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bring life back to the game

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#1 needgod



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 14:45

Players like events. However, nothing in the events we replay is worth the stam to go get it. Nothing made from event is worth making the effort to get because so much is already in the game.


I used to burn every drop of stam I had to get a cool set. (no longer needed)  Often time working up to trade for every fsp to buy what I couldn't get..


No more.. Nothing is new, nothing is needed, nothing to make an effort for.



Each time you have an event, there needs to be a new piece of gear or 2, or potion.. But it needs to be made from a number of different things, harder to get. (part from caves, part from hunting creatures, part from se's, part from loyality or pvp item)   Lower drop rates, invent odds... 


Make new recipies hard to get as well as the parts. Let us work for something. Gives us a reason to be online, make an effort, even buy fsp for stuff we haven't got...



Remember when just a destroyer shield was selling for 50 fsp because so many players needed one? (and bought fsps?)    "Epics" can be bought for less than that know. Most se items can be got for 100 gold.. Current path, every new player coming in gets free epics..

#2 hades8840



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 16:11

see now your right that everytime a event happens we get more and more gear thats just the natural order of things stuff comes in not enough goes out hence a build up.. but making yet more and more new sets and items isnt the answer as you just end up with more and more gear...now you dont use all your own gear looking at your profile .. and there is nothing wrong in that but thats a little clue to a problem thats plagued thsi game from the start.. we all wanted tagged gear we all jumped for joy when 100 ppl in the same guild could use the 1 set of 9 items.. so thats 9 items used instead of 900 ... thats your problem and it will always exist because tagging can not be removed from the game now

#3 Mister Doom

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 16:24

^This. So much this.

I've been saying the same thing for years hades. :S


#4 sweetlou



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 17:10

I think someone woke up on the wrong side of their FS bed.

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#5 Davros81



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 18:04

Guild tagging is vital in the game for the simple reason that it effectively protects guilds from being robbed by those less scrupulous players.

#6 needgod



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 20:38

Ok.. Make new gear without the ability to be tagged. I see the point though. They did lower they value with tagging.

#7 hades8840



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 21:08

Guild tagging is vital in the game for the simple reason that it effectively protects guilds from being robbed by those less scrupulous players.

thats true its why it was bought in but scammers can be banned and gear can be traced to have all transactions reversed ...but to help solve that a comprimse could be made only allow 100-150 items of gear to be tagged that way guilds could tag the most costly of items and players would have to fill the gap.. after all gear is cheap to grab now with so many events..and you do what we all did as you outgrow you sell use the funds to buy your next set

#8 Davros81



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 23:18

You want to persecute guilds for wanting to help their members by restricting the number of items they can tag? bearing in mind this will include potions...? :rolleyes:

#9 hades8840



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 23:28

You want to persecute guilds for wanting to help their members by restricting the number of items they can tag? bearing in mind this will include potions...? :rolleyes:

no just thinking what would make more ppl buy all the usual gear that is continuly farmed .. for 1 they could make potions exempt seeing we was on about gear... 2 guilds can still help 150 items of gear is a fair amount ..events like today allow ppl to farm there own gear or buy it for gold it gets farmed that much..there comes a point you either find a way to solve the problem or ignore and go down with the ship...

#10 Pardoux



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Posted 31 January 2015 - 23:40

Guild tagging is very much a double edged sword.


It's great for low level players who can experience the game without investing by joining guilds with gear for them


It's bad for gear prices because 1 or 2 items suddenly replaces the need for 200-300 items.


As a different idea to the above, instead of limiting the NUMBER of items that a guild can tag, perhaps limit it by LEVEL ??


So, those that are starting out in the game and still low level (say, perhaps L500 and under) can still have access to guild tagged gear, but guilds CAN'T tag any equipment above Level 500 ?


BUT, there's more than just the price of the gear to take into account here .... forcing players to have their own gear opens up a whole new can of worms where they are also forced to get more BP slots. Is that necessarily a problem ? - no, but I'm sure that the howls of protestation would make it seem so.


