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Member Since 10 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2015 07:56

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In Topic: Gem Extraction

25 January 2015 - 00:14

possibly the point is an EP sink


You're probably right on this point. And if it is for that reason I can agree with it. Like you said there needs to be reasons for people to buy EP. And EP is part of what helps keep the game going.


Plus like Ood was saying EP isn't too hard to get. Click a few ads or spend 100 or so gold and you could get the ep needed to extract without too much hassle.

In Topic: Gem Extraction

24 January 2015 - 23:34

Would be nice if it at least had a gold alternative to removing it. Say perhaps 250-500 gold to remove. Or if you go for the tiered system like Kevin is suggesting perhaps 100-200 gold per gem tier to remove.

In Topic: Azaraq Assassin Vanity Set

21 January 2015 - 03:25

Can't ever have enough vanity :)

In Topic: FEAR BUG

17 January 2015 - 13:32

Not once have i seen the perma-fear bug.


I ran into it it a couple of times during the Icicles End event. It seemed to only really happen in the Frozen Aerie. But I don't use the fear-proc weapon enough to know if it happens in any other zones.

In Topic: FEAR BUG

17 January 2015 - 08:13

I've noticed this as well. It usually happens when the 'feared' mob reaches its original spawn location. At which point it resets its health as if its a new spawn. It also resets its tag as well. Though sometimes i've also noticed the 'feared' mob instead of reseting will just keep being feared and running away, even if the fear debuff has dissappeared.


The fear mechanic definately seems to have a few bugs. And getting a fear roll on a weapon makes me sad b/c of how un-useful it is atm. Even game breaking at times as you have shown here.

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