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Suggestions for new Arena, GvG and PvP Ladder Rewards?

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#161 yotwehc



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 01:34

Should have stuck around mate, if so, you might think differently.



I don't think he has seen the magic Titan hunters.

#162 avvakum



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 02:24

That would be true if players only played one level band.  1 player controls multi-bands of battles.  points will not be spread over 100's of players. 


New players have to have the sets to get tokens and sets cost FSP.... Have you seen the prices on arena gear since the update?


New players will get very little and will be told to keep playing and enjoy the challange?  They dont have the gold nor FSP to do this. 


As I said in an earlier post, Epic are not a good idea unless players or HCS come up with controls. 

The PvP Arena is expensive, that's something HCS should look into if they really want more activity there. But I still believe that 50 players in one level band together have more BP & items to make it challenging for one player trying to control many bands & types of tournaments. Focus should be on quality in one selected band/type of tourneys and successful multi-band arena players will become forgotten history.    

#163 avvakum



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 02:49

more guilds and more players started titan hunting after HCS released COOLDOWNS on titans NOT because of only TKP


TKP only got a few more titan hunters but the big BOOM started after the COOLDOWNS!


the best arena players are usually many hours online per day + have huge BP slots with many sets + can use the rest from their guild

most new / lower players have almost ZERO chance because they do not have huge BP slots + are in small guilds with few arena items, most items are for leveling


only TOP guilds have many arena items and a new / lower player has almost ZERO chance getting into one because of the guild joining level


if I was a low level player or new then I would never play the arena because chances for me are almost ZERO winning because I would only have a few BP slots + be in a small guild with a few items


most arena pros invested a lot of time and fsps to get where they are and they earned it but most new / lower players do not have the resources (fsps, items, ...) to keep up with them


I am against epics as arena or ladder rewards (I play the pvp ladder but think epic items have no place there)


put new arena and ladder rewards (items, potions, sets, ... ) BUT NO EPIC ITEMS, people are too gready tongue.png

The side effect is solo guilds BOOM - "started this to hunt titans and get TKP" (Guild's history). Now, we have to remove XP loss from PvP because they don't have guildmates to protect themselves. That's a totally wrong direction. The game environment should motivate to join/create bigger guilds/power.     


As I said before, HCS can make the Arena cheaper for new players if they really want more activity - a gear-lending platform, for example. It would be similar to hiring mercenaries/buff market systems - get an item "virtually" to combine/design a setup for joining the arenas.  



Guild-Bound Epic Piratish items would work for me too, I am not playing it for profit  :P

#164 avvakum



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 04:14






:rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:




:P  :D

Updated version (10% x 10 types of tournaments):



#165 yodamus



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 14:58

Is that all anything is worth nowadays? Whether there can be massive profit or not? Profit anywhere is what people should strive for and as you said, "small steady profit possible", so I think the arena is all good as it it. 



Here's a simple solution: Add more arenas. There are 60 arenas out now, let's make the total 90, or higher. There are about 2300 levels achievable here, make each of those sections into sections of 100 (Ex: 1-100, 101-200, etc) = 23 areas. 60/23 = 2.6. So, there should be able 2.6 arenas per 100 levels, sometimes more, sometimes less. There's your fair handful. If we make that number 90, the number of arenas per sections becomes about 4. Tres simple.


And then we could go with your idea of if one tournament of one section is completed, add another tournament randomly in that same section to keep the numbers static. 

this i can completly agree with you on...+1000.. world coming to an end, when me and gomezilla agree on something

#166 justinian9



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 21:38

Okay... i joined 16 arena and won 1, but I got 96 tokens total from placement and win. 

#167 yodamus



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 22:01

Okay... i joined 16 arena and won 1, but I got 96 tokens total from placement and win. 

yesterday for my level i was only able to join 5, still waiting on one to start...0 wins..4 tokens made in a day, today have joined 6, 0 wins, but 2 have not started yet..6 tokens won...2 days= 11 able to join, 10 tokens....before the tweak a couple of weeks ago..and for basically my entire 4 years of playing arena- i would enter in 20-60 per day , get 1-3 wins (yes i am not that good, but i keep trying without the best gear, cant afford best gear)..and get something out of the day....


.what is going on now is not good for lower level players to get interested in arena..needs to be more tourneys , needs to be = amount for every few hundred levels...needs to have replacement system for these levels..so there will always be plenty to join, no matter what level a person is, or how fast the tourneys fill.......create more interest and have tourneys filling up faster,,,..all would be happy..

#168 avvakum



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:12

If epics are adding in and players come back to arena doesnt that mean more arena master level players to contend with? 
If it does how is this going to increase long term players in the arena?

