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Spine Chomper Attack!

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#1 BigGrim


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:09

Hi all,

A renewed swarm of the horrifying Spine Chompers are invading the Realms! Who can stop them? Can you?

Horned Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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Horned Spine Chomper is quite aggressive, even by Spine Chomper standards. The Beast simply charges, running over as much prey as possible before returning to beat anything still conscious silly before devouring everything that can't escape!

Recommended Level : 10+

Venom Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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This rather vile Chomper is very fast, propelling itself along on to heavily muscled legs. Once it catchs you, it envelopes you with it's poisonous tongue and will swallow you whole before coughing your spine out to add to its collection!

Recommended Level : 56+

Berserker Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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The Berserker Spine Chomper lives up to its name! It rushes into any fight, pounding it's prey (and anything else that's close) and racking them with the barbs on its arms. Even once all nearby prey is dead, it still barely calms down, poundoing most of it's food to paste before it can eat it. This just tends to make it more berserk though.

Recommended Level : 122+

Astral Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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The Astral Spine Chomper is a bit of a nightmare, even by other Chomper standards. It is believed that it has eaten all the beings in its reality and is tearing into this one in search of more prey which it feeds into its other-worldly maw!

Recommended Level : 253+

Spine Chomper of Misfortune (Legendary)
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The Spine Chomper of Misfortune is a curious addition to an already odd menagerie. This one seems to chase its prey and coil up and many as possible in its tendrils. It then breaths its Breath of Misfortune upon all its captured prey, which sends them to sleep. Once asleep, the Chomper eats the victims swiftly and starts prowling again!

Recommended Level : 400+

Dusk Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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The Dusk Spine Chomper is a new nocturnal variant of these unusual predators. Covered in shorter, courser hair than most Chompers, it is readily identifiable by it's enormous ears, which it uses to hunt in the darkness.

Recommended Level : 575+

Dawn Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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Dawn Spine Chomper is a Chomper that decided it liked to hunt first thing in the morning, when prey tends to be a bit fuzzy headed and potentially easy meat. Why its appearance has begun to mimic a cockerel is anyones guess.

Recommended Level : 750+

Lunar Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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The Lunar Spine Chomper is another night time predator. This one is very fast and rather small. It darts around and confuses it's prey with its white pelt before closing in for the kill!

Recommended Level : 875+

Solar Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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The Solar Spine Chomper is a very peculiar breed of an already peculiar species. It is somewhat related to the Fire Fur Chomper in that its fur can burst into flame but instead of charging its prey, the solar leads its prey to an ambush point with its lit tail. Once in a place it is happy with, it draws it prey as close as it can. Once achieved, the Solar Spine Chomper explodes, cooking its prey where it stands!

Recommended Level : 1000+

Celestial Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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The Celestial Spine Chomper is simply a mystery. No-one knows where it comes from, only that it tends to hurl to the earth with extreme speed, landing on its prey and messily devouring them. Some believe it is sent by a God that is displeased but what God would use such a cute ball of mayhem for a weapon?

Recommended Level : 1100+

Electro Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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Electro Spine Chompers are energetic and excitable creatures that are electrically charged from within. The air around the Electro hums with static and hair stands on end. The Electro generates massive amounts of electric lightning that it can spit from its mouth in order to fry potential enemies, some Electro's have even learned direct the lightning using their tongues!

Recommended Level : 1310+

Tentacle Spine Chomper (Legendary)
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Tentacle Spine Chompers diverged from the main family tree of Spine Chompers long ago, leaving the land for the seas. However, they are unable to swim, their stubby legs never adapting to life in water. However they adapted to this flaw and quickly evolved many grasping tentacles that they use to drag prey passing by into their toothed maws.

Recommended Level : 1500+

This event will be available until 11:30 am Server time on Friday the 25th of January.

Additionally, we shall be releasing 25 levels of content tomorrow, taking us from 1,600 to 1,625!


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#2 Shibing



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:12

Tony Tony Chompper!

#3 Savanc



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:20

Sounds cool, BG!

Too bad I was still trying to sell the crystalline I outgrew, but I have to agree a bit more crystalline wouldn't hurt the game. :wink:

Gathering  Crystal Cutting 49 | Farming 49 | Fishing 49 | Foraging 49 | Forestry 49 | Prospecting 49 | Skinning 49
Crafting  Alchemy 49 | Armorsmithing 49 | Cooking 49 | Jewelry 49 | Leatherworking 49 | Tailoring 49 | Weaponsmithing 49
First person to have maxed them cool.png

Characters (all level 49)
Savanc       Savavita              Savavimala               Mage          Savanhildur    Savashengli    Savahathor
Savy           Savanikomachos   Savafionnchadh       Assassin   Savalina         Savajahangir
Ranger      Savakainda  Savatakoda         Savaraxka               Templar   Savastanislav  Savasegolene

#4 shindrak



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:20

Nice :) will hunt some later today.. any news about Composing aspect ?