Just throwing this out as an idea - limiting guild tagging won't affect me now, but it certainly would have when I first started out in the game. I was using mish-mash gear until I joined a guild and had access to better gear (well, better for the most part - I still found some better permutations than the tagged stuff LOL)


All that being said, I'd say there's not a snowballs chance in hell now of the cows changing how guild-tagging works :)

Edited by Pardoux, 01 February 2015 - 00:07.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#11 hades8840



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Posted 01 February 2015 - 00:09

tagging by level would work by time you have hit lvl 500 you should of been able to make some form of income to try better yourself ..when i started we had no tagged gear we used common elite gear and it did fine.. you pined after a LE set ..did you quit cause you couldnt get the stuff you need ..heck no whats the point of a game if everything is always there for you..has anyone ever thought maybe the player base dropped because the game got easier so lost its challenge ...anyway its only a pipe dream as they would never nerf tagging now wouldnt matter if it bettered the game too many would vote against anything that would force them to think for themselves

Edited by hades8840, 01 February 2015 - 10:21.

#12 pinkdude



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Posted 01 February 2015 - 00:10

Guild tagging is very much a double edged sword.


It's great for low level players who can experience the game without investing by joining guilds with gear for them


It's bad for gear prices because 1 or 2 items suddenly replaces the need for 200-300 items.


As a different idea to the above, instead of limiting the NUMBER of items that a guild can tag, perhaps limit it by LEVEL ??


So, those that are starting out in the game and still low level (say, perhaps L500 and under) can still have access to guild tagged gear, but guilds CAN'T tag any equipment above Level 500 ?


BUT, there's more than just the price of the gear to take into account here .... forcing players to have their own gear opens up a whole new can of worms where they are also forced to get more BP slots. Is that necessarily a problem ? - no, but I'm sure that the howls of protestation would make it seem so.


Just throwing this out as an idea - limiting guild tagging won't affect me now, but it certainly would have when I first started out in the game. I was using mish-mash gear until I joined a guild and had access to better gear (well, better for the most part - I still found some better permutations than the tagged stuff LOL)

I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about how this would affect the game (other than the obvious increase in value of LE items). From a quick glance, I like this idea. Yes it would cause complaining from those who are used to using guild gear to hunt. But It would also make hunting harder. Not everybody would have access to the best hunting gear. Alternate setups and buffs would need to be considered. If this isn't considered, those with hundreds of BP spaces will overfarm the items and there will always be a surplus of new gear


I doubt this will be considered, however. It is a HUGE change to the game mechanics. One can dream though  ;)

#13 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 05:16

For this the game will need a lot more free BP Spaces, new players will suffer too much with this.

And...Without Tagged Gear, Arena will be dead VERY quickly, most of the people will hold 3 sets, Hunting, Armor and Defense, only the rich ones will have access to save more than 100 items needed for Arena.

For me, the idea of making some new items impossible to tag is nice.

#14 Pardoux



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 05:48

For this the game will need a lot more free BP Spaces, new players will suffer too much with this.

And...Without Tagged Gear, Arena will be dead VERY quickly, most of the people will hold 3 sets, Hunting, Armor and Defense, only the rich ones will have access to save more than 100 items needed for Arena.

For me, the idea of making some new items impossible to tag is nice.


Did you read my post ? ;)


Under my suggestion, guilds can have tagged gear up to and including Level 500 - that's plenty long enough for players to realise if they want to stick around and, if so, actually WORK at upgrading their character - bp / stam etc etc


There are ways of doing this without ever donating a penny to the cows - some EOC players pride themselves on never having donated.


The game is too easy at the moment, and the vast majority of the gear is worth DIDDLY squat.


As for arena, your concerns could easily be "fixed" - have a pool of gear that is available for all players to access - gear that the arena provides - gear that you mix and match from. That removes any need for players to have massive bp's just to participate ...



Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#15 BadPenny



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Posted 03 February 2015 - 18:28

I use very little guild gear myself.... Outside the 3 epics I'm wearing now, basically not any.  I like the idea of guild tagging.  It allows those that cannot (or will not) donate use good gear for a hunt.... We all want to 1 hit.... from the lowest to EOC... And not all can attain that, whether by being unable to buy or store items, even in the 500's.  Once you get here, you find in the wiki that you keep having to add new stuff, but you have to keep your existing stuff as well, cuz you're going to need it again in 50 levels (ok, exaggerating 50 levels)  I add bp spaces every month because I don't use guild gear for myself, so I need ever expanding space.  So I am glad it's available, in case I can't find or afford some new item, or it's the middle of the month and I just don't have room for anything new .... I think tagging needs to stay....