The changes I would make (along with adding more motivation - Epics) would be more different conditions (only Common items, only Rare items etc.) for the arena tournaments. The arena masters would be outnumbered by different types of tournaments and gear they would need to be successful. More players would find their niche in the arena.

#169 Pardoux



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:21

The changes I would make (along with adding more motivation - Epics) would be more different conditions (only Common items, only Rare items etc.) for the arena tournaments. The arena masters would be outnumbered by different types of tournaments and gear they would need to be successful. More players would find their niche in the arena.


Don't think i like the epics purchase, but I do like the only common items, only rare items etc - that will REALLY mix it up ..

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#170 yodamus



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 13:19

Don't think i like the epics purchase, but I do like the only common items, only rare items etc - that will REALLY mix it up ..

i suggested this a long time ago..got flamed by all the arena masters (their reasoning was that it would make arena to confusing), more like,  it would level the playing field a little, since it would be much cheaper to make a setup..which they do not want.....i dont see what it wrong with the idea...thought it was a very good idea..all rares would be great, to give them some value in the game...commons are worth more than rares...and many of those rares are craftable..would for sure make things more interesting..

Edited by yodamus, 15 October 2014 - 14:58.

#171 avvakum



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 18:08

i suggested this a long time ago..got flamed by all the arena masters (their reasoning was that it would make arena to confusing), more like,  it would level the playing field a little, since it would be much cheaper to make a setup..which they do not want.....i dont see what it wrong with the idea...thought it was a very good idea..all rares would be great, to give them some value in the game...commons are worth more than rares...and many of those rares are craftable..would for sure make things more interesting..

The side effect, of course, is a low participation, that why it should be done along with additional motivation. No doubt, it won't be liked, let's smash the profiteers ;) 

#172 Leos3000



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 18:21

The side effect, of course, is a low participation, that why it should be done along with additional motivation. No doubt, it won't be liked, let's smash the profiteers ;)

That is the biggest issue with diversifying the arena even more.. makes it so the average person has little or nothing to enter as the odds of them getting an arena that fits there exact set is slim...

When they started epic and non epic and forge non forge I started to lose some interest as I now I needed 3 different sets just for 1 level!

Personally I would like to see a simpler entry system where I know I can focus on a range to enter and use my sets consistently. As even in this situation you still have to choose different styles of sets to enter with (defense, armor, attack, damage and combos of those)

#173 yodamus



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 18:39

The side effect, of course, is a low participation, that why it should be done along with additional motivation. No doubt, it won't be liked, let's smash the profiteers ;)

i like the smash the profiteers part :) ..arena is already at low participation, especially at the lower levels..part of that could be how expensive it is to enter, 30-50k may be chump change to most players in the game,but not to a newer player,  also it is really expensive to get the good setups, heck i am trying to come up with a new level 400 setup..and seems i will have to spend at least 70 or more fsps to have just a so-so setup, again 70 fsps is chump change to many..but for others not so much....plus more bp slots to put arena gear....and those are not cheap..


having commons only or rares only could lessen that expense..and maybe bring higher participation...not really positive about that tho..all i do know, is we need more players trying arena tourneys,  however that may be done..especially at the lower levels....


and since this is getting a little off topic, i will once again press on with the desire to have upgrades and/or small amounts of reserve stamina as prizes...as this may help participation...

Edited by yodamus, 15 October 2014 - 18:42.

#174 avvakum



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 19:28

Personally I would like to see a simpler entry system where I know I can focus on a range to enter and use my sets consistently. As even in this situation you still have to choose different styles of sets to enter with (defense, armor, attack, damage and combos of those)

If you use your sets consistently you should be a dead meat or it's just lack of competition. Try to understand, we need more players in the Arena. Sorry guys I miss TDA, the genius of the arena. Can we bring him back all together? This is a challenge.  

#175 Leos3000



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Posted 15 October 2014 - 21:19

If you use your sets consistently you should be a dead meat or it's just lack of competition. Try to understand, we need more players in the Arena. Sorry guys I miss TDA, the genius of the arena. Can we bring him back all together? This is a challenge.

I understand you need "more" players if you make the arena "more" diverse by adding new types of arena (common, rare) you will need even "more" people to play as no one could keep up with the amount of different items and sets needed to play a wide variety.

What I am trying to say to do is make the arena easier for the average person to play, and to play often, not just once a day since that is probably all they could if the arena was more diverse and they wait for not only specific levels, but specific type pest of gear as well.

If there was less limitations and more consistent levels to enter the average person could enter "more" since there should be a faster arena...

