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Member Since 02 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 13 2014 17:39

Topics I've Started

Dragon's breath - mage tree last talent

31 December 2013 - 16:08

I was wondering if it works like it suppose to work.


When i use it a circle shows up, but attack is more like a trangle. I did a test and used attack near mobs, but put the circle (range) away of them, they got hit anyway, so what use of that circle to aim?


I would suggest to change it to triangle and show the real range of that spell.

Scrolls, crafting vendor and few improvments

24 December 2013 - 10:59

I want to suggest few things:


1) Scrolls, after few quest at the start we could enjoy teleportation scrolls to othalo (about 5 if remeber well) that shared cooldown with teleportation stone. I want to go further and why not create a shop with scrolls.

They would be divided in 3 categories: teleport scrolls, battle scrolls and special scrolls.


a ) Teleport scrolls will share cooldown with stone. They should be found in vendor and the price should be fair too. For example i pay 77s to use dragon from eldevin to illeneska. Scroll should cost from 2-7g if not more, it will be a option to purchase them not a must have.


b ) Battle scrolls to avoid spamming them they should have cooldown like potion in use. They should be made and few should be in vendor. Battle scrolls could get skills from single healing to talents skill. To create one you would need 1 paper some magic ink and a friend with ablity that you want on scroll. Example of creating summon void elemental:


You and your friend mage who have that spell (talent) meet in eldevin. You invite him to party (to avoid trolling), then you press use empty scroll, character get into a special position and your mage friend cast summon spell. You write a scroll of summon that should have about 40-70% of power of orginal.


Other skills would be able to put into scroll as well, but can make some exception like last skill from talent tree can't be put in scroll and some higher scrolls need higher lvl to use them.


c ) Special scrolls those would be more like event scrolls. Scroll that change you into shigara or treefolk. Scroll that will increase your movement speed by 100% for 10 minutes and cancel when you get into combat. And also a special teleport scroll that you can choose the location where you want to teleport.

For example i will go to lyell (blacksmith in othalo) and make scroll remeber the location, then i could teleport to him whenever i want (plus cooldown).


2) Crafting vendor

I have requested so far few things to be crafted by fellow players of eldevin. So far it worked like this i gave them materials they gave me my crafted items and for well made job i throw at them some gold. Each time i had that small felling of that i can be scammed or cheated. So why not create a crafting vendor from players? Crafter would choose items in his vendor (2-5 items) near working bench and the amount of gold he/she wants for making them. This will make my heart attack a little less.


3) Little improvments

I don't know if they where already posted or suggested, but i want to get two things:

- let us zoom out a bit more

- and when i press 'E' (target closest enemy) i target mobs in about 12 yards far from me. I want to increase the range of it too. Reasons are two: i'm lazy to run close to monsters and some of my skills have longer range so i have to use mouse.


Ok that's all from me i want at the end to underline the word suggestions and my sorry for my english still learning.

Boondock's - first boss

21 December 2013 - 20:46

I don't know if this is itentional but probably not. When you kill first boss too fast that he dont have time to lurk underground game freeze's or you get back to log in screen.

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