Edited by BadPenny, 03 February 2015 - 18:28.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#16 johnagod



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 23:13

I agree with most things said in this thread so far but there are a number of reasons why the prices of new gear always crash.


One for the most part is the dwindling number of players who actively play. There's rarely more than 550 players online at one time nowadays and they're spread out through 2400+ levels. When new gear gets added, there's only a few people left in the game who feel the need to use it. And as a result, there is no proper market for the guild.


Secondly: huge stamina banks. When LEs appear in the realms, the gear prices automatically crash. People at EoC have nothing better to do with their stamina - more gear farming. High level buffs like AM 500, Con 300+, LF 1500+  - more gear farming. INSTANT legendary creature respawn (WHY is this a thing? what ever happened to having them spawn in 1/2 areas, at :07 past the hour? That's when the real competitiveness happened) - more gear farming. Perfect drops don't even sell for 1 fsps now!


Thirdly: TOO MANY sets in the game. Looking at the amount of sets from level 5-200 now makes my brain explode!! Too many sets break the best gear combos so they're automatically junk and then the remaining few sets are the only ones worth using. Not sure how to resolve this but it's still a huge problem imo.


I don't know if revoking guild tagging would make much of a difference (not even sure how they would do it?) A lot of gear for levels 1000+ is expensive for people who can't donate. I myself could afford my own set ups but I can't speak for everyone.

#17 Dradin


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 05:33

I agree with Johnagod.     It is supply and demand.  To much supply and less demand from less players means prices are low.  Trying to fix the game with changes that affect the few players we have will shorten the life of the game. There are some countries that play that can not sustain the points needed to keep upgrading gear. Thus the Guild tagging was great. Less gear needed for guild members.  If you want to fix the game then help find ways to bring more player base to the game. then prices will go back up.  


I think there needs to be a level cap established.  I would rather have maybe the ability to upgrade my gear or set of gear versus continuing to level my character.  This will establish less turn over in gear, but stronger gear items or gear sets.  


Maybe once you earn enough experience you can upgrade an item of gear you own. Or you can increase one skill, thus the skill can be stronger, not the over all level of the character. This would create random differences in players and make it more interesting as so many options to improve skills or gear. Thus might help bring back dead sets that have been made obsolete by new sets.


Could ramble on all night on neat things to help the game, but the true question is "Do they really want the Game to  Live on???"  or are we all a dying breed of hard core players trying to squeeze a little more life out of our game? 

#18 dragon1234



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Posted 09 February 2015 - 10:59

Havent played in a few years but this has been a problem for a long, long time. Ill chime in w/ my idea anyways since it was a big part of my life for the ~6 years that I played. 


 Im not sure if the new stuff is still the generic 160/160 current/max durability, but for the longest time, starting @ around lv 500 or so every new equipment had 160/160 durability. New crystalline equipments were coming in @(200/200 i think) such a high durability and combine with Unbreakable, they hang around a long time.


If the problem is as simple as supply and demand, then I propose the following: Change the way max durability works. Max durability should drop by a certain amount(1-5 common-legendary) every x repair(or every x current durability). This will mirror how things works in real life. If you buy a brand new car, everything in it is brand new. This is when its at it's highest durability. As you continue to use it, its begin to take on damages (current durability). Once it incurs enough damages, you bring it to a shop for repairs. The repair works but the mechanics can never get it back to its factory condition (new max durability). The more you use the car the more it fails, eventually it get to a state where it becomes impossible to repair and you salvage it (0 max durability). 


Epic and crystalline should probably be treated separately(or not). 


This will serve as another method of removing supply from a saturated market, and will probably create a new market for max durability items (a la crystalline items). Who knows, maybe drops from creatures can have variable max durability too, limiting the supplies even more. 


Its probably too late for a game like FS(8+ years is pretty remarkable for a game like this), but maybe in the future when HCS make another FS clone it could be useful in some way. 

dragon1234 - Ranger - lv 45

NoExercise - Tank - lv 45

DragonStorage - Storage - lv 13

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