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Composing - In Detail

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#161 Bigk


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:04

this will be nice

sounds good to me

#162 iambrad



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:05

Like the FSH settings, the User Interface should include a setting to block common, unique, rare and so forth items from appearing in your backpack during hunts.  This would limit common items to begin with.  But I think most would prefer common items not even be possible as a drop or add abit more gold and no common item drops. 


OR simply make a system that converts common, rare, unique, and so forth items into shards.  Create an in-game Market Stall that buys items.  A common item is worth 'x' amount of shards( most likely 1 shard) and unique a bit more and so forth...  This may also then create more interest in players looking through the shard offers out there to increase their shard amounts.  You dont have to mess with potion markets, buff sellers, creating potions or determining skill levels, nor scavenging caves, LE events.  The shard amount system is already in place, it takes no additional space. Go to market stall, cash in whatever items for set amounts of shards, create an interest in other shard offers being offered(have a link in the market stall to the other shard offers) and players then eventually can cash in their shards for fsp and buy more items,potions, buffs and keep the game going.


OR create in the User Interface the option to change what you find from creatures.  A player could select 1.  Items and some gold  2.  More gold and no items.  3. More  XP and no items/gold.  This would also be a simple solution to limiting surplus items in the game from hunts.

#163 Crzy



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:05

Composing only skills would be cool. If they are in the pipeline and not rushed out and unbalancing - another headache! Remove common AND epic. Or cap common item created pots at like 150 max, so low level players could make/use them/benefit, but not so common items can be utilised on their own to create anything over level 175 pots.


Great idea IMO. If you insist on keeping common fragments then limit the level they can go up to and the duration to maybe 1 hour or lower. I honestly feel the gold cost should be removed but keep the Gold Cost to Instantly finish. This way it can be a gold sink if people are impatient and choose so, but at the same time you don't limit lower levels who don't make 2 million+ gold on hunts.


And if our Composing XP Level increases, will that mean the time it takes to brew a potion will be decreased? In every other RPG I've played, if you master/max something out, it becomes a LOT more efficient and reliable. Master brewers would have a faster finishing time but not completely gone so there would still be a small gold sink.


Can you make all Legendary RESOURCES a rare item so they're not abused as legendary ITEMS when this gets implemented? I can only imagine how many people would take advantage of them being listed as Legendary, and throw in Zogrom Bodies like no tomorrow.


^^Sig by the awesome ArtistGorn!^^^

#164 Plexus37



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:23

To make it simpler.


Remove common items from it altogether and also any other constant spawn rarities such as rares, unless maybe very low pots upto Lv100-180 max.


Going with Leo, make the pots attractive enough to be fairly expensive.


AL450, Lib450, Con 500.

People would use and want these pots. Creating the demand must be the priority.


1 epic = AL450, Lib450, Con500, UB200, AM500, CoA 300, CoD 300 and, and, and...... .i.e a multi all-in-one hunting pot. Otherwise no-one will sink an epic.

Would even see the prices of inferno hammers change :)



Make the math simpler, give each item a varying comp stat based on its rarity(leg,cry,epic) divided by how many exist in the game.

Rarer items become worth more in the composing pot. levels the value across all items.

Then during events any spawned legendaries will lower in comp value as the game gets flooded with them.

Each pot to invent requires a set number of Compo points based on your level. All are bound.


No guild binding, opens up opportunities for low level players to produce cheap for the higher levels. Multis.


With no re-sale (which i agree with) there really has to be a personal benefit to scrapping your gear, or it wont work.


+ level*gold per composition also.


Obviously i am a hunter, but other potion variations exist for the strange people =)



#165 rowbeth



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:27

How ?


1. Weren't you meaning a trade UP with fragments ? - so, for instance, you make 1000 common fragments and use them to "buy" 100 rare fragments ?


2. The recipes as laid out need common AND rare AND legendary AND epic (well, the higher level pots do) - although I favour removing epics from the equation completely and factoring in some/all from Crystalline, Elite and Super Elite drops.


The whole concept is still open to player discussion tho :)


I did mean to think of it both ways - an exchange rate. And if done properly, people will choose to use LEs rather than gathering lots of common/rare items.


Let me illustrate that by taking it to a ridiculous extreme.


