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Member Since 15 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2024 00:51

#975798 The Greatest Gothador Player of All Time

Posted by seasack on 22 January 2017 - 08:20

it was once the funnest place on the internet

#930049 Secret Realms

Posted by seasack on 27 April 2015 - 19:10

there is the secret realm of my mind......

#929707 True Insanity

Posted by seasack on 24 April 2015 - 03:45

and you all thought i was crazy when i said it was my turn to win and it didnt let me win.......

#928108 i resubscribed !

Posted by seasack on 12 April 2015 - 03:58

i log in every day !

i play every few days , maybe more !

i chat in sb !



im accomplishing things , so i get to post about it

#928107 future gothador

Posted by seasack on 12 April 2015 - 03:55

frank was pretty funny

#927810 something new

Posted by seasack on 10 April 2015 - 03:02

im not only thrifty in the world of gothador , im also a thrifty shopper in real life . especially at the grocery store . i am a bargain hunter , i buy only things on special and my freezer is my best friend . i play this game with myself where the object is to create dinners for around 1$ or even less per plate . it has to have all four food groups and look good on the china , because sometimes i photograph my dinner . so far my lowest priced acceptabe plate came in at 78 cents . those are rare , but it is possible.



p.s. i dont include the cost of oven running electricity and all that , because that would spoil the whole 1$ illusion american dream

#927186 future gothador

Posted by seasack on 06 April 2015 - 13:46

that is the very first thing i have heard about cults controlling realms and the lack of unity between cults causing hcs to abandon this game lol
but i have only been playing since feb 2006 , so maybe i came in late tongue.png
i always thought that it was a combination of many things , including but not limited to (and in no specific order of importance):
players desire for a more graphical type of game
players deciding that they were tired of multis and alts
players who think they paid more money believed they should get better treatment
players getting sb and forum and game banned because of scrapes with aforementioned players
players growing up and getting jobs and spouses and children
players who dont have jobs or spouses or computers in their basments
players who worked for their levels for years only to see their work blown away by doublers and buffs and equipment that made it easy to level like crazy . they left
so many other reasons , but in my opinion , it was the actions of a relatively few spoiled so & so's that infected the game as a whole and caused the cows to seek a new direction (a few times over now) and abandon a game
the same things are happening in the other games , i assure you smile.png

#927136 future gothador

Posted by seasack on 05 April 2015 - 23:55

actually , game play has changed very little for me since the games 'death' . except for not being hunted in pvp constantly and the lack of much SB and forum action , its pretty much the same game . i still have a ton of quests to do , and plenty of space and time to do it in , and it doesnt cost much to play in what now feels like my own personal game .



i might be inclined to say , 'im glad the game is dead' lol

and thanks to the cows for not pulling the plug

#897146 future gothador

Posted by seasack on 01 November 2014 - 02:55

however , sensors are still detecting life signs

#888572 First cow to post wins

Posted by seasack on 06 September 2014 - 03:45

lord , get a room

#152355 theres an influx of players i havent seen in several years

Posted by seasack on 05 October 2011 - 07:41

what is the deal with that? is the economy so bad that all these people had to cancel their WOW accounts and come crawling back to good ol gothador?

i dont have any real proof or a list of names , but just watch the sb from time to time and youll see people who havent been around for years...and i do mean YEARS

im not saying its a bad thing , but as a generally suspicious person , im thinking theres some kind of buggery afoot , so lets discuss the matter with reckless abandon for logic : commence conspiracy theories...NOW

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