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Member Since 27 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2016 08:56

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ways to maximize your XP gain during the event

21 December 2015 - 23:12

Suicide, in my opinion is the best way to maximize your XP gain. Minimum potions and Reckoning=More XP. Even cutting out SSI to improve chances of Reckoning to hit on Conserve, AL or Lib. Use a high comp pot with Ke, SH CoAt and Use EW for your damage/attack stats. Then overkill, sacrifice and pvp prestige.


Reckoning does not impact on SSI, Doubler, Global Boster or Counter Attack.

In Topic: PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

19 August 2015 - 21:23

Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of this PvP debate...a solution was tried it was screamed down by PvP'ers who now want alternatives...I say move PvP revisions to the back of the line and deal with the Arena problems, GvG problems and the myriad of other problems this game has before revisiting a segment of the game that a small but vocal minority continually complain about.

In Topic: PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

19 August 2015 - 19:13

well guys at EOC don't take it seriously then, never knew why, serious here, if anyone knows why EOC ladders have always had many on and no one hit plz tell me

Had EOC'ers participating big time in Seasons..maybe they don't participate on Ladders because it is such a flawed concept.

In Topic: PvP Ladder/ Bounty Board Improvement Ideas

19 August 2015 - 19:05

Seriously ? Dominance for free ? Just join the ladder and I will see getting the dominance for you won't be that easy as you think just join and see yourself if you aren't afraid, and those who are playibg for around 8 years and are still sub 1000 (like me) that's because I loved PvPing and GvGing so I put every bit of my time, stam and fsps in them, so I ( and people like me) have the right to talk about PvP more than people who started PvPing with a golden spoon when they got to EOC and owning thousands of fsps

Clock before you comment on someone's post with regard to dominance for free you might want to look at the ladder they would be participating in. Epic would be participating in a ladder that has 10 players 7 of which are in stam gear...yes dominance for free.

In Topic: Re: Now Locked Update v2.3 - Broken Parts Of Update!

19 August 2015 - 15:59

I think that we need to wait another reset or two before we can truly get the numbers accurate. I chose not to opt in because I was down to 200 stamina after seasons. Am I going to opt in later? Maybe, but I solely know that I opted-out based on the amount of stamina I had. 

I'm sorry guys today I have way to much time on my hands...1st we did not give the Season's any chance at all before the PvP segment was screaming about the PvP changes so why wait for a reset or two to get accurate numbers on it. 2nd the reset has now passed 27 hours and the BB has nothing but air on it. 3.  Lets talk about this ladder's hardcore participation and again I'm going to focus on the 750 and up ladders.  We already know that 50% of the participants in this segment (ladders 750-2999) are from the same guild lets look at the what these "hard core" PvPer's are wearing...Ladder 750-999 4 participants, 2 wearing stam gear 2 not, ladder 1000-1499, 7 participants 3 in stam gear 4 not, ladder 1500-1999 1 wearing stam gear 4 not (3 are from same PvP guild), ladder 2000-2499 2 wearing stam gear, 10 not ( this ladder has 10 participants from the same guild) ladder 2500-2999 7 in stam gear 3 not. From the participation totals we have 38 players of which 15 or 39.47% are battling it out in stam gear and the one ladder which has 10 of 12 in actual combat gear has 10 participants who can't hit one another. Explain to me again please why we reverted to this absolutely abysmal PvP ladder and BB system and for what was hoped to be accomplished with it? I understand that I am omitting the below 750 levels but it seems that we upended a promising  PvP update to satisfy literally a handful of  PvP players.  Again let me reiterate, of the 38 participants in the 750 and above ladders 23 are in actual combat gear and of those most can't hit each other and 15 are "fighting" in stam gear. Given what I am looking at the Season and Bounty Board that was just dismantled was a vast improvement over what we have reverted to.

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