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Member Since 19 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2014 03:04

Topics I've Started

Auto attack messing up cooldown timers?

20 February 2014 - 06:02

I made a suggestion about queuing talent actions previously but maybe this is a bug/issue?


Ranger 25, with crossbow or bow auto-attack (2.5 attacks per sec or .4 sec cooldown | 1.25 attacks per sec or .8 sec cooldown) First 4 action keys:


1. Ranged attack

2. Black Fang (3 sec cooldown)

3. Detonate (9 sec cooldown)

4. Blood Fang (12 sec cooldown)


Obvious damage cycle. I activate 1. range attack for initial shot/debuff then cycle through 2,3,4. After the first cycle with the cooldown timers are all running I expect to run through 2,2,3,2,4 with ranged attack shots firing in between.


With auto-attack on, no matter how fast I am there's always one ranged attack cooldown right after the cooldown finishes on 2-4. I have to wait for the first ranged attack to complete before I can activate 2-4. So say for example Black Fang:


Black Fang (3 sec) + Ranged attack (.4 sec) + Ranged attack w/ Black Fang activated (.4 sec) + Black Fang (3 sec) ... etc...


Basically Black Fang fires 3.8 seconds after the first use and I really have to pay attention to it because the cooldowns become misleading and I can't just hold the key down or queue it until it fires. If I use Quick Draw, then Black Fang has a 1.5 sec cooldown, but lags .8 sec.


Note that this lag does NOT occur with auto-attack off. What does happen is my ranged attacks have a ~.2+ second delay handling rapid keypresses. I'll get more DPS out of Black Fang, but less out of my normal ranged attack without auto-attack.


Hopefully that made sense. It's fairly easy to see. auto-attack on. Try and get BF to fire right when the cooldown is over. Doesn't seem possible =/



POV addition suggestions

17 February 2014 - 21:03

Posted in a different thread -- prob belongs here.


WASD and camera angles are actually pretty good since 1.04b (THANKS!). Couple things I'd love to have in addition.


1) Add transparency to the overview map.

2) Add an option to show/hide the legend so the overview map can be smaller.

3) Make the N(orth) indicator bigger on the Mini-map.

4) Map a key that lets us reset the camera angle back to "true north" so that your view lines back up properly with the mini-map and direction you are walking.


I tend to get a little lost sometimes or run in the opposite direction because the field-of-view limits point of reference. The mini-map appears to be restricted to field-of-view as well and in a forest or open grass setting I have to look at the overview map constantly to figure out which direction I'm going.


(yeah -- it works as is, but doesn't feel quite right for some reason to me).


Also, the overview map sometimes doesn't center on you -- like the arcane academy where the first thing I need to do is zoom out.




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