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Member Since 22 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2014 11:12

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Oidhche Shamhna III

30 October 2014 - 07:31

Nice events, but please up the spawn rate of the seasonal titans. Not a singel one spawned in the last 30 hours.

In Topic: Arena Update #2 v2.48

27 June 2014 - 07:19

I like that the runner up now also gets some tokens. Makes losing the final less painfull. Thanks for that.


The biggest problem I have now is that there are so few arena matches of higher level I can join. Most matches are below level 200!, and almost nothing above level 1000. Why is that? Is that because the lower levels take a lot longer to fill?

In Topic: Zombie Yeoman Global Event

01 April 2014 - 06:58

It wouldn't (necessarily) be a penalty ...


The tiers would be based on CURRENT stamina, not MAXIMUM stamina .. If a player with a 100K max only had 20K current at the time of an event, he'd only need to expend 10K of that to reach the top (personal) tier ..


The minimum 1K / Tier could still apply if that's a concern :)

Sorry, I don't like the idea. It complicates things too much and will cause more problems than what it solves.


Global event is fine the way it is now in my opinion. 


I hunted on Sunday night putting in a bit more than 20K kills, hoping to get top 100, but knowing I coulnd't protect my spot because of work on monday, and no time hunt them then. It was a risk, and ofcourse it turned out I needed at least 28K kills to get in the top 100. What I want to say is that you should not wait till the last day, last hour, last minute to put in your kills, but do as much in the time you can. It can be that you used to much stam for something, but so what.....This is a game, and it is just stam in the game. It will regenerate and you can play again on another day. If you didn't hunt as much you can, then you have nothing to complain about. It was your own fault.

In Topic: Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

27 March 2014 - 16:47

Yeah. So the magic Titan hunters are studs. Why implement any changes to try to catch them right? Lol. If you truly believe what you are saying then why would you care what HCS does. It won't matter because they are not cheating. No need to complain about it. Unless you have something to hide :o

exactly! Why complain for something that is introduced to catch scripters?


What is this thing that automatically kills titans the second you step on it?

In Topic: New Xp formula for Composing needed

07 March 2014 - 16:09

The event did get me into composing. potion pollution has increased. Instead of me throwing away all those common items, now i throw away all those useless potions I make just for the composing XP. The floor is getting all sticky from the stuff.


But, I have only touched my common frags. All those other frags are still savely tucked away, and will last me still a long time to come. I think that a lot less people will go hunt for frags in the next legendary or crystalline event. The great success of this last GE will ripple into future events...

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