#5 Tomsk


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 11:58

Anybody know where they are spawning?

#6 shindrak



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 12:06

Anybody know where they are spawning?

Ultimate guide is there for that ;) they aren't new chompers so they must be there

#7 Tomsk


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 12:07

Checked there and they aren;'t there yet so I thought they might be somewhere else.

#8 acvila



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 12:10

do these legendary creeps come with items too? it seems no drop after 100 creeps killed ( FI 1000 + distil 150 on me )

#9 Savanc



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 12:49

How is your auto discard setting? :?

Gathering  Crystal Cutting 49 | Farming 49 | Fishing 49 | Foraging 49 | Forestry 49 | Prospecting 49 | Skinning 49
Crafting  Alchemy 49 | Armorsmithing 49 | Cooking 49 | Jewelry 49 | Leatherworking 49 | Tailoring 49 | Weaponsmithing 49
First person to have maxed them cool.png

Characters (all level 49)
Savanc       Savavita              Savavimala               Mage          Savanhildur    Savashengli    Savahathor
Savy           Savanikomachos   Savafionnchadh       Assassin   Savalina         Savajahangir
Ranger      Savakainda  Savatakoda         Savaraxka               Templar   Savastanislav  Savasegolene

#10 ignotus


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:00

First of all thanks for the effort you put in the game HCS.

Secondly I dont think this event was much needed (more likely it was the least needed). There are still loads of spine items in the game from the last spine event... Those will just go down the drain...

#11 shindrak



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:18

First of all thanks for the effort you put in the game HCS.

Secondly I dont think this event was much needed (more likely it was the least needed). There are still loads of spine items in the game from the last spine event... Those will just go down the drain...

Unless they implement Composing aspect

#12 Tastria



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:25

First of all thanks for the effort you put in the game HCS.

Secondly I dont think this event was much needed (more likely it was the least needed). There are still loads of spine items in the game from the last spine event... Those will just go down the drain...

But don't forget that there's a pot bubbling out there where you disassemble the drops and get.....lots of teeth? (will the next buff be "repair dentures"?) I always enjoy looking at the critters by the way. Whoever draws and colors them deserves a pat on the back and at least one "Attaboy!"

#13 ignotus


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:28

First of all thanks for the effort you put in the game HCS.

Secondly I dont think this event was much needed (more likely it was the least needed). There are still loads of spine items in the game from the last spine event... Those will just go down the drain...

Unless they implement Composing aspect

True, but still I think the implementation of Composing should have preceeded this event. It would have drawn more attention. Well at least I think so :)

#14 slim



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:48

But I would like to see the Composing and the new buffs soon!!!!
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Nenhum obstáculo é tão grande se a sua vontade de vencer for maior.

#15 koenvdv



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 13:51

do these legendary creeps come with items too? it seems no drop after 100 creeps killed ( FI 1000 + distil 150 on me )

That is verry possible to hapen ... only 0,75% on each items. 1,5% chance on drop in total ... after your FI 3,225% chance on drop.

Its hard to get a drop :twisted:

#16 subito



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:13

Interesting , today is Wednesday not friday for legendaryes.

Thanks anyway.

#17 Lutrafs



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:28

First I want to say thanks HCS for the event and the upcoming lvls.

I would only like to know of the progress on the lvl 1600+ skills, and composing idea.

As well since you are adding more content (lvls) to the game, can we at least get master realms added up to lvl 1600, so we dont have to walk from lvl 1550 to 1600?

Maybe even a guide update, but thats not as important to me as the master realms.

Thanks again HCS

#18 BigGrim


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:42

Checked there and they aren;'t there yet so I thought they might be somewhere else.

Yes they are. Search 'chomper' under creatures.

I would only like to know of the progress on the lvl 1600+ skills, and composing idea.

I'm about to start trawling through the horror of that 40+ page thread. :wink: Composing, I don't now.

Maybe even a guide update, but that's not as important to me as the master realms.

I'll look at the Master Realms soon. I'm not sure the Guide really needs updating yet.

#19 thisple



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 14:50

hurray for new content!

#20 Dulcharn



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Posted 23 January 2013 - 22:47

Hi all,

Additionally, we shall be releasing 25 levels of content tomorrow, taking us from 1,600 to 1,625!


~ The Fallen Sword team.

Dear Cows,

Could you implement some portals to areas in the new content, and to the lvl 1600 area?
That would be very kind of you.


- On behalf of the whole FS community.

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