Given the choice of collecting a million common items or one LE, people with useless LE items would choose to use the LEs. Take it to the other extreme --- chose between one LE or one common item --- people will obviously choose the common item. The question is where to set the exchange rate between these two extremes. If you set the exchange rate favourably enough (i.e. do a lot of boring gathering of common items or use one of your excess plague or deep items) then people will choose to use the LE items if they can.



If you did have an exchange rate mechanism, then there really would be no different from Hoof's posted scheme and one in which there is a single type of fragment for composing but items generate a different number of fragments according to rarity, although the latter will seem less complicated. I do reckon that if you get enough fragments for an LE item, people will start disposing of them in this way.

#166 onray24



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:29

lets start small with a few pots then see how to improve it 


#167 thisple



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:33


I've had a look over everyone's comments for far and the general feeling I'm getting is this:
1) Don't increase the skill levels available from the initial suggestion, but instead add new skills which can be only obtained via Composing.


I would like to have the ability to make higher level potions -- they should just cost more.  I believe you can do this without making existing potion makers // existing buffers unhappy.


Every potion doesn't have to be cheap. If you had a level 2000 doubler or level 250 Smashing Hammer, make it cost 20 FSP.  Not everyone will need or want the higher level potions.  But, I think there should still be the option to make them should someone want to expend all the time, energy and resources necessary to make them.


Just my $0.02

#168 thisple



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:36

lets start small with a few pots then see how to improve it 


The problem with starting small is that you may not get a lot of community buy in.  If there isn't something worth while for a large portion of the community to sink their teeth into, then the idea will fall flat on its face at the start of the race.


Best to provide something of substance upfront and then tweak it afterwards.

#169 Rome


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:40

How about the ability to use existing pots purchased from the auction house (or otherwise) combined with fragments to enrich or bolster potency and duration, or create new potions from the unused skills, or create higher levels of skills without potions? This will ensure that the potion makers still have a steady demand for their supply.


I like the idea of only one type of fragment… that items will be broken down according to RARITY AND LEVEL.  I also believe that Quest Items should be given higher weighted value since many players level up without spending the time (and sometimes money) to complete the quests.


I also think that Distil and Brew Master should apply to these potions just as they do to every other potion.



#170 KillerBeeL


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 18:43

I generally like the idea, and I also agree with most of the comments that are already given (although I only read the first 4 and last page of the moment).


However I am fairly surprised the max level of a skill does not increase with higher composing levels (unless I misread). I think you decided this to make sure composing is viable from the beginning for everyone, but could it be a better idea to start high and just slowly increase the max level? Like start at a reasonabley viable start value and slowly increase from there.


For example have doubler start at a max of 750, since that potion is already vastly available for a cheap price on the AH. And have it slowly increase to the level 1000 you planned (so that would be about 1 max level for each level in compoising.


Another example could be Smashing hammer to start at 175, since this buff can be bought already from players, but have it slowly increase to the 250 you planned (so lthat would be around 1 max level every 3 composing levels).


Of these figures are just for discussion, as I am sure the pro's have more knowledge on what the values should be. There are a few possible reasons to do this:

- Reduce the impact on the potion and skill selling market (certainly in the beginning)

- Maybe this way it is possible to find a compromise to increase the max skill level for some buffs that can be achieved (as a few people requested)

- Give people a bigger incentive to reach the max composing level, instead of just slowing down half way because it is already decent enough

#171 watagashi



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 19:13

Ok so I sobered up, read through it again when it wasnt in double and slept on it heres what I think,,,


First to me theres no potion or buff in the game worth a epic,,very few worth a LE item so IF I partake in this it would be making something useful out of my leveling junk. Otherwise im going to be on the consuming side and with the binding its gonna complicate the consumerism 


That said I also would like to ask if and how you are going to be composting things and please to make sure that there will be no way ill misclick something and compost it, also id rather not have to do extra clicks to change gear because theres now a composting option especially if I really dont see me doing it that much.


But depending on prices, availability and the ingrediants needed for stuff I may just become a part time elite farmer too. I really wonder if this would work better if planned around and worked as something that wasnt bound??



#172 thisple



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 19:39

But depending on prices, availability and the ingrediants needed for stuff I may just become a part time elite farmer too. I really wonder if this would work better if planned around and worked as something that wasnt bound??


