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Member Since 08 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2019 22:35

#920141 please extend pvp attack range

Posted by RD1542 on 17 February 2015 - 19:00

getting really tired of all this PvP  crap , A certain few  PvPers XXXXXd up pvp by their own arrogant actions , , players left the game  , now they want everyone else to approve a fix it so they can drive more players from the game, THIS IS JUST WRONG !!!!



sounds like someone needs some education and some extra attention  in the find player list 

#920135 please extend pvp attack range

Posted by RD1542 on 17 February 2015 - 18:46

a pvp thread that is not locked and deleted?? what gives???  



i vote yes, at least in the higher levels, pvp up my way is dead.




Few players told and I will repeat. I would say yes to increasing range on someone above your level but not below you



i think this idea is pretty logical as well. 

#898895 A letter from your new Game Producer.

Posted by RD1542 on 08 November 2014 - 00:48

my condolences for your demotion....    




just kidding   :) :)   welcome back   you certainly have a lot to contend with!!  i agree with someone above who said that we should start with a new road map, i tried plugging the current one into my GPS  and i got lost in the Bronx.



hopefully we can start with a few clean slates see where we stand and find some direction and see if we cant get things turned around. 




#894898 Blood, Grim removing XP loss? his idea?

Posted by RD1542 on 16 October 2014 - 22:59

to start with i am not reading any of this thread, nor am i even contemplating reading the op's first post.


all i can say is that i hope the title of this thread is some sort of joke.  i can only assume that 20 pages of this thread would indicate that is not.  


lets be smart and look at the facts.   FS is pretty much dead, and currently has no hope of becoming a popular game if it continues this path of phale it has been on for the past few years.   7-8 years ago this game was on fire and on a pace to become a very large game in the gaming world, currently i would believe that at this point in time that more people are playing atari than that are currently logged into Fallen Sword..  please tell me you guys can see that what you are doing with PVP has turned  this game into an almost unrecoverable state. 


i can't believe this is even a serious consideration, never mind pinned up as top news of the forum.


now i am sure some of the fuel to this sort of desperation is the utter stagnancy of the game, but if you are looking for something to change the game permanently  and increase activity, reset the server and remove all bans. everyone has what they have, all items, guild xp upgrades, trophies, medals, what ever. will probably mean policing the game a bit for a while, but i think any activity from the support system at this point and time would be a welcome change.  then for those who wants to stay in the ghost state of FS can do so and can sit and play with themselves with no xp loss.... 


but what ever kind of ridiculous changes are being made, just remember that pvp is one of the only things in the game that has never been broken.....  yet it has been "fixed"  several times, each one becomes a devastating blow for the activeness of the game. 





and ps, the resetting of the server and bans is a serious idea, and hope it boggles through your head a bit. look how much people liked new world map fsbeta....




#888571 Update v2.50

Posted by RD1542 on 06 September 2014 - 03:38

Great that you are working on the helper stuff. And I like the new layout. I miss the highligthing, and I also miss the tool tips that had the explanations of each buff.


Virtually yours,



i was reading this only to find someone who said it before me,  +1 here for this. when someone has 27 buffs of varying level on them in a list it is hard to see, the highlighted idea of the fshelper coders was brilliant, and i dont know if there is a better way do it. the list is a step in the right direction, but highlighted would give you the better end and cleaner product. 


thanks for the update, is a good direction.   not sure on the pvp ladder update, being able to hit your own guildmates in any form is a nice step in the right direction, though do believe it will be abused hardcore, perhaps a max transfer points of x, be it 5-10 20, what ever. perhaps being able to hit your own guildmate outside of ladder would be good too, not sure if the clearing of bounties by guildmates is a good idea, if it was implemented i'd think a predetermined stam hit minimum would help prevent giving guld mates soft clears,


.  we have to make some changes, and something drastic to help revitalize fallen sword, killing pvp certainly didn't bring the huge numbers of levelers as predicted. i think the idea of being able to transfer pvp points to guildmates will not be the good idea it may have started being.



nice to see some updates though



#878863 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by RD1542 on 14 July 2014 - 02:35

1)  the find player options on FS helper, ie the find pvp targets, it shows players name, level, how much gold on hand



2)  i tried the other day to manage my backpack without the use of the helper. it's e,embarrassing.. you cannot manage items from the manage back page, the only way to manage yuor back pack into folders is to go to profile page, very cumbersome to say the least. i had to feel like a nub all over again and ask on the world chat, then i found out that managing my backpack from the backpack management page was only an FSHelper option. 


3) Hoof,  try using the helper and cast buffs on a player, the difference is night and day. the current buffs on the players highlight in green, it is one of the most helpful parts of the helper hands down. 



i honestly havent really used helper since the last of the fshelper coding team had a new baby arrive, it was the best addition to this game that had ever really been introduced.


i am sure somethings in the helper would be very easy to code in, like wanted bounties, mouse overs on buffs that gives brief descriptions, etc etc.



would be nice to see some updates : )




#872226 What date is the Double EXP event going to be on this month?

Posted by RD1542 on 08 June 2014 - 01:15

i think it is going to be 3 days before the 5X XP loss pvp event, all hits reset every 10 minutes, better get working on your pvp setups ;)

#866368 Zorgrom Vs Shroud III

Posted by RD1542 on 01 May 2014 - 14:55

i love how people jump on the complain wagon before they even try the event,  thanks for the epic 700, i am realm bound at the moment, so hunted these with am 175, no conserve and no LF with booster 863 i got some 36,600 kills with about 13k stamina in a lvl 1607 realm. 



thanks again Grim,  good work on the new potions  and bumping kills per kill



#828309 De-leveling Change Poll

Posted by RD1542 on 10 December 2013 - 00:31

one thing i have always wondered, and maybe it belongs in another thread, but is anyone even at their computers anymore when they are releveling??

#794857 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by RD1542 on 09 June 2013 - 15:20

wow, so many people saying the same thing over and over again, i think back, and this very same issue came up in SS2 years ago,  it is the same issue, nothing was done about it there, and dont expect it to be done here,. but this game is different, i think the people who oppose it so boldly should grow a pair and use the mechanics of the game to do something about it if they feel so passionate about it...    people want to get deleveled, smash them, just dont listen to the complaints when they do not want to get smashed anymore, when they relevel, start a gvg and put on SB 250 and spell leach and punish them for what you feel is an exploit.... after they dont want to be deleveled, smash them more, it is us the community as a whole that lets this happen, dont go cry to the forum.  the sword IS mightier than the pen.......

#794534 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by RD1542 on 08 June 2013 - 18:57

my vote is a resounding NO.


I think PVP is dead enough, this has been the way the game was designed for 6 years running, i see no need to change it now, there are levelers who are using this system to cheat on their earned GXP, but think that is something the pvp community should address rather than the administration.


and i agree with hades, we earn the right to hunt in these realms, we should be able to stay here and hunt the creatures we leveled up to  and or paid for to hunt.


i like the idea of putting in time to change/ add or modify the game, but think efforts would be better spent in other aspects of the game, like finding ways to narrow the bridge between 1600 levels of players. something the entrie playing field of the game can participate in. at the moment there is little to no avenues of the game that require  active participation between players.  but maybe that is topic for another thread.



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