Some polish to the game can go a long way.
When attacking guards you sometimes get uncapitalised names appearing. For example: "dark flame gaurd hits you with both weapons for x and x damage". It just screams last minute and doesn't look good at all. Maybe add weapons and armour to guards, even if they are just gang weapons. It seems weird they have [none] labelled. A gang would equip their guards yeah? LOL
Having inconsistent time stamps on warfare is an eyesore too with sentry bots moving in and out without the extra second count. And sentry images would be good too!
A new description for the Void Sword would be welcome. It sounds very 5-year-old in the backyard with a cardboard sword. Inferno Amulet could do away with "some how"; reads a lot better as: "Radiating with the glow of a long dead star. An unknown entity managed to craft this amulet in the timeless void with long lost secrets."
Add some more lore to the game. Ventrix just popped out of nowhere and we had a whole backstory and CoB to get the previous bosses after Seraph. He just shows up as a purple headed voyeur with some crazy weapons.
Oh yeah just thought of the types of attack... could they be changed in any way? I don't see many people using them - or at least I don't see the benefit.
Maybe have Focus to be able to be used inside the Hive too for certain attacks? That could be cool.