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Member Since 12 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2016 18:11

#945655 See chat while loading

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 19 August 2015 - 17:44

You can already talk and send messages to people, even without seeing the chatbox, please add it that we can also see the chat while waiting for map to load:)!


Would make everything so much easier for people with slow downloadspeed like me.

#942062 Locations of Woodland Spirits

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 29 July 2015 - 13:33

Locations of all Woodland spirits in Eldevin.

All of them reward u with 1-5 dubloons which can be used in summer event shop:)




Found most of them by myself, thanks to everyone who tipped me locations ingame:)

#941443 Exarch tiaud's mausoleum - insane lag

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 26 July 2015 - 19:55

Just in farming not lags: :(


Idk if wrong post or something, but what I meant is that that specific ONE dungeon causes weird lag and fps drops. Not game in general.

  • KeS likes this

#941333 Couple QoL things

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 25 July 2015 - 18:27

1: Bulk making for alchemy and cooking


These skills are constantly used, even after maxed. Making couple hundred health pots after u run out of old ones, can turn into 20min afking. Bulking just makes this faster.



2: Add 'Do you want to leave Eldevin' (or something) warning message when clicking red X button.


Started to type this thread because accidentally clicked it and my game shutted...



3: Separate buffs and debuffs


Makes life so much easier when u can see what's troubling you. (This can be real pain, while in combat and u cant see it because all buffs are just flashing on and off) - at least please give us option to put this on/off


4: Timer to see when dailies reset


When u get away from eldevin, and decide to come back, u often forget when dailies reset. It would be nice to have timer in quest book or somewhere to see this. It will be handy for everyone, due to players around the world trying to explain when game resets. Same with weeklies would be neat:3...


5: Shop for dungeon gear actually near the dungeons.


In boondocks, u run couple seconds and get to guy who sells u gear. This has bothered me way too long! This would be handy everywhere. Now u have to go to eldevin and buy your gear from champion's hall. Soloing bt and getting relics is pain, when you have to go first ec and buy one piece, and get back somehow (which takes ages to go with Dragon, run to cathedral, through the dungeon - most of the time person havent even completed those quests yet and needs to beg someone to tele them there!)






#939379 2 people bed bug

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 20 July 2015 - 11:37

No please don't make the same-gender marriage legal in this game :(

why not?
 Why not allow people to marry someone who they want.

#932838 New PvP mode!

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 17 May 2015 - 12:18

Hello guys.



I find pvp in Eldevin super BOOOOOORING because it has low amount of varieties. Therefore I'm today going to suggest new MAP for PvP queue thingy.



Ok here we go:



5v5, you will have to destroy enemy base. You will have small friendly minions spawning at your base.

and to make it a bit more challenging, there should be some kind of turrets to stop u, which will almost instantly kill u, if you attack them carelessly.

You will receive some kind of gold from killing enemy minions (they go towards enemy base on 3 different lanes, top, middle, bottom) and you need to aid those minions to reach the base of the enemy and win the game.

There will be 3 turrets on each lane, and after that defenceless 'inhibitor' which you must break so your team will get 'super minions' to spawn. After inhibitor is destroyed, your minions will attack another 2 turrets, which are defending heart of the opponent's base 'Nexus'.



Sounds good right? I was thinking about this whole night.


Oh and between lanes, there will be so called 'Jungle' where u can beat the monsters for extra cash.


With money you can buy stuff to aid you in battle.


Here's the map which I did with M/S paint.




IF this gets implented, I want to get some credits for this awesome suggestion, since I'm the mastermind of this whole thing.





#929622 Rebalance End Game Loot/Quests

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 23 April 2015 - 13:54

I cant remember when I did dungeon last time.



People are not willing to run them so nothing really to do in game.




Solo endgame stuff would be nice, instead of skilling grinding.

#929205 downgrade gems

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 19 April 2015 - 03:06

since caps.....might as well

I agree, since they added caps after people already had pro gems.


But I find it rather useless anyways. Just sell the gem and buy some lower ones to keep the EP moving.

  • KeS likes this

#927236 [Suggestion] Vanity Set Bonuses.

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 06 April 2015 - 21:40


#927093 New LFG system

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 05 April 2015 - 17:46

Currently LFG system is only used for teleports and that's about it.


This is absolutely something what should be remade.

#907820 Item binds

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 08 December 2014 - 17:08

I help noobs with low lvl dungeons, and sometimes I get neat items which I wanna transfer to my low lvl alt (as boss loot)

but I can't because they are binded. Even those which are not relic gear, like staves and bows... Change at least that bit pls!

#904674 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 25 November 2014 - 22:34

Id love to have this as a skill/profession.

Id steal all of Prince Ryans Nature Orbs *evil laugh*

Id go for all 6. Gotta catch 'em all!

#904488 Move Buffs and Currency

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 25 November 2014 - 14:20

OR could we get all the power to redo our own window?


I hate how I cant move my chat thingy..

#900209 Global Chat - improved world chat

Posted by AwiesGoesRawr on 12 November 2014 - 21:49

Bad idea, dont want to see US nubs shouts while playing on decent server.

Typical McHate. There's also good people there. Just like in Europe.

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