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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2024 20:34

#951095 HCS wins at BIDS Business Awards.

Posted by DeadParrot on 14 October 2015 - 10:44

Congrats on the award and it is very refreshing to see businesses getting noticed for putting best foot forward in customer service. Good job to all HCS staff those seen and not seen. Thank you for doing such a good job. wub.pngbiggrin.png

Are you kidding me? I sincerely hope the Elgin folks were privy to all the "support" tickets and to whom their ire was directed.

an ex-parrot.

#944389 PvP Seasons & Bounty Board - Poll Results

Posted by DeadParrot on 11 August 2015 - 04:26

I've been reading the forums for the past few weeks as I seek other, more stable forms of electronic entertainment. Comparing this whole situation with others, I'd like to constructively point out 2 massive errors in the way FS is headed:

(Note: FS was an amazing community game)

1) HCS by far, converses, relates, and appeases their players with far too much regularity. Never have I encountered this frequent 2-way with devs. A great thing you say? Not when there are so many whiners and fickle complainers out there, everyone with their own agenda. There should NEVER be player polls to determine the direction of a game...too many chiefs. Which relates to my second point;

2) The players of FS are PAYING TO PLAY ON A TEST SERVER (in time and/or money). While separate test servers are usually employed to test mechanics and coding bugs, HCS does not. Why? Perhaps because of the constant bombardment of player requests for speed and calls for accountability to the player base. The poor devs must feel stretched all to heck.

So what now? Who knows, but I certainly hope the Cows start to let the phone ring without answering it. Set the vision, test it, implement, adjust it if buggy. This forum is quite entertaining though (I just wish FS was once again).


#943686 Community Poll - PvP Seasons & Bounty Board

Posted by DeadParrot on 07 August 2015 - 03:17

All blah blah blah. I've played the game since Sept 2007. Try a separate server reset to 2007 rules and see what happens. See the Phoenix medal rocket. Stop messing with the original game. Simple is better. Period.


#934179 Member selection for GvG.

Posted by DeadParrot on 31 May 2015 - 18:18

Think about 10 guilds attacking another guild during an XP event.. Thankfully chest potions can't be broken or leeched but composing buffs can... Think of the future.. Of the population that this game could have.. GvG can be very destructive

If gvg (nevermind pvp) is so destructive for the game, there is always Club Penguin for the more faint of heart. Use the force for goodness sakes.


#933821 Code Update 2.705

Posted by DeadParrot on 28 May 2015 - 00:23

Gold hits will never change no matter what alterations they do in the future to PvP.. A small change like this is a way to gauge pvpers and nonpvpers reaction to PvP.. They talk of the new PvP coming out at the end of June so this coming month should hold lots of discussions for the future of attacking players.. Both on and off the board..

I think we all know full well what PvPers feel and what levelers feel. The dead horse has been beaten already. No more discussion required.


#933773 Code Update 2.705

Posted by DeadParrot on 27 May 2015 - 17:56

There are a few things you can do to avoid identifying yourself as a tasty target: deposit your gold and/or sell it off for fsps, for goodness sakes. Feralnoob almost took my head off for carrying too much gold - that's on me.

Nothing Earth - shattering in this update.


#930225 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by DeadParrot on 29 April 2015 - 19:36

Pessimist. Does pessimism lead to the Dark Side of the Force?

Oh crap. Grim owns the comment of the day!


#929189 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by DeadParrot on 18 April 2015 - 22:15

I like the event, it is new, new charcters, a wee quest and new chests. To gain rewards and tiers is still the same though, kill GE mobs.

The Ladder system, general PvP, the Bounty Board and how it works, are all meant to be high on the agenda for reworking by HCS but as yet nothing has actually happened. Wouldn't it be sound if HCS introduced these long awaited changes via a GE event? It could be huge, it could also help thrash out any bugs, game breakers and preceived problems within the new suggested systems prior to them actually being implemented.

Personally, I feel that having to kill GE mobs to gain rewards is the "easy option" and would much prefer to see HCS take the bull by the horns and go for a totally new concept for a Global Event. Would doing so get the required participation? Who knows and you'll never know till you try.



