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Member Since 15 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active May 03 2020 16:34

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Best / Funniest Potion Name?

09 September 2013 - 22:17

"Potion for Mike Hunt" was one of the few that weren't just curse words..

In Topic: World Map Errors

02 May 2013 - 03:06

Hey everyone.

Is everyone that's experiencing this issue using the helper? I'm hearing multiple reports that switching off the Log Notification Sound results in the game functioning again. Can everyone who's having this issue confirm or deny this please?


yes, my fshelper hasn't been working i had to reinstall it and restart my labtop before i could get it and once i logged off, it had left again. don't know what's going on there

In Topic: Self Buff

16 April 2013 - 01:47

i like the idea! :)

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