I didn't vote but just out of curiosity, who decides which players are deserving? Many players are helpful in certain areas of expertise so once you get started naming potions for people, where do you stop? I see a couple of people already named that are very active in chat. Nothing against them, but other players not active in chat are helpful as well even though it's not in the public eye so to speak. One of many personal examples I could give is Maehdros, who helped me (and many others) get started in gold hitting way back when. I would nominate him for a Master Thief potion but I can only imagine the wailing and crying that would bring from the anti-pvp'ers so who gets to decide?
you bring up a good point about "deserve", even though life sure doesn't seem to about about people getting what they deserve. if the idea gets implemented, should the very first one be named after me, since it's my own original idea? anyway, i had an idea!
a monthly rotation where a player could be chosen for various things: pvp, most levels gained, most buffs given, contribution to a global event, titan kills, SE kills, arena wins, chests opened, and maybe at the end of the year- yes, a popularity contest vote.
and most importantly, once a person wins this honor one time and gets a potion named for them, they can never get another one