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Member Since 18 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 11 2016 12:57

#968356 Lost my game data.

Posted by Brink on 08 September 2016 - 19:51

I was playing and denied all of the things the game asked. I made an alliance and my phone turned off and when I turned my phone back on and returned to the game... I restarted from the begining again. I want my account back.
-If you read the "east U.S.A" google play reviews you will see that quite a few people got there game reset to the beginning after the game closing.
-It would be amazing if y'all ask to backup the game at the beginning of the game so the person's account won't be lost... cause a person might have payed money on the game and did not back up the account and lost all of this/her game data. Thus them quitting the game and y'all losing a paying (customer) player.
- I read yodamus post in the forums him saying that after he uninstalled the game, he lost his previous game data. This is a big deal (in my opinion) because if the game is not backed up then anyone's data can be lost. Thus people quitting the game even though the player liked the game. Please just give the player a reminder of backing up data at the beginning of the game or SOMETHING must be done so you don't lose players who liked the game.

#967239 Built in translator.

Posted by Brink on 18 August 2016 - 17:03

Can you guys make a built in translator into the game which translates what people from other languages say to your own? In my opinion It would help me out a lot because I have encountered a few players that speak other languages that I don't know. I wish I could communicate with them but can't. Thanks for reading.

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