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King Paradox

Member Since 29 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 30 2013 15:23

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

30 March 2013 - 10:36

I'd like to see experience from professions increase, mining for example will only result in 2-5 experience most of the time which makes the professions not very worthy considering the time consumption. Additionally, I think it would be easier if resources were closer together rather than scattered throughout the place - it would also reflect reality, considering most resources are found in abundance, an example being the mines, but Pyntree's, Apple Tree's and Lime Tree's tend to be few and far apart.


However, I'd like to add that the game is superb. Amazing work!  :)


Kind Regards,


King Paradox.

In Topic: The Making of Eldevin

30 March 2013 - 10:31

Thank you for the quick reply.


So the whole game is completely based on Java code? But how are things such as textures and environments created when you cannot see what you're creating? Surely creating a game by coding/scripting alone is merely guesswork as to what will appear in the finished product.


Kind Regards,


King Paradox.

In Topic: Eldevin Basics Guide

29 March 2013 - 18:23

A player cannot remove this effect. The healer you're looking for is the npc that stands near the resurrection point.


Thank you for the quick reply. I'm presuming this comes at a cost?


Kind Regards,


King Paradox.

In Topic: Eldevin Basics Guide

29 March 2013 - 17:30

In one of the pictures, I noticed;


"Death's Door. 

-10 experience..."


It mentions that a healer (Prophet I'm presuming?) can amend this, to remove the curse. However, is it possible for Prophet to heal themselves when this occurs? If it's the case that Prophets can do this anyway.


Kind Regards,


King Paradox.

In Topic: Eldevin Class Introduction

29 March 2013 - 17:27

Ooh, the variation of classes is nice. Alongside the ability to wear different armour is amazing, this is definitely something to be praised, something that a lot of games lack. I'm really looking forward to seeing this game develop further and progress to be one of the best browser-based games in existence.


In reference to the classes, I'm probably going to be a Mage or a Prophet. Can I ask, is it possible to create more than one character?


Kind Regards,


King Paradox.

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