A very good example of what I am trying to say is the recent arena update that had only 10 different varieties or less to enter (think it was level 50,100, 500, 1000, 1500, 200p, and 2500) people knew what levels to expect to enter so the rotation was extremely fast! Obviously we want more variety than that, but somewhere less than now would allow people to design sets that they can use more often and enter more often.

#176 avvakum



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Posted 16 October 2014 - 19:55

Less varieties or less to enter will make the arena faster, because less players/setups/items/strategies are needed. OK, what will very likely happen some players will get their medals/tokens faster. However, "less players/setups/items/strategies" also mean less thinking/designing. The more varieties, the more fun designing setups/strategies on the fly. It would work perfectly if they also added some gear-lending platform (like buff market), so everyone could design on the fly and join arena tournaments.    

#177 yodamus



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 22:56

any news on this front ??  i see where Hoof checked out the forums and says things will start happening...what about this thread..arena, pvp and gvg all need something new quickly...arena is super dead....now even the higher level tourneys are slow moving...not good when it takes 3-5 days for something to start..very little for us lower level players to join...i feel like a huge part of my enjoyment of fallensword has been taken away from me...login, check, nothing to do..arena in a coma..


used to enter 20-40 tourneys a day...now 3-8 if i am lucky...major letdown...arena needs it's new prizes, very soon...this thread is months old..something should have happened by now...somebody please get back to work on these prizes..nothing new for 2 1/2 years in arena, nothing new for pvp in a long time....nothing new in gvg for over 4 years..does it really take that long..arena, pvp and gvg have gone stale..stalled..very little participation..can be fixed if someone would try...


please Hoof...get someone on these prizes..and please please oh please bring back the gold tourneys for arena...those that say we can trade tokens for gold..dont understand...4k for 1 token is a very bad deal...gold tourneys would at least bring back some players to arena, and bring back 4 player tourneys for gold, something that can fill quickly, just maybe we would be able to watch the tourney unfold while still online ....16 players tourneys are taking days to fill no matter what level they are....playing for tokens that have very little use is not working..and is no fun at all...

#178 BadPenny



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Posted 06 November 2014 - 23:56

Personally, I like the new arena with tokens to trade for a prize of my choosing.  I don't enter the arena often, as I have less than an understanding about it, and without TDA to dress me out, I'm totally clueless about PvP in the dark.  In any case, this is the holiday season, and even though Halloween is over, we still have those titans... Then the FS Birthday Bash is well on nigh.  We also have Christmas coming up, and we all need frags.  The bovines have only so many man-hours to devote to the game.  Hoof says in another thread that there will be more dev activity for FS in the near future.  I am banking on this.  I know that when it began, Hoof was mighty proud of the arena, so I doubt he will allow it to lie fallow for long.  You just need to be patient and keep feeding him the ideas.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#179 yodamus



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 00:48

Personally, I like the new arena with tokens to trade for a prize of my choosing.  I don't enter the arena often, as I have less than an understanding about it, and without TDA to dress me out, I'm totally clueless about PvP in the dark.  In any case, this is the holiday season, and even though Halloween is over, we still have those titans... Then the FS Birthday Bash is well on nigh.  We also have Christmas coming up, and we all need frags.  The bovines have only so many man-hours to devote to the game.  Hoof says in another thread that there will be more dev activity for FS in the near future.  I am banking on this.  I know that when it began, Hoof was mighty proud of the arena, so I doubt he will allow it to lie fallow for long.  You just need to be patient and keep feeding him the ideas.

i really was not saying get rid of tokens..just add gold tourneys to the mix..,i saw about hoof myself, tis why i rekindled this thread ...patience is wearing thin after many many months, and years of waiting for something new to get rid of the stale prizes in arena,pvp and gvg....your pvp you can do anytime you wish and get instant satisfaction..bb you get instant satisfaciton..right now in arena..it takes many hours or days to get a result...that is bad..that is the difference...used to play arena all day , everyday..cant do that anymore..you can still pvp all you want..find someone on bb almost anytime of day..arena is dead ..totally comatose and many of the top-rated players have quit the game..their fun has been taken away from them...

Edited by yodamus, 07 November 2014 - 01:46.

#180 BadPenny



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Posted 07 November 2014 - 14:27

This may be true, but all those things cost precious stam... The arena doesn't.  And there are days when there are no bounties at all that I can take.  Either they are all guild mates, or I just can't get the stats for that guy.  PvP is pretty rare these days.  I'm not going to hit someone with no gold unless I'm getting my 10 PvP prestige, especially since I will hit the board for it.  


And the arena is not dead.  I enter a few every now and then.  I have yet to wait days for that message to come that I have again lost.  


I'm not saying the arena doesn't need work, I'm just saying it's just one of many things we need to have taken care of.

Edited by BadPenny, 07 November 2014 - 14:27.

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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