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Member Since 18 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2024 13:19

#1010804 ETERNAL MEMORIES: Players Who Left Us

Posted by pigsplint on 25 June 2024 - 13:13

The place is called Angel's Keep..





#858152 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by pigsplint on 27 March 2014 - 17:05

Ok, yes, yes I know, my conspiracy post was junk, more of a joke even,  but the point is, the timing and direct tweaks that are proposed have come shortly after someone got butt hurt on the BB, I get th at.. But what I find problematic is guys that rarely to never bounty hunt or PvP in  a real way are trying to effect changes in a section of the game that has worked, now change it to soften it up.. ?  Guys like RJ calling chazz's post ridiculous? Does RJ even PvP or clear or take part in any part of the game that has to do with attacking another player? These are not attacks but merely a point out that it is ok if someone that rarely or never plays a part of the game can criticize someone that plays this game for the item that directly affects the reason they play the game? tan scripting


I say leave the BB alone, if you're going to change it remove the multiple bounties..


PvP ladder if you are going to remove the ability to bounty rather than overhaul and fix it then drop xp loss and soften that as well..


+1 Titan scripting update


And yes as said before, I like where the road map is going with GvG, that can help fix some of the issues we have with players wanting to soften PvP..


Bring back the smasher ticks for ALL 100 stam PvP attacks.. 


Let's hear the voices of the players that actually play the game for the PvP aspect, rather than those that rarely or never play the PvP part of the game, PvP and previous to that GvG were the reasons  Iplay the game, like many others  stating how they feel about leaving the game over completely killing the PvP aspect of the game over changes that should not even be considered..


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I try to stay out of the forums, but it is where all the changes are made and i cannot sit by and let even more crap changes come to the game.

#857703 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by pigsplint on 26 March 2014 - 18:59

I disagree with PvP ladder hits being non-bountyable, otherwise the ladder can be abused by a certain few to make hits with no repercussions.. This will lead to abuse.


Changing the bounty board in the manner you propose will also  lead to abuse,  there are many that do not understand the dynamic of the bounty board including the prescribed ettiquette used while taking bounties.. It will be a large mistake  to take bounties non bountyable.. Also making a bounty not expire is counter productive, if no one takes that bounty that is not the fault of the person posted.. And while on this subject and seeing the thread that these proposed changes stemmed from, I am in firm disagreement these changes. I have taken many bounties from this guild that is accused and never had a problem with any of them except for a few.. The BB has worked fine for many years and so has the PvP ladder.. This is a sure way to make PvP like GvG, an uphill lack of fun..

#853632 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by pigsplint on 06 March 2014 - 18:53

If there were to be inventable items they could only be created guild locked would seem to be the best way to go to keep farming abuse down and make the reward something special and only really applicable to the guild for a reward for GvG.. Also a Guild GvG Dominanace achievement would seem to be in order as stated...

#853566 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by pigsplint on 06 March 2014 - 15:06

Couldnt agree more


GvG needs attention - simple moves can improve it so very much, and I see no harm in trying something that isn't a complete alteration of GvG as we know it now. 


How do you start - quarterly resets.  Every 3 months reset top rated list.  Why; because the top is stagnant, and upcoming guilds so far from getting close - it's downright discouraging.  


Reward the top at each reset; nothing fancy - just a little boost of RP to the tops - further increases incentive to compete.  GvGers are very proud, and little incentive is needed imo. 


                1st - 300 RP

                2nd- 200 RP

                3rd- 150 RP

                4th & 5th - 100 RP

                6th-10th- 75 RP

                11th-25th- 50 RP


Don't go introducing more gear to be made with RP - want to include some updated buff packs that are with the times = great (buff packs that support the fields from which the currency to buy them is spawned would be an amazing revelation - titan hunting + GvG friendly packs) - but don't overdo it on the rewards. 


New guild medals in same light of ones recently introduced to recognize outstanding achievement on guild scale would be nice perk too..they can in themseves do something small like the current "
Guild Achievements " do - can represent few different catagories - top dogs, top 5, etc. 


I think this is good base idea to try.  There is no harm that can come of it in my opinion.  I believe it will create a new buzz in game; and many would be shocked at what doing a little can bring to a dying field. 


Thanks for reading; feedback, suggestions, etc ~ Rye

+100,  The top ladder is dead, never used to be, the  rating rewards are too low as well,  Rye's concepts in the game are intelligent and wel lthought out, you would do well to follow a bit of this player's advice regarding the game.. Get GvG workable and fun again,  I can't 100% agree with the reset, but I cannot disagree with it either..

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