I really wish it wasn't bound as well.  +1 from me

#173 jbhouse


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 19:51

1. I think the multi skill guild bound pots would be a nice addition. It would be even better if i could use my skills i currenty have or even some form a list of available ones to create guild bound pots (at buff lv175 even) that i create that my guys could use when im not on to be able to have buffs for hunting that i would normally give them if i was on. (cant be on 24/7 though i would like to be) and being able to use up all that junk gear i get when hunting to make these pots is even better than the normal destroying i do with it. This would make hunting for most guild members in an guild a lot more enjoyable than logging on at any certain time and finding they cant hunt because nobody is on to give them the couple buffs they need.


2. I also do think higher level pots are a good idea too but should be hard enough to obtain that its not just a simple matter of putting on a FI1000 pot and farming the crap out of rats and common items to make an epic potion. On that note: Epics should not be one of the items destroyed to make any pot, only use SE/Leg and below for this.

#174 Lupp0



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 20:10

To make it simpler.


Remove common items from it altogether and also any other constant spawn rarities such as rares, unless maybe very low pots upto Lv100-180 max.


Going with Leo, make the pots attractive enough to be fairly expensive.


AL450, Lib450, Con 500.

People would use and want these pots. Creating the demand must be the priority.


1 epic = AL450, Lib450, Con500, UB200, AM500, CoA 300, CoD 300 and, and, and...... .i.e a multi all-in-one hunting pot. Otherwise no-one will sink an epic.

Would even see the prices of inferno hammers change :)



Make the math simpler, give each item a varying comp stat based on its rarity(leg,cry,epic) divided by how many exist in the game.

Rarer items become worth more in the composing pot. levels the value across all items.

Then during events any spawned legendaries will lower in comp value as the game gets flooded with them.

Each pot to invent requires a set number of Compo points based on your level. All are bound.


No guild binding, opens up opportunities for low level players to produce cheap for the higher levels. Multis.


With no re-sale (which i agree with) there really has to be a personal benefit to scrapping your gear, or it wont work.


+ level*gold per composition also.


Obviously i am a hunter, but other potion variations exist for the strange people =)


I think the whole idea of composing was to give worthless items a purpose.

Be it outdated LE items, common or whatever..

It's also bigger = better with so many on here..

Why would you influence the auction house so much to include epics (or even LE without changing the whole LE structure) in this, and make these high level potions?

Seriously what is wrong with everybody :(

Why is everybody asking for high AL/LIB pots etc, WHY?

You want yet another overpowered item in the game that makes people quit?

Nobody learned their lesson, even after all these nasty buff chest like Omacaz.. it's so anoying..

So many greedy people in this game that only see dollar signs instead of MAYBE a nice addition to this game pfffffffff.


Yeah, I would say make them unbound "so the low level players have income" LOL biggest joke ever.

If you realy think this is going to benifit the lower levels instead of the upper levels... i'm not even gonna bother replying sorry.

The more comments I read here from everybody, the more I don't want this feature to get implemented, it's gonna be yet another game breaker I fear.

A lot of "the wrong people" are on the forum talking about their high level potions again, and not worthwhile this and that.


Please "fix" arena and put out only recipes that require arena items, ye give them a monopoly and ensure items are overpriced for more then a year.

You can win components for 50k each, yet you sell the invent items for 100fsp each.. WOW SO GREAT GUYS!! problem fixex!! lol.


Please "fix" titan hunting, put out 10 more titans at the same time. GREAT!!

GvG and epic invent market are TOTALY NOT affected by this ... lmao..


This will be the last time I comment on this forum, there is to much ignorance and greedy people here.

Would not be such a big problem, but it's more then half of the people which makes it a problem.

No offense intended, even though this sounds offensive.. I know.. and i'm sorry, but sometimes the truth hurts, lol.

Be less greedy and think more of the gameplay people.

Why does everything have to bring in fsp? On any level.. since most higher levels think this is income for lower levels.. *sigh*

Instead let it be something fun to do while waiting for your horrible big stamina bank to fill up?

There should be more fun things like this to do while waiting for stamina.

But no, everything has to do with fps on the forum.

You won't see any titan hunters here after 10 new titans are introduced.. only when they become invaluable to hunt will you see the same whiners you saw before again.. BLA!


Why can't this be something EVERYBODY can enjoy on ANY level for ANY cost?

These potions should not cost much to make, why does everybody want to EXCLUDE the common items?

They have no value, and everybody destroys them.

