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#817659 Legacy Planned Updates

Posted by NoddingFrog on 27 October 2013 - 13:55

To be fair the idea came KevMan orignially but has since been changed and reposted many times. Below is a post I made today in the suggestion frum that sums up why the crystal upgrade idea is the best idea yet.



I hope you will consider this, Zorg,  as it is an idea with a considerable amount of potential. Being able to personalise your weaponry and armour stat-wise through the use of crystals being combined and forged into unlockable upgrade slots is what this game needs. It's an idea that will bring actual variation between people's gear set up, and it enables people to make their own choices. They're not dependent on what stats are assigned to newly designed items because the Crystal Upgrades enable one person to have a damage boost while the second person goes for a more balanced over-all boost, and a third person might go for a health boost.

The combinations are quite numerous considering the amount of crystals already present in the game. Not to mention the simple implementation of more crystals.

Let's say 1 weapon can have a maximum of 4 slots, each slot can hold a crystal that is either pure or a mixture of different colours. To add another fun factor in let's say the amount of times a crystal can be fused with another crystal is equal to the amount of upgrade slots the weapon has forged onto it. With all 4 slots open each slot can hold a crystal that has been fused 4 times. That will result in the following numbers:

((4*4)*4)*((4*4)*4)*((4*4)*4)*((4*4)*4)=16777216 combinations

With 5 different weapons currently in the game we'd have 83886080 different combinations.(100663296 including Titan Armour)
Instead of designing new weapons and giving them stats we'd be able to design our own weapons stat-wise.

The slots can be forged onto gear by means of Weapon Experience, once a weapon has made enough hits or kills it can gain levels, when a certain level is reach a slot can be forged onto it. The forging can cost credits, energy, platinum etc. I prefer a combinations of energy with credits or platinum, the latter being interchangeable depending on the player's willingness to buy platinum. (No this does not give people an advantage as we still need to earn the Weapon Exp. to unlock the slots)

The same can be done for fusing the crystals, gain Fusing experience by attempting to fuse crystals together in the "Astral Forge" outcomes can range from poor to perfect depending on your Fusing level.

Boosts can be purchased to slightly increase the Weapon Exp. earned and slightly increase Fusing Exp. earned.

  • Ayo likes this

#814433 Legacy Updates

Posted by NoddingFrog on 02 October 2013 - 15:41

Having Spectrals once every WL map for a period of 48 hours is in my opinion a good addition to the game.


Being able to upgrade your Avatar gear with crystals(fires increase damage, greens boost health) and being able to make your own mix of stats to your weapons and armour. Unlocking a slot on a piece of gear would then cost certain things, experience, credits, platinum or a mixture of the afore mentioned.


Armour expansion: Again a rather simple expansion with effect on a large scale. Every piece of armour currently in Legacy available will get a matching pair of gloves/gauntlets, a helmet, greaves, legs, boots and of course the currently availble cuirass/chest. This would create some depth to the item system and it open up a credit sink making levelling possibly a longer process. It'd also work well with the afore mentioned upgrading through use of crystals and combinations of crystals. More pieces of gear means more upgrade slots to unlock and thus more varietion in stats.


Expanding the current set of combat stat enhancing abilities(Target practise etc.) with another 5 levels, these could all take as long as the current level 5(+-50 days) this would give avatars something to train and create a bigger gap between starting avatars and the more seasoned ones. It'd grant a bonus for those who stick around. In light of this idea we might be better off with Ability point weekends rather than double exp. weekends. In these Ability point weekends any kill made, be it in PvP, WL or in hunting, will have you rewarded with an amount of ability points calculated by the amount of Experience gained.


The first idea isn't particulary small but it does build on our current item system, coming up with something that would link sertain combinations of crystals to the unique item code of your item shouldn't be too complex. The armour expension would simply add to our current item system which should be extremely easy, the only things that needs to be re-designed are profiles and inventories.

And last but not least, the expansion of our combat abilities by another 5 levels per ability would also be adding on to an already existant system.

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