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PVP ladder sets

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#1 hades8840



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Posted 28 December 2016 - 01:48

For days now i have been toying with the idea of trying the ladder as i want a few sets which are exclusive to it.. i came to the conclusion for now at least i cant for various reasons ie not having the knowledge and access to the composing pots i would need to compete at my lvl ladder.. plus the length of time i would need to raise the tokens to make what i want.


so i thought lots of pvpers out there with tons of tokens sitting doing nothing so would ask if someone would make me the sets i want and i will pay them fsp we all win they earn i get what i want.. and i was right loads sent me offers to make the sets..


only issue is from what i can see sets or the recipes are level dependent so every single offer i had and there was a few was useless because they cant make what i need or can anyone make the sets? the guide implys they cant and that is what i would like to see changed i know all recipes have been lvl based but i think the ladder should be an exception..the higher you go in the ladder the less players do the ladder..


Lower level players do just as much work earning the tokens i cant see the harm in allowing them the same ways to benefit from the tokens


if it turns out anyone can make any set on the pvp ladder just delete and ignore this post



#2 sweetlou



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Posted 28 December 2016 - 06:50

Hop on the ladder, earn the tokens and make the useless sets. They are absolutely worthless.

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#3 hades8840



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Posted 28 December 2016 - 07:00

Hop on the ladder, earn the tokens and make the useless sets. They are absolutely worthless.

iI would or at least try been on the ladder before it was like throwing a free hamburger to a very hungry bunch of mac donalds fans wasnt pretty... besides would take weeks to get the tokens

#4 sweetlou



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Posted 28 December 2016 - 20:42

For days now i have been toying with the idea of trying the ladder as i want a few sets which are exclusive to it.. i came to the conclusion for now at least i cant for various reasons ie not having the knowledge and access to the composing pots i would need to compete at my lvl ladder.. plus the length of time i would need to raise the tokens to make what i want.

I know you enjoy collecting sets and such, but like I said previously, from a playing perspective the Ladder sets are junk - not even close in value to the cost to gain them. The FSG shows how few players own them and that's all the evidence needed. If HCS wanted Crystal items to wear out they should have made stam gear crystal. That would have been interesting! But the game is driven by potential revenue these days. They are milking it. It's nothing like the way it started.


I can understand how you must feel being a fish in a barrel on the Ladder Hades when opponents have skills that are more than twice as powerful and last over 24hrs in duration. Supremacy on the Ladder has always been equated with staying buffed. Whoever is in charge of developing Fallen Sword these days continues down the road of denying how Super pots have devastated play throughout the game, especially with PvP and the Ladder. Even leveling now is relegated to how much stam is used, nothing more. The repeated argument that these pots are available to everyone hasn't spent the resources and years required to achieve the highest level composing pots. Few players, relative to player totals, have access or any chance to obtain the full compliment of pots. PvP has been made absurd. HCS development depends on the hierarchical donation system to survive but where it used to maintain a sense of fairness, there is now a blatant despotic advantage for those willing to keep the game alive through donations. This thread is yet another example that the discrepancy is vast between those that have the Super Pot skills and those that don't! But, but, but some, including HCS, say there are traveling composers who are available to buy these high level pots. Malarkey! The idea that traveling composers can supplant composing for yourself or for your guild like the buff market does for personal skills is simply wrong. The costs are prohibitive and is logistically impractical.


But at this stage nobody appears to be listening, nor, dare I say, that they don't even care beyond driving enough revenue to keep the lights running. Once Hoof manages to spend more then a few moments every other month developing the game we might see some improvement. It's likely too late. Like everyone else who's been playing between years and a decade, I'm continuing to play the way I've become accustomed and raising my opinion here in the forums like I always have. If that means continually being chastised and harassed, fine. Frankly I'm tired of caring. I'm numb to all of it too. I've been using words for a long time to give feedback. They must be scary because of the attention I receive at times. I'll leave the metaphorical shovels to the powers that be to dig the burial plot.

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#5 TxLxS



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Posted 29 December 2016 - 12:24

I get your point I they among other sets should be inventable by all it's not like your able to wear the set but if all items are obtainable via ladder/auction house or arena/ auction house it might help lower lvl players get involved more in the market of the game ;)

#6 sweetlou



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Posted 29 December 2016 - 16:56

Please explain why an exception should be made for allowing anyone with tokens to make any Ladder set? If an exception is made here, then ALL sets throughout the game should have the restriction removed. I've never seen the need why HCS limits player's ability to make sets. Leveling bias?

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#7 Egami



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Posted 30 December 2016 - 20:10

@hades, I skipped responding here because it wasn't a priority for me, and I'm sorry. End of the year busy, hehe.


I wouldn't be for lower levels being able to make higher level items.


The idea behind the PvP ladder is for you to take your lumps.


You are right that it "could" take weeks. 


On two prior occasions I offered to make PvP sets for the entire community and it was true that there were some requests that I had to let them know I couldn't make them because I was a lower level.


First, lower levels can save those tokens and use them at any time in the future.


Second, I'd really like to steer the game away from this "race for profit". The idea behind the ladder and it's prizes was to get peeps to participate. 


I can't argue that some things are transferrable and others aren't. There are tons of layers to most game aspects.


All that said, I wouldn't be for this idea. It's a decision making process of whether you are willing to put in the effort yourself, or, at least, find someone high enough level to be able to. 

#8 TxLxS



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 18:30

Please explain why an exception should be made for allowing anyone with tokens to make any Ladder set? If an exception is made here, then ALL sets throughout the game should have the restriction removed. I've never seen the need why HCS limits player's ability to make sets. Leveling bias?

Ok for one just an example of why the quest items and resources should not be bound is because none in arena are bound except 3 that come out in potion bazar I can see why you could leave prestige brew bound... but anyhow my thing is why can people profit off of items from arena and only certain things from ladder. And this is not bias because trust me I have no where near the amount of tokens as others would benifit more

I know it doesn't answer your question just food for thought

Edited by TxLxS, 01 January 2017 - 19:05.

#9 EpicPiety



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 19:02

Hop on the ladder, earn the tokens and make the useless sets. They are absolutely worthless.

I just afk the ladder for free tokens. Totally awesome right.

#10 EpicPiety



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Posted 01 January 2017 - 20:00

I would interject my opinion on super pots but i'd be subject to pm's telling me to keep my opinion out of the forum. At least i can say i 100% agree with lou. I will at least say this... They can exist but not in mass quantity... Finite and controlled like they were before. God knows if i said too much... i digress.

#11 sweetlou



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Posted 02 January 2017 - 19:12

I just afk the ladder for free tokens. Totally awesome right.

Last time HCS tried to reinvent the Ladder, they knowingly tied the BB to their update and ruined any chance at fixing or improving it so much so that they repealed the update - a first! I have no idea the thought process behind that over reach. The Ladder remains a joke without any serious development to the game going on. So I foresee nothing to be done to Ladder sets, or how to make them.

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

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