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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 05 2015 22:22

Topics I've Started

A Tank's Taunt for PvP aspects

05 January 2014 - 08:55

We all know a tank is great for PvE. There taunt is the best skill and saves many other players repair costs. But what about for PvP? Our taunts do nothing so for PvP it's useless and we have to remove it from our quick bar. 


A few ideas on what it can used for PvP is that if the Tank is to cast taunt and whoever the Taunt is on or get's put on the person automatically switches to being selected to the tank. Another Idea is they can hurt other players but they do significantly less damage with the taunt on them so there only choice of a target to even hurt would be that tank.

Items not going into Inventory?

20 December 2013 - 01:05

I've been running boondocks all day and I haven't had a problem until now at 7 PM (US Central). I am for sure my inventory is not full at all. I have logged out and back in to try and fix the problem but it has yet to be fixed. What can be done to fix this bug where I can get Elemental Flakes and the items drops again.

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