Posted 30 May 2013 - 17:31
not needed for rare resources, they are scarce enough that they would actually use up sack space. on a similar note though, with the introduction of dense ores, has the frequency of a rare resource been split between dense and pure, as dense seems to spawn similar to what pure did and pure is now very rare...
Jack of all Trades....need anything at all, whisper me
RikkaLarn: lvl32 Warrior Pug: lvl 14 Mage OwainGlynDwr lvl 9 Templar Shalhassan: lvl 3 Dogsbody
Crystal Cutting 24, Farming 28, Fishing 18, Foraging 27, Forestry 27, Prospecting 35, Skinning 30, Alchemy 31, Armoursmithing 19, Cooking 36, Jewellery 16, Leatherwork 18, Tailoring 17, Weaponsmithing 18