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Member Since 31 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2016 07:02

#941906 PvP Seasons Rewards. Thoughts and desires please.

Posted by xitar on 28 July 2015 - 20:04

I'll be honest I only read the main post.


Every game I play the rich get richer and it excludes those without the means to compete.  Rewards should benefit another aspect of the game and not the PvP section, otherwise each season that is supposed to be a clean slate is not and advantages are already in place from winning the previous session.  The new guys always are at a disadvantage not only from skill but the top guys already got a win button.  so the seasons are going to end up the same with less effort involved.  


now on the other hand these top players may not like other aspects of the game and therefore the rewards aren't worth the effort...I haven't seen a good solution to this problem


All I want to highlight is the rewards shouldn't be a win button for the same aspect of game play as the rich will just get richer, but then maybe that's what the Cows want.  besides then the ones who aren't top have to try even harder (read donate more) to compete.

#896120 How to install FSH in Chrome (No Greasemonkey)

Posted by xitar on 24 October 2014 - 14:53


xAnonemesisx !

Kudos for the video!

#878782 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by xitar on 13 July 2014 - 22:29

Guild Inventory and recall.

fetch stats for group attack and defense

Identify guild conflict and PvP band targets


I'm sure there are many more that just aren't know unless you live with fsh off for a week or 2.

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