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Member Since 27 Dec 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2016 23:07

Topics I've Started

LVL 400 in about 2 months >:D

05 February 2016 - 00:27

not 5 days later made it to lvl 400 xinderoth city here i come

Why are most rp items so underpowered

01 February 2016 - 22:01

So ive been comparing the rp items to regular titan items and quest epics

why is it that rp items which are by far the hardest and take the most time to get having some of the lowest stats???


like for instance blueman of war sword which is a lvl 400 item and rp is getting trumped by elemental earth hammer which is not only one of the easiest epics to obtain its also 100 lvls lower than it???




im jsut saying perhaps rp items should be revamped?? maybe they should have mroe stam ain that a regular epic or better stats they are quite possibly the items that take the most work out of anything else in the game to obtain.


01 February 2016 - 19:49

So this or more or less because i feel like i end up buyin thins simply because they are rare or that they are cool looking but i wish i had a way to show other players the items i have collected plus i feel it would be a cool alternative to the ah if players want to sell something via the fsbox so here is the idea


a whole new inventory type deal displayed at the bottom of your profile that you can upgrade to put items on display for other players perhaps 5 fsp per slot with a max of somewhere between 200 and 2000 (this would not be an alternative to backpack spaces as the items would still take up 1 of your normal bp spaces even when on display)


i more or less think this is a pride thing ^_^ as i love the items i collect :P 

2 months in and already lvl 300

31 January 2016 - 04:44

just hit lvl 300 today on my 2 month mark >:D

Any chance of a frag market?

25 January 2016 - 10:09

you know a frag market liek the buff market

where we can sell frags out of our stash for set prices to other players who actually compose to make frag hunting a lot simpler.


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