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Member Since 20 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2014 19:49

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Seperate Window Active Map

12 March 2014 - 06:20

This would be nice, if it's not possible at least make the map window resizable.

In Topic: Think fast isnt active with dogma

06 March 2014 - 04:21

Abilities that do damage/healing over time don't crit.

In Topic: world boss res when dead

05 March 2014 - 19:22

Sounds like the bug that has happened to me is slightly different from what happened to SD and Guthix. Mine is caused from waiting to accept the rez because my body is still in aoe range of the boss. If box times out (after 30 seconds I think) another one pops up but first one stays on screen and is bugged.

In Topic: world boss res when dead

05 March 2014 - 17:06

This has happened to me twice. Two people try to rez you at same time and you get two boxes that come up.2nd rez box works fine and allows me to rez but first one stays on screen and doesn't do anything when you click it. Click to move does not work (wasd movement and abilites still work) and you cannot talk or roll on loot. I was still able to go back to tanking kongar 2nd time this happened. I posted about a bug about this a week ago and haven't heard anything back yet...

In Topic: WB possible bug with loot

02 March 2014 - 23:42

I posted a bug about a similar thing that happened to me at dragon the other day Crofil. I was rezzed but I waited until the dragon wasn't doing his aoe attacks to click accept and the first rez box timed out and a second one came up. First box stayed on screen after I rezzed and I wasnt able to move at all or roll on loot afterwards even though a loot roll box came up for me.

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