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Member Since 06 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2022 05:03

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In Topic: Legacy Roadmap 2014

19 October 2014 - 19:05

If i had to choose between 3, it would be these.


Rogue Viability  :D 

Simply love the idea of making rogues into mercs. My only concerns are those voiced by Aaron. However, as this was a DtD topic that once never had hopes of surfacing, the pure excitement of this possibily being implemented has got me feeling like I could live with those consequences.


Warfare Enhancements :)

I'm not fond of the idea of a smaller Wasteland at all. In fact, I've been hoping for just the opposite, expanding wasteland by a few squares. Love the idea of more structures. I don't really see any downside to bigger maps with more objectives.


Warfare Shop Items :D

Need more items. Equipment would be amazing. Should crystals, credits, and tokens still need to take part in obtaining new equipment, perhaps Parts to certain equipment could be purchased via WFP from the Warfare Shop. Then, with said parts in your inventory you construct wanted equipment in the Offplane as usual. Avoiding any un-needed pain in the *** coding.

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