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Member Since 26 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2015 15:47

Topics I've Started

Senira's Avatar Contest! Come one, come all

08 July 2015 - 18:41

Hello people :).


I'm looking for a new avatar, and I was thinking of doing a contest out of this. But, before making a contest with big prizes and such, I'd like to find out how many would be interested in joining, and making something for the contest?



I was thinking it'd be with a top 3, and paying for additional ones I like, possible 50 fsp for first place, 25 for second, 10 for third, and 5 fsp for additional ones. Anyone would be allowed to make as many entries as they want, but could only be in top 3 1 time, so nobody would be first and second, first and third or second and third, to keep it fair for others too.


So... Leave me some messages or pm me in-game (FS) if you have any thoughts on this? :).



 ~ Senira






The contest is official now, and people are allowed to make avatars for me for this contest :).


What I'm looking for, is something that looks good, in whichever way possible. Too many effects can ruin an avatar, but can also make it great, depending how well it's made, so make as many as you want, or as few as you want, I like simplicity and also unique graphics.


A few things that could help you get started, is that I'd like the character on the avatar to be a girl/woman, be it real, anime, cgi or whatever else is out there, personal-drawn characters are welcome too.


Some girl characters I like from anime would be:


1: Kagura from Gintama, if you know her from the anime, you'll know her personality, and I'd prefer something that fits with that ^^.


Picture of Kagura: http://pre09.deviant...i24-d52ojho.png


2: Hyuuga Hinata from Naruto, surely most, if not all would know who she is. But what I'm looking for, is a bit different from the regular anime style picture of her, if possible, I'd like something where the graphics are more along the lines of this picture.


Picture of Hinata: http://stuffpoint.co...ta-kiss-fanart/


3: A few characters from bleach: Shihõin Yoruichi, Tier Harribel & Tsumugiya Ururu.



I guess I could come with more for people, if none of these work, but I suppose it could help you off to a good start?



Deadline: 30th September, 2015 12.00 server time.



Now, for the prize pool.


First place will be getting 50 fsp.


Second place will be getting 25 fsp.


Third place will be getting 10 fsp.


Any others I like, will receive 5 fsp, per avatar I like.






No text slapping, I will research into avatars for that.


The top 3 cannot be the same person, and thus will be 3 different people. However, they can still receive extra fsp from extra avatars.


Have fun and feel free to make as many avatars as you'd like.


Signatures are welcome too, however they will not be top 3, but can still get bought for 5 fsp if I take a liking to them.

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