i think it was a great addition to honor those who earned medals in the game.. but it was poorly implemented with the volume of medals earned daily.. it should of been listed alphabetically(not really crucial) and have it in order by medal (crucial) instead of this random order..


the tavern rumours post should post all the medals that were earned in the past 24 or 6 hours like they do now.. if no one earned a certain medal, like global quest qualifying, than don't let the medal be posted(would help clear up some room). we have 25 medals now and some aren't going to be earned hourly/daily/weekly so why even have in view.. then allow players to click on the medals to show those who earned that medal, listing them bronze > diamond.. the medals to be clicked could just have the medal icon and when you hover it will give you the label.. it will work like how the left side medals work, you click on one > opens up the list in the post > click another medal the previous list closes and the new one shows you.. have it listed as 5 x 5 medals (less if certain medals aren't earned, or if HCS decides to just display all of them maybe having an error message pop up when you click on a medal that wasn't earned by any player) .. so they are listed 5x5 and when you click on one it teleports to the top center and lists all the players in order of medal tier under it maybe in three rows (depends on how it interacts with mobile phones).. 


this would allow those who care to see to actually view the achievements of other players in a better viewing function..and those who don't care, just ignore the post like you currently do.. i just think this would be a better organized method than the slop medal spew we get every 6:00/12:00/18:00/0:00 ST ..


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