It doesn't have to mean you can turn this into epic potions, right?
Maybe you need 10.000 items destroyed to make 1 good usefull potion???

But everybody keeps talking about how many tokens 1 item should be worth ... BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Think about the freaking structure BEFORE you talk about how much is this and that item worth in tokens pfffffffffff.

There should be no talk about if an epic gets destroyed for tokens it should give higher levels BLAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Nobody thinks about economy here?

No epics should be included in this idea, I even think LE should be excluded or the whole LE structure has to change aswell, or atleast the frequency of the events, which is terrible.


And why shoudl these potions be such high levels?
Why can't they be UNIQUE potions in a way that they give non available USEFULL buffs that doesn't excist in the game yet?

Please stop.. don't make them huge levels, please don't make it very costy to make them, please make them available for EVERY level.

Meaning, INCLUDE common/rare/unique/SE items that everybody can hunt.

LE items are something you get from caves, or on occasion on the realms (should change imo, but different topic).

Why would you include something that is hard to get for starting players, they should be the ones getting encouraged the most if you ask me.

For them a AL200 pot is very usefull, even for me if I don't use loyality tokens or run out of global potions.

Why does it have to be AL450? and cost 50fsp or more to make? (totaly not worth it for beginners..) and toally worth it for the people above me "crying" for them to be un-bound.. IN THE SHAME CORNER WITH YOU PEOPLE! lol.

Instead, you can think of PvP potions or guild buff potions or whatever.. so many options except the ones you talk about, lol.


/end rant, sorry, but I get realy mad about all the greedyness in this game.

Last comment I made here.

EDIT: This was not a "reply" on any player, just comment on general messages, so sorry that i somehow quoted you Plex :)


#175 Tastria



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 20:50

I thought this was a good idea when it first came out, and I still do.  However it seems to be heavily tilted in favor of guilds/guild members benefiting rather than solo players.  It would also seem (at this stage anyway) very time intensive.  Unfortunately, I don't have any specific ideas for the composting per sa.  Maybe a possible mix of potions and gear?  Maybe a one in ten thousand chance to make something really useful (...as you put the components together, your hands tremble, with unforeseen results!  You have created a Sword of Birthday Cake Cutting  (lvl 10)) Maybe the stats would be concealed until the appropriate level player used it.  It's a thought anyway.

#176 Yoco988


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 20:59

Didn't have time to read all posts so sorry if someone mentioned this allready,..it would be great if you would just put another button under Manage Backpack, like instead of deleting items we would click to convert them into fragments ;) i think that would be a lot simpler than moving things into 1 folder and then converting whole folder ;)

#177 kalish



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 21:17

1) I agree that the different rarities of items should have different fragments. Right now you can buy literally millions of common items (many of them go for 1 gold each) for the same price as one epic. What should the tiers be? By what I'm reading, most people seem to be saying:

Tier 1: Common
Tier 2: Rare, Unique
Tier 3: Super Elite, Crystalline
Tier 4: Legendary
Tier 5: Epic

I can think of two ways to make the more rare items in higher demand:

   a) make the level of the skill dependent on the rarity of the fragments used;
       - using Tier 1 fragments makes a level 100 skill
       - using Tier 2 fragments makes a level 125 skill
       - using Tier 3 fragments makes a level 150 skill
       - using Tier 4 fragments makes a level 175 skill
       - using Tier 5 fragments makes a level 250 skill (to make Epics possibly worthwhile to break down)
   B) make the gold and/or stamina cost higher for using lower-tier fragments. This would have to be quadratic or even exponential because Epic items are worth so much more than commons, and even Legendary items are quite rare compared to the tiers below them.

2) Have "Composing Level" (how good your character is at it) affect the duration of the potions. From, say, 15 minutes at level 1 to 120 minutes at max level.

3) I think crafting and forging should matter, but not item level. The first two cost FSP and/or gold to obtain, but the last doesn't. This also gives an edge to breaking down gear as opposed to breaking down quest items and resources. I like the idea of +1 fragment for each forge. The crafting should provide a multiplier in my opinion.
       - Very Poor: 1.1 times the number of fragments
       - Poor: 1.2 times the number of fragments
       - Average: 1.3 times the number of fragments
       - Good: 1.4 times the number of fragments
       - Very Good: 1.6 times the number of fragments
       - Excellent: 1.8 times the number of fragments
       - Perfect: 2 times the number of fragments
Also, forging costs are not linear, so 4 forges on one item should be worth more than 2 forges on two items.
       - 1 forge: 1 fragment
       - 2 forges: 2 fragments
       - 3 forges: 3 fragments
       - 4 forges: 5 fragments
       - 5 forges: 8 fragments
Of course, you get 1 fragment for decomposing (ha!) the item to begin with. Also, I'd round all partial fragments up. So some examples are in order:
       - a poor item with no forges gets 2 fragments; 1 for the item times 1.2 for crafting gives 1.2, rounds up to 2
       - a very good item with 3 forges gets 7 fragments; 4 for the item (1 for the base item plus 3 for forging) times 1.6 for crafting gives 6.4, rounds up to 7
       - a perfect, fully forged item gets 18 fragments; 9 for the item (1 for the base item plus 8 for forging) times 2 for crafting gives 18 even

4) I strongly feel that the composing potions should be potion-only skills, ideally composing-only skills. This is for several reasons.

  a) the economy of the game is pretty well-balanced, and you don't want farmers and potion makers to disappear; they provide valuable services
  B) using old skills gives lower-level players access to higher-level skills, reducing the incentive to level; we may as well use a flat skill tree for regular buffs
  c) we get new skills in the game! Those are always fun. (no free skill reset, though; they're not buffs!)

5) I think that Distil and Brewing Master should be allowed to affect the potions. They are potions, after all. Just tweak the levels and durations to assume, say, Distil 50 and Brewing Master 175, which are cheap enough to be affordable by a large segment of the player base. That is, if you want a skill to be level 200, make it level 190 instead and the assumed Distil 50 will bring it up to 200. And if you want the duration to be 90 min, make it 48 min instead so it becomes 90 after using Brewing Master 175.

6) I'm waffling on the bound/unbound part. If the skills are composing-only, I'd go with unbound because they won't compete with any other sector of the economy, unless the new skills make some old ones obsolete. That can be avoided with careful planning of the new skills. Them being bound wouldn't bother me, though.

7) If it's going to take long amounts of time to compose potions, PLEASE allow a "composing queue" that will start the next potion as soon as the current one is done. The gold upgrades are bad enough in that you have to log in at the exact same time every day to get the full use of them. To prevent abuse, you could make the queue 3 or 4 potions long.

#178 Elincia


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 21:20

I'm glad they are bound please don't change that feature. Income inequality is all ready a problem in this game, well I guess just like real life. If you're a lvl 1400 or higher you got it made because you can sell buffs people need for their hunt and it not uncommon to spend about 5 fsp for each hunt and if you hunt once a week that 20 fsp you have to spend in a month to get what you need. Also can you add Overkill 250 as a potion that can be made?

#179 dazriel



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 21:50

How about using it to replace the potion bazaar to begin with to see if its workable and where else we can go with it ? Same pots with maybe a few extra (QF, SH, CA, CD, stuff you'd usually have to by in buffs max of lvl 180 or something) and some higher levels on some pots perhaps to make them a bit more desirable. That way it wont affect the current markets that much and it will add an extra dynamic to the game. I also wouldnt have epic stuff anywhere near it. LE would be good for the higher level pots, if the the higher level pots are bound and not for everyday use unlike AL, LIB etc then it will have a use for old LE and rare stuff without completely draining the game of them fast and raising the price to where it renders composing too expensive to do. 


Long story slightly longer lets just get it working on the small scale before talking of breaking down epics for high level pots. As long as its workable and of some use it can be implemented. Then it can be updated to include new buffs down the line as they emerge or contain higher levels of certain pots to make it an extra dimension to the game rather then an extension of the current overpower potion market.  

#180 JohnnyMo



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 21:51

i agree with lupp0 again... this idea needs a complete overhaul... make it new not the same old buff pots...


or make good weapons with very low durability out of crafting so that players keep making the items once the durability is wore out..... 


where are the LE's in caves were we not suppose to have them every 3 weeks or so????....


why do we not see realms that are rare anymore... i have quests that haven't been done for 2 years

(the story of the cursed prince).....


where is the content???  can we have some consistency in the game please!!!....


what happened to the continuation of the epic quests that were out a year ago or more???....


but now we will have composing that will put another twist in the game and ruin certain aspects of it...


i don't think i need to explain what it will ruin... the players in the forum have done that already...

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