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Member Since 31 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2020 08:12

#965502 Daily Events

Posted by olescruffy on 07 July 2016 - 05:36

please no GvG.  there's enough farming with it already.


too many new players get upset and leave. 


perhaps if we do have GvG, then allow a guild to only be attacked by one other guild at a time.  this way guilds would look for others that might fight back instead of an easy mark!!!

#963677 guild thieves

Posted by olescruffy on 27 May 2016 - 07:54

I hate to say it but this is a role playing game.  Whoever stole from your guild is roleplaying a thief.  You should hound him to the ends of FS paying mercs to pound him into custard at all time of the day.  OR you can consider this a very expensive lesson and never give permissions easily or quickly.  Asking the cows to fix this is like saying, "I shouldn't have attacked that SE without a group and I want my kill streak back."  Guild thieves are the same to me as PvP players, just more rotten.

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