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Emperor Sidd

Member Since 24 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2024 11:54

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In Topic: Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

14 November 2022 - 02:29

  So your idea is to keep sending and recalling until something sticks?  I have a better idea to make it really meaningful.  You can send them whatever tradeable potions you want and hope they activate but the ones that don't are destroyed.  Otherwise, it's just a matter of continually sending them the same potions repeatedly until you get the result you want - no risk and all reward.


It did cross my mind, however if there is a high chance of losing a potion I don't see people using the buff outside of high profile GvGs. The drawback that would exist in my iteration is that outside of tagged potions it can be costly - if I want to guarantee the activation of a buff from a donation pot I will need to open 4-5 of them and I will be stuck with them unable to switch to a different pot option from the container.

In Topic: Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

11 November 2022 - 23:49



After discussing potential changes for PvP ladder with BigGrim on the HCS discord, I was inspired by how strongly BG feels about offline players being unable defend themselves.



Name Reception


Skill 0.1% per point chance of activating a potion sent to the player


Context Players who are offline are limited to the buffs others can cast on them which are always going to be limited to 175 + Buff enchancer bonus. With this buff, allies and guild members can choose to send a potion to the player to help them defend on the ladder, bounty board and in guild vs guild conflicts. 



At level 203 this will mean a 1 in 5 chance of a potion being activated, so if this buff was live, people will send 4-5 Zombie Brews to someone followed by 4-5 pride followed by whatever tradeable potions they will to send. Obviously with guild tagged potions people can keep trying over and over using the recall function without having to wait for the player to come online and return the excess potions.


This buff does have potential for abuse however we are allowed to block buffs from being casted on ourselves so this will either be blocked or be paired with the guild and allies "blocking level" to prevent others from sending unwanted potions but allowing trades from guild members.

In Topic: + 8 Stamina gain Epics

10 November 2022 - 20:16

Having a go at me tho doesn't alter the facts that :-


1. Motivation for adding +8 epics is profit driven for the guilds, nothing more, nothing less


Did you even read my post, or are emotions at play again?
It's not "nothing more, nothing less" most players will be happy even if the +8 epics were bound like the Lesser Perchtas epics. People want stamina to essentially "play every day," and since they are playing a game, they wish to progress their character/guild for their time and effort; otherwise, where is the fun ?

In Topic: + 8 Stamina gain Epics

10 November 2022 - 17:51

I'm fully behind the cows limiting epics to +7 - there are quite a few reasons being trotted out (primarily by ... oh wait ... the titan hunting guilds) but the bottom line is they would like a new revenue stream that +7 doesn't offer as much any longer ...

You know, if you looked past your resentment of titan hunters, you'd realize the FSP titan hunters make when a new epic is released have to come from somewhere. As far as I know, HCS only allocates FSP into people's accounts based on positive financial transactions, so any reasonable person, including you if your emotions were not clouding your judgement, would recognize that +8 epics would increase profits for HCS and additional stamina to play with would promote activity because people aren't waiting for stamina as much.
Rough math: a +8 Epic at least in the first year would sell for 800-1000 FSP each, and we have about 200 players at EOC, and each player has 9 item slots. Some people might already have FSP, but that also means they would have a reason to refill FSP, but you are looking at 1,400,000 to 1,800,000 FSP that would be purchased by players? Even on the low end, that's potentially $200,000 USD, calculated at $60:400 FSP.

In Topic: Upcoming New Player Skills - November 2022

01 November 2022 - 11:44

Thank you so much for the effort you have put into this thread!


I would like to propose Relic Defender be changed to reduce the relic penalty instead ? That would keep the buff accurate to its name and the buff isn't dependent on another buff i.e. in your iteration Relic Defender does nothing if the other person doesn't use Reign of terror.


Context: There is a relic penalty for holding more than 1 relic in the game, as there maybe 200 active guilds left in the game - most guilds hold 2-4 relics. Changing this to reduce the penalty will give more incentive for guilds to try and defend relics instead of swapping back and forth.


Relic Defender: 0.05% per point reduction in relic penalty. ( Lead defender only) ( Relic Comat only)



Do you think increasing the duration of this skill could add extra value to its usage? 30 minutes doesn't really cover much, especially when it's up in the air whether a Relic is going to be attacked or not.


If you are going to keep buff as is do you think you can have it use the same duration as nightmare visage? Both are buffs intended for long term offline protection.


As for Galvanize, we wanted to try something a bit more experimental. A buff that could work in conjunction with another when it activates. However, we do see how fiddly this could be and how Healer itself has, in its current availability, little chance to activate. Now, I would like to clarify how Galvanize actually works:

Galvanize, when activated, increases the combats max Hit Points using the player's base HP attribute. It will not, in its current form, be further boosted by the likes of Fortitude and Severe Condition


I would be interested if the ratios on this are high, I believe if you survey the players maybe 1 in 100 have any substantial points allocated to base HP.

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