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Member Since 01 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2014 05:55

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Gold Sink

19 January 2014 - 10:16

overall just easy to make gold in this game, not just for 40s... I had over 1kgold before i even go to level 35. once i hit lvl 40 i was sitting on almost 4k gold...

In Topic: Terenul Rosu - Balsaur Bug

11 January 2014 - 02:39

raven sell me a full TR set then if its tradable. Ill pay well ;)

In Topic: Crafted Weapons / Armor / Jewelry - Dungeons and Items

07 January 2014 - 08:04

Has to be more than 1 way to get the flakes and remnants though. Running the same easy dungeon mindlessly over 100 times is not fun.

In Topic: Life Steal on Hit doesnt work as supposed?

05 January 2014 - 12:33

Been like this for a while now. Logging off resets it.

In Topic: Terenul Rosu

04 January 2014 - 08:06

this goes for everything dungeon, lol. i got sick of it after like 8 runs and im not even close to being finished. It would be nice if they worked on the boss drops and widen the loot drop range a bit... getting the same 1-2 loot from bosses is very lame. make the whole set drop and not just gloves.

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