Here here. An "earning" mechanism would be ducky - via guild wars or pvp battles. For all that's good and holy.....Please! !

[Insert bloody18] gif here]


#929090 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by DeadParrot on 18 April 2015 - 01:50

you guys are going out of your mind trying to keep the masses happy ..this new global is phenomenal! NICE ONE GUYS!


I appreciate the thought but am I missing something? Kill/gather X number of eggs/bunnies for global reward?

How about a complete change in format like a pvp or gvg event. Or a true scavenger hunt with clues?


#924527 Current state of the game

Posted by DeadParrot on 24 March 2015 - 00:09

In case all of you do not know me....this is an edited version of a PM.  Names have been changed to....well, not upset anyone.  I would like to mention that player and customer relations have improved and become more "curved" than in prior years.
Dear *Developer*, 
My name is "DeadParrot".  I am 43 years old.  I hold a Master's Degree in Education, I am married and have 3 children; 2 of which now own their own home, and I'm a Renfrew, Scotland descendant (I don't admit this often).  I have played this game long before this current character, with integrity and respect.  Here is a more detailed specified account of my Open Letter and subsequent post as you seem to be asking.
I joined your game in September 2007 under the character name Seqenenre after being referred by an unknown player in Warbook (a Facebook game).  I built a wonderful reputation in Monty Python and fell in love with FS and the thrill it gave me. (My character was deleted after a breech by a house renter but was not given a chance to plead my case).  As a leveler, I loved the edge PvP and theft, gave me.  Retribution was only 5 bounty levels away.  Honour was prevalent.  I also loved YOUR involvement in the game, a grassroots developer who had an original idea and brought it to fruition.  Hoof WAS FS.  I was friends with Phool, Radulycan, TenaciousC, Knarlz, TDA, and many others.  Since your dream of Gothic Ages was coming to be realized, your guidance in FS diminished.  The FS community has seen a transition from yourself to others,  [Self Edit]  As it became apparent that you were more focused on bringing Gothic Ages to light (awesome dream), we saw the degradation of FS over several years.  
I, personally, will watch, without monetary investment, to see if Fallensword has changed personnel for the better. In the meantime I will spend my dollars elsewhere. Thank you for listening; I hope you realize it IS representative of a large portion of your remaining FS population.
Best regards,

#924501 Current state of the game

Posted by DeadParrot on 23 March 2015 - 19:22

I posted an Open Letter to the Cows some time ago, which seemed to get the gravy back into FS's boat.  It was too good to be true.




I do not play this game any longer.  I log in out of habit.  That's it.



#921863 Legendary Invasion!

Posted by DeadParrot on 27 February 2015 - 21:55

Maybe it's the medication, but art is looking crisp these days.

Beasties above 1000 heading out in the near future?


#920915 What DON'T you like about PvP?

Posted by DeadParrot on 21 February 2015 - 02:12

Sorry - I couldn't resist chasing the rabbit down the hole. The trolls really do spiral conversation out of control. I shall resist the urge to respond to those. ( I know i sometimes do the same as well but these guys are pro)

Trolls? Who on Earth do you think you are? No class mate. No class.


Edit:so true the forum decided to post it twice.

#920896 New Global Events (nothing Earth-shattering here...)

Posted by DeadParrot on 21 February 2015 - 00:50

That's it, calling in the 3 Billy Goats Gruff..... and we all know what happened to that dude that lived under that bridge ;)

I'm sorry Penny but arguing the Earth is round is exhausting.


#920885 What DON'T you like about PvP?

Posted by DeadParrot on 21 February 2015 - 00:21

I would have thought value was a simple concept to understand. Apparently not. If you don't value something that is fine. Someone else might actually value it though. It being a game doesn't change this. Someone values the risk, someone doesn't, someone values their exp, someone doesn't, someone values their time, someone one doesn't. This value changes for each person. Pretty simple.

AT RISK of sounding sarcastic, bahahaha. yeah sure pal, I'll try to crack your immensely complicated gibberish. Oh you'd better quit before you really embarrass yourself.

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