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Shadow Mentors & Quest Doctors

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#1 Leafa


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 01:04

Hi All!

 I originally set out to be a Battle Mage because I love the idea of being both warrior and peace-loving mystic like a Jedi, but I’ve gotten long off the path getting there, usually because I’m often skipping through different quests so that my Quest Journal looks like a hodgepodge of half-done quests on different levels. Plus there are too many times I literally run out of money and can’t repair my tattered gear which means it’s back to the mines to pick coal for long low profit. :(


Such are the potholes on the learning curve, and not to whine but a little hand-holding now and then does help attract and keep newbies in the game though many are too shy at first to ask for human help. It’d be nice if there were some kind of “shadow mentor mode” option that’s watching over your shoulder through all your moves and on whom you can call on for suggestions of what’s the wisest course or best next move or purchases to make. Since this might be abused by the lazy to become the “perfect player” without any effort, I imagine a good payment or skills hit for each inquiry would discourage that. :D

While the above might take time to create programming-wise, one short cut in a way would be a dedicated “Quest Doctor” topic where you can post screenshots of your skill sets and stats and quest resume info for the ace gamers out there to analyze and recommend best sub-quests and weapons and profitable options and what drops and inventory to sell or let go and what paths to better pump one's level and skills. I wonder whether the basis of this can be used to advance the game with a new high station by having ace players train and collect a harem of protegees and apprentices that tallies up and gives that Obi-Wan ace a unique social standing and level in the game. B)

Take care all!

Battle Mage or Battle Bunny? :D


#2 Ood



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Posted 04 April 2015 - 14:29


There's usually at least a few players willing to provide feedback on character builds in the help forum. This website is extremely helpful for sharing builds: http://talenttheory.com/calc/

For quests, there's the wikia, and also (aside from BT quests) players also are generally willing to provide assistance on quests in the help forum.


As far as in game mechanics of 'assist' mode, in the games that I have played which included such a mechanic it was seldom used, very cumbersome, and not all that helpful for either the newbie or the veteran (a.k.a. no one used it). I'd rather the devs work on other things that something like this. They always sound nice on paper, but never seem to materialize in game very well.


Feel free to contact me in game, if you want to ask about builds, quests, or just chat (Ood - Ranger ; Diealot - Prophet) 


Best of luck.

#3 flaxxor33


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 15:27


B)  :P  :)  ;)

#4 luke94



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Posted 04 April 2015 - 15:34

If you want mage help with your build, feel free to message me "luke". it'll be coming from a pvp perspective but works just as good in PvE also with a shift of a few single target talent points into more aoe boosting points.. for example I dont have blizzard talented which is useful in PvE.



Feel free to pm also if you need someone to smash out quests with you, or to watch what you are doing to give you tips on how to successfully grind mobs in the mage part of things..


As for the warrior part I have no idea

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