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Member Since 02 May 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 15 2021 17:53

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In Topic: Proposed Loyalty Update.

15 September 2021 - 15:59

I am sad that the big levelling pots were removed, I was one of the people for them and I feel the people against were weighted towards the EOC players quite heavily. Only a few people near EOC were for these pots and I think that should be looked at before removing them entirely, as new players coming into the game might not feel they can catch up. Those pots would have helped a lot with that.


The other changes I could take or leave, Distil being removed makes sense and I don't think too many people disagree with that. I understand the effects it would have.


The other changes seem mostly good though, and I am really looking foward to being able to spend all my tokens on some shiny new pots!

In Topic: Proposed Loyalty Update.

08 September 2021 - 18:08

I like these potions personally, being able to level even faster sounds great to someone like me who feels they have a long way to catch up to the majority of the player base. I get that for the higher level players in this thread they may not like this but I am a big fan. :)

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