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Ignore player option

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Poll: Should u have the option to ignore other players? (26 member(s) have cast votes)

Should u have the option to ignore other players?

  1. Voted Yes, its a good idea, i like my peace and my right to enjoy the game should be respected (49 votes [85.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 85.96%

  2. No, i like being flooded with messages and having my backpack filled with garbage over night (8 votes [14.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.04%

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#1 fs_ravnica

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Posted 23 December 2006 - 17:18

I think we should have the option to ignore other players, u go to their profile and click "ignore player" or something. Its just that easy

ignored players should not be able to send u messages or items

#2 fs_saphor

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Posted 23 December 2006 - 17:38

I agree :)

#3 fs_ravnica

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Posted 23 December 2006 - 18:59

B U /\/\ P Z 0 R Z

#4 fs_chaoszen

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 01:37

I like the idea more or less, but I think it should cost something ( a few points of stamina) so it isn't overused, and also that if you attack an ignored player, it should reset the ignore flag so that you have to spend again to re-ignore.

#5 fs_ravnica

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 02:54

I like the idea more or less, but I think it should cost something ( a few points of stamina) so it isn't overused, and also that if you attack an ignored player, it should reset the ignore flag so that you have to spend again to re-ignore.

If you really want my strongest opinion, i should charge some of these people storage fees to send me items. if someone says something important to me while i was offline i would have to look through all the spam i constantly get in order to see the important thing. i should not have to pay stamina to ignore someone, thats rediculous. all i should have to do is click ignore and bam that person cannot talk to me anymore. in fact there should be a friends list and be a mode u can go in and out of that only lets guild members and ppl on ur friends list talk to u, and you can come in and out of this mode whenever u want so if ur selling something on the threads u can get messages from ppl. ignoring people should be a right not something that i would have to pay stamina to do if thats the case then the spammers win.

#6 fs_ducimus

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 02:59

agreed, ignore feature is needed, I get spammed all the time its gettting to the point where I can't even find the persons name that just sent 20fsp to join the guild, so they end up thinking i scammed them out of 20fsp until i can sort through the spam which usually contains ( PLZ PLZ PLZ @!!@@! CAN I JOIN ILL DO ANYTHING I PROMISE@!!@!@!@ PLZ PLZ PLZ)

Ignore feature is needed and should not cost anything not even 1 gold.

#7 fs_ravnica

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 03:04

you mean somethign like this?

[Chat] 00:53 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: please give me things is that I almost do not have anything and I want to raise but lvl
[Guild] 00:46 24/Dec/2006 You have gained 3 xp from a successful group attack. [ View Combat ]
[Chat] 00:41 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i am lvl 4 plz i nit items
[Chat] 00:37 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: plx free items to me
[Chat] 00:35 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: please free items to me plx or you speak spanish ?

and i even replied and was being nice and he continued to beg me

this is just one of many examples

#8 fs_chaoszen

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 05:00

you mean somethign like this?

[Chat] 00:53 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: please give me things is that I almost do not have anything and I want to raise but lvl
[Guild] 00:46 24/Dec/2006 You have gained 3 xp from a successful group attack. [ View Combat ]
[Chat] 00:41 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i am lvl 4 plz i nit items
[Chat] 00:37 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: plx free items to me
[Chat] 00:35 24/Dec/2006 leo7676 says: please free items to me plx or you speak spanish ?

and i even replied and was being nice and he continued to beg me

this is just one of many examples

Good point... Maybe sending a private message should cost something to slow down the spam. I was thinking of the annoyance in other games that do have ignore features where a person will ignore somebody then proceed to spam or taunt the ignored person knowing they could not reply... In such cases, a person's history will be flooded about 2 full pages while offline, before they can reciprocate the ignoring.

I suppose one method would be to have somebody kill them each time they annoy with a message... If you would like assistance in that area, me or one of my associates could pay them a visit... for a modest fee, of course.

#9 fs_ravnica

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 05:11

im pretty sure i have plenty more "associates" who can do it for free

#10 fs_chaoszen

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 05:14

im pretty sure i have plenty more "associates" who can do it for free

I do not doubt that at all, but gotta advertise my business whenever I get a chance, ya know?

(Just between us, I'm not above an occassional freebie if I get bored enough)

#11 fs_ravnica

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Posted 25 December 2006 - 03:46

4 people voted for: No, i like being flooded with messages and having my backpack filled with garbage over night

i thought i could rig a poll up pretty nice i guess not tho.
:lol: :lol:

#12 fs_ravnica

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Posted 25 December 2006 - 03:54

usually if i ignore them the spam continues as if i dont see what they are saying

#13 fs_treeline

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Posted 25 December 2006 - 03:55

I don't want to ignore them :evil:

I want to grief the beggers back to level 1 :twisted:

Did I mention I quit smoking grrrrr I need some killing sport!

#14 fs_ravnica

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Posted 25 December 2006 - 04:00

im just going to have my guild hit everyone that messages me with spam or gives me anything that i would in no way ever need. ppl are going to start getting owned

#15 fs_ravnica

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 22:30

I know that this needs to happen cause i got about 3 names that need to stop sending me stuff, i mean cmon they obviously arent trying to help me out i have no use for a pick axe or some crappy armour that is no where close ot as good as what i have now. its really annoying that these ppl keep filling up my backpacks i tried to ask politely but im seriously about to have all 90 of my guild members mass message him for like a week

#16 fs_baine

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 23:17

Lol, that gives me an idea.

#17 fs_ravnica

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 23:36

[Chat] 23:24 26/Dec/2006 retard says: can i have 5 fallen sword points
[Chat] 23:28 26/Dec/2006 retard says: why not
~because ur a retard and im not giving u any fsp (his name is retard i thought this was funny)
[Chat] 23:28 26/Dec/2006 retard says: why not
[Chat] 23:29 26/Dec/2006 retard says: please
~i said no stop asking me im going to report you for griefing (total bs but it worked)

[Chat] 23:32 26/Dec/2006 retard says: o.k
[Chat] 23:32 26/Dec/2006 retard says: bitch
~(lol wtf)

i need an ignore player option please!!

#18 fs_baine

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 23:38

You have won the auction for the item Pick Axe. This item is now available for the next 12 hours in your Item Mailbox
*Clicks Ravnica's Profile*
*Trade with Player*
*Clicks Pickaxe*
You sent Ravnica 1 item(s)

#19 fs_ravnica

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 23:40

[Chat] 22:11 26/Dec/2006 hiflier says: u wouldnt happen to be able to sell me 8 fsp 2k each would u i need them
~i'm sorry did i say i was selling my FSP somewhere? and does it look like im in need of money?

[Chat] 22:12 26/Dec/2006 hiflier says: im sorry its just that ur the best player in the game and i figured u may have some my bad
~OK that doesnt mean i am going to sell it...

[Chat] 22:14 26/Dec/2006 hiflier says: i said my bad
~dont mesage ducimus, ghel, neoknight, baine or anyone else up here for that matter cause they are going to tell u the same thing

[Chat] 22:17 26/Dec/2006 hiflier says: do u always act like this or r u having a bad day also ur pic is great ff7 is my favorite game im pretty sure thats cloud
~yes it is cloud, and no i dont always act like this but everyone bothers me 24/7. (if ff7 was his fav game im prety sure hed know it was cloud)

[Chat] 22:22 26/Dec/2006 hiflier says: ok ok i get it dont worry ill shut up must be annoying i can recruit members becouse my computer is junk and i dont have any money to buy them so i ask people

ok idk what him recruiting members has to do with this conversation thats already lasted way to long but ok.

once again i digress i need ignore player option lol

#20 fs_ravnica

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 23:41

Player Baine has just sent you 1,897 gold.

at least u pay